Chapter 6 Contraception, see also blue

Mo Yichen touched his itchy nose, looked sympathetically at Lin Yuanzhi, who was almost rolling on the ground with pain, and then turned down the stairs with his mouth curled.

Well, Lu Qingqing is really violent. Even as a man, he was frightened by Lu Qingqing's gesture of beating others just now.

Lu should not know that he was watching all the time. Mo Yichen went downstairs and bought two bottles of mineral water and some snacks that girls like.

Well, I was thirsty after scolding for so long with such a loud voice just now, and I should be hungry after beating people with my purse for so long.

When Mo Yichen went there, he saw Lu Qingqing holding a bag in one hand and fanning himself in the other. He saw himself coming, his mouth slightly raised. Compared with Lu Qingqing, who was just evil, he was just two people.

Mo Yichen handed Lu Qingqing the bag in his hand, opened the passenger door, and actively put Lu Qingqing's suitcase into the trunk. Finally, he entered the driver's seat himself. All the movements were so beautiful that Lu Qingqing could not help but be surprised.

It is clear that he was a man who was unsmiling before. Why has he become so considerate now? Buy her water, snacks, car doors and luggage.

When Mo Yichen started the car, he said faintly, "Have you changed your flat shoes?"

"Ang..." Lu replied with a single tone clearly and stupidly. The man could see clearly that she had changed her flat shoes. Did he know that he had no image just now and hit people like a shrew?

Mo Yichen nodded, and then the two people did not interact. They sat in their seats in silence. But when they got to the drugstore, Mo Yichen suddenly stopped and said clearly to Lu, "I will go shopping, and you will wait in the car."

Lu Qingqing blinked his eyes, but finally he didn't say anything.

It's just a matter of buying a pregnancy medicine. To be frank, their marriage has no emotional foundation anyway. Having children is just a burden, but it's bad for the body to take too much of that medicine.

Two minutes later, Mo Yichen came back. The first thing after getting on the bus was to hand Lu Qingqing the bag with medicine in hand, then fasten the seat belt and start the car to drive away.

There are only two kinds of drugs in it, one is pregnancy avoiding drug, which is no doubt, but this kind of pregnancy avoiding drug is the least harmful to the mother, and it can work for half a month after taking one.

Mo Yichen didn't want to have a baby with her, nor did he want her to have no chance to be a mother, so he gave her some medicine to avoid pregnancy. Lu Qingqing was not surprised.

However, there is another kind of ointment to remove stasis, swelling, pain and blisters. Lu Qingqing was surprised. How did he know that his feet were burning and blisters were still forming on the soles of his feet?

Don't tell her that just because she changed into flat shoes, he had a brilliant guess. Lu Qing would not believe such insincere lies.

But now that the medicine has been given to her, Lu Qingqing opens the bottle of mineral water, takes one without hesitation, takes off his shoes, unscrews the ointment, and smears it in the car.

As soon as the medicine was applied, the soles of his feet were cool and comfortable, without the burning tingling sensation just now. Lu exhaled clearly and comfortably, and his frown gradually eased.

Although all this was caused by Mo Yichen, Lu Qingqing smiled and thanked her sweetly. Mo Junyan shook his head expressionless and said to her, "You're welcome." As long as you don't beat me so rudely in the future, I will be grateful.

Lu Qingqing returned to the huge villa halfway up the mountain again, and then he had a chance to see the plaque at the gate of the villa with three flowing characters: Anning Garden.

Lu Qingqing likes the word 'tranquility', which means quiet and peaceful. She also hopes that her life can be the same as the meaning of these two words - quiet and peaceful. What Lu Qingqing doesn't know is that after she lives in the 'Anning Garden', her life will be completely 'tranquil'.

"Hello, young master! Hello, young lady!" I have to say, Lu Qingqing was shocked by the loud greetings from the security guards in black suits, with walkie talkies on their ears, and servants in maid's clothes. But his face was calm, and he nodded with a smile to show his response to them.

The man standing at the front smiled and bowed respectfully to Lu. He introduced himself with respect and warmth: "Hello, young lady, I'm Jessica, the housekeeper of Anning Garden. If you want to go out in the future, please tell me at any time, and I will serve you wholeheartedly."

The suitcase was carried by a woman in a black professional three piece suit, and Lu Qingqing introduced herself with a smile: "Hello, young lady, I'm Linda, responsible for managing all the maids in Anning Garden. You can tell me all the needs of the young lady in Anning Garden at any time, and I will serve you wholeheartedly."

Lu Qingqing nodded quietly and smiled: "Linda, right? Now help me carry the box to my room and hang up my clothes. Please."

With that, Lu Qingqing looked at Mo Yichen with a smile and asked, "Yi Chen, do you have anything else to tell them?"

Mo Yichen's body was in a daze without any trace, and gently shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to do.

Lu nodded clearly and slowly turned back to them, saying, "It's all right here. You should go and do what you should do." His voice was calm and relaxed.

After Lu Qingqing finished speaking, Chao Moyichen nodded, and then walked to the room where he had slept last night according to his only memory.

Facts have proved that Lu's clear memory is really good. Without taking any extra steps, she has arrived at the room that belongs to her.

Lu Qingqing pushed the door open and walked in slowly. He looked around the room carefully. The room was very large, and the area of the cloakroom and bathroom should not be less than 100 square meters.

This room is divided into four areas, a small living room, study, computer room and room. Although they are all small here, the area is larger than that of the small second bedroom.

In particular, the two meter two bed is designed for people like her who like to roll on the bed. It's perfect.

The only drawback is that the room is all sky blue from the floor to the ceiling, which makes Lu feel sick when he looks at it clearly.