Chapter 3 Palace Life 1

  • Funny princess
  • Duanmu Rejuvenation
  • 1904 words
  • 2013-01-31 12:08:18

The life in the imperial palace is very miserable, just like the current "How about?" "It seems that I have slept, walked, and entered.", I hope the assassin will come soon. I was almost asleep when I waited. I said to myself: Come on, come on, come on..., it's really coming! The two are tiptoeing and moving vigilantly. They have collided before they can be reminded... Bang! "Yes..." Assassin B realized that assassin A "Don't shout, it's me." Assassin A just stopped thumping and kept silent. I was about to speak, only to hear assassin A complain again, "It's at midnight. It will frighten people to death. I didn't sleep well. After being frightened twice, my heart will die. Don't be so rash again, and you will compensate me for scaring me."... Assassin B was silent for a while, Said, "I will pay attention next time." "Next time, you can expect another time!"... The assassin B realized the truth again, paused for a long time, and said, "No more." The assassin A stopped jumping, continued to grope forward, and heard the assassin B suddenly add; "There is no next time. I will never be with you again even if I die next time." He walked away despite the sudden increased breathing of assassin A. What an interesting person! But you can't be friends. However, are these two talented people brave or are they new born calves not afraid of tigers? It's really unprofessional to talk while assassinating. At least we can talk when we are finished.

I sighed for not being able to meet them. I heard the slight footsteps and cursed secretly. When will I still wander? It's not the same as them. However, I really had the chance to meet them thousands of miles away. I had the same ideas. When I was thinking about it, I was suddenly struck by a knife! I fell out of bed. Fortunately, I hid quickly, otherwise I would become meat and mud. I was excited about my strong luck, and I was almost cut again. Hurry to stop, I suddenly said, "Two brothers, I'm not the prince, you mistakenly recognized that the prince is not here, but it's fate to meet, how about sitting down and having a chat?" Assassin B was silent and had a play! Just as he was about to turn around to deal with another, assassin A put down his sword and asked loudly, "Who are you?" I clasped my fist, "I'm going down to Mu Qian." "Ah, Mu Qian." His tone was very familiar, and he said, "You know me, Great Xia?" Just as he was about to be proud of his reputation, assassin A suddenly sniffed, "Don't put gold on his face, I don't know, but I read it out." ... "Oh, I misunderstood you, Great Xia. We sat down and talked by candlelight. Let's talk about our life ideals and analyze the general situation of the world." Assassin A quickly put his sword back into the scabbard and held his chest proudly. "It's not a problem to talk by candlelight. Do you know how much money the employer paid? Tell me how much you can offer. " I don't have the right to make a decision. I'm not the prince. Assassin A added, "Don't go too far. I'll give you 20% off at most." After a moment's pause, I immediately raised my smile and said, "It's OK. I don't have any silver notes for the time being, but I can choose whatever is in the room." Assassin A responded with satisfaction and turned to look at B again. "You can make an offer, but I suggest that you don't ask for the silver note or ask for it later. If you are late, you will not be given it. Maybe your kung fu will be killed again." After a pause, he raised his chin at the back of B, "I see that the jade hanging behind you is good, and it is convenient to take. You can take it." Assassin B kept silent, looked back, and finally put the sword back, I raised my hand, "Please", and A pulled B to sit down.

After sitting down, assassin A begins; "Well, let's start. You have satisfied my ideal of life. As for the general trend of the world, I'm not sure. Please tell me." I sat down cross legged, Speak slowly "Well, the prince is not too good, but he is not bad compared with his brother. Although he is a mother, he is also broad-minded in terms of not being moved by his brother's provocation and not secretly causing harm. Moreover, he is lucky that he has not been killed for more than ten years. Compared with his brother, he was born two days later and could not kill anyone for half his life Now, he deserves to be a prince because he is so incompetent. What do you think? " After saying that, he is lucky to hang his head down. But he has been able to endure for so many years. I seriously suspect that he is disdainful and boring. With his attitude of looking at his brother with white eyes, this possibility is very high. But assassin A didn't notice, and smiled, "The prince is very lucky. Before I came here, he could keep his life for so many years. Judging by this fortune, it is normal for him to become the emperor. Hmm, the people will be blessed later. Today, I will wash my hands. Let's have more exchanges in the future, and be brothers and sisters. If I can't survive, and you are still here, I will not pay in vain." I wiped sweat, I don't care, such a big palace... Some rich men in Qi will be busy later. But this is not my job. I turned to Brother B and asked him, "What does Brother think, Only when he is satisfied with me can I do the job. I took up the tea cup and said, "Two brothers, please drink tea." I put down the tea cup and looked at the sky. Before I could speak, Brother A stood up and patted the earth. "Let's go first. What should you do, little sister?" I quickly got up to see Brother B off. I asked tentatively, "What's the matter, brother?" Brother B has not answered yet. Brother A turned around and said, "Go! What are you doing here in the middle of the night? I'll see you later if I have something to do. Take your jade pendant and go with me." Brother B stood up silently.

You two are going far away. I yawn. It's the sixth watch. It's time to go to bed. Just listen to the sound from afar. "You didn't take anything just now." "Ah! I forgot. Wait for me." Then there was a sound of rummaging through the boxes and cabinets