Chapter 54 Pretend to Sleep, Illusory Reality

Mo Yichen tucked in the quilt for Lu Qingqing, and Zhen Zhi heavily kissed Lu Qingqing's forehead. She looked deeply at Lu Qingqing's face, and finally sighed weakly. She stood up and left Lu Qingqing's room quietly. She was even more careful when closing the door for fear of making a little noise that would disturb Lu Qingqing's rest.

Mo Yichen's attitude towards Lu Qingqing now gives people the illusion that Lu Qingqing is Mo Yichen's beloved lover, which is puzzling.

Just after Mo Yichen closed the door, Lu Qingqing, who should have fallen asleep, opened his eyes, raised his hand and touched his forehead in some doubt

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