Chapter 124 Ancient Songs

The overall level of the students in the Performance Department of the School of Arts of Jiangnan University was still low in Tang and Song Dynasties. Although the two sketches arranged by the students in Class 2 still had various shortcomings in Tang and Song Dynasties, they were already competitive in the Performance Department. If they could pass the trials in the end, Tang and Song would not be surprised.

It was too late for the Tang and Song Dynasties to leave. They spent less than five yuan in the student canteen, sacrificed to the Five Zang Organs Temple, and returned to their bachelor dormitory contentedly. If there is anything that Tang and Song cannot bear to leave Jiangnan University, apart from their own students, it is probably the canteen. A large row of two dollars and five cents, a fried bean sprout seven cents, plus three liang rice sixty-six cents, a bowl of tomato and egg soup one yuan, meat and soup a total of four dollars and eighty-six cents, where can I find such a cheap meal.

After returning to the dormitory, Tang and Song honestly took out their notebooks and continued to code. Recently, the Tang and Song dynasties code words are very passionate. It has been nearly three months since the Langya List was uploaded, and it has been half dead. The reason why the Tang and Song dynasties are more passionate is that he has coded to 65 chapters, and the last five chapters can climb out of this damn pit!

According to the original plan of the Tang and Song Dynasties, only one chapter can be coded in two days. Who wants his girlfriend to go to Brazil for a business trip, but the time difference between the two countries is here. It is not so convenient to even want to have a video chat. Therefore, the time originally planned by the Tang and Song Dynasties to accompany his girlfriend can be coded.

At the initial stage of uploading the Langya List, the update speed was not fast, and even stopped for a few days. However, after Guan Linlin went abroad, the Tang and Song dynasties were basically able to ensure that one chapter a day was more than ten thousand words a day. According to the current progress, the Langya List could be completed in less than one week, and the Tang and Song dynasties were naturally energetic!

After coding a chapter of "Langya List", Tang and Song Dynasties immediately released it on microblog. Now "Langya List" is a task for him, and he has long ignored the publicity and promotion. Although there are millions of followers on his microblog, even one in ten thousand people who really follow each chapter may not have it. As for the originally thought favor of publishers, it is a beautiful dream, The Tang and Song dynasties have long awakened from this dream.

After finishing the novel, Tang Song read the time. At about eleven o'clock, the time difference between Guan Linlin's place and China was eleven hours. It was about twelve o'clock at noon (23-11=12). This time should be the time for lunch break. Tang Song planned to send a video. Guan Linlin has been busy in recent days, and the two people had no video for nearly a week.

"At a meeting." Guan Linlin hung up the video invitation of Tang and Song and replied with three words.

"Ah!" I don't know whether it was because I had a bad mood to offend two leaders in succession today. Suddenly, Tang and Song felt very tired, and even had a negative idea of giving up this relationship.

"Maybe she will call me after the meeting." Although Tang Song always calls him on his own initiative, he still hopes to receive a call from Guan Linlin, so he will wait until 12:00 every night before going to bed.

Today was a very bad day for Tang and Song dynasties. The only good news for him was that the sales office called him. In the middle of June, the house bought by Tang and Song dynasties was about to complete the infrastructure capping. Because the house he bought was given 500000 yuan for fine repair, the sales office asked him to consider the decoration in advance, so that he could communicate with their designers, This means that the Tang and Song dynasties will be able to move into a new house by the end of the year.

Just when there was nothing to do, Tang and Song Dynasty began to browse home decoration forums and other websites, but at this time a strange phone call came in.

"Hello, is that Mr. Tang?" The voice of a strange man was at the other end of the phone.

"Hello, I'm Tang Song. Who are you?" Tang Song asked in reply.

"Hello, Mr. Tang, I'm Gu Yue, the manager of the Ancient Song Studio." The man introduced himself.

"Google?" The Tang and Song Dynasties were stunned, thinking that the current liar's routine was really deep, "I'm still the boss of Baidu!"

Tang and Song hung up the phone directly, but as soon as they hung up the phone, Tang and Song were stunned. There are no search websites such as Google and Baidu in this world. Did they misunderstand something.

Fortunately, the strange phone called here: "Mr. Tang, don't hang up now. I'm not a liar. I'm the manager of Guge Studio. Do you know Guge Studio? It's the studio founded by Guge. If you don't know it, you can search online!"

Without Gu Yue's reminding, Tang and Song would also search the Internet, and then they knew that they had placed an own dragon.

This ancient song is not Google. Google is an actor under Huhuang Entertainment and a superstar with tens of millions of fans. After the end of his last contract with Huhuang, he did not choose to continue signing with entertainment companies. Instead, he used his contacts in the entertainment industry and accumulated wealth over the years to establish his own film studio. Now, he is not only an actor, but also a producer Director and other identities are among the most successful actors and businessmen.

"Sorry, I thought it was a fraud call. What's the matter?" Tang Song asked.

"Well, he likes the old song" Lang Ya Bang "you updated on Weibo very much, and hopes to buy the film and television adaptation right of this novel. I don't know what Mr. Tang thinks?" Gu Yue came straight to the point.

"Langya List?" The Tang and Song Dynasties were stunned. It was really not bright in the east and bright in the west. Instead, the publishing house invited the film studio.

"Yes, is the film and television adaptation right of Teacher Tang's novel still in your hands now?" Gu Yue asked.

"Yes, Manager Gu is sorry, this novel has not been finished yet." Tang and Song embarrassed.

"Of course we know this, but it should also be the end stage. From the previous content, we are very confident in this novel, so we started early. After all, we are just a small studio, and we are not competitive with those entertainment companies." Gu Yue explained.

"I'm curious that this novel has not attracted much attention since it was uploaded. I don't know why you have noticed this novel?" Tang and Song asked curiously.

"In fact, Gu Ge likes it very much. He is a loyal fan of you, and he goes after the night shift every day." Gu Yue said with a smile, "He wanted to call you personally, but he thought it was too rude, so let me contact you first. If Mr. Tang wants, we'd better find a time to talk face to face."

After such a long time of hard work, we should finally get some results. Naturally, Tang and Song dynasties were very willing to sell the film and television adaptation rights.

"Well, when will it be convenient for you to come to Jiangnan University..."