Chapter 524 Return, Revenge Begins (83)

Gu Jinyu nodded approvingly. Gu and Yaming pretended to be framing her, but this method was too low, and Lian Tianrui saw through it at a glance.

"Now that everything has been said, why did you hit Gu Heya?" Lian Tianrui believes that Gu Jinyu hit Gu Heya is true, but it is better to ask the reason of the matter clearly, so that Gu Heya will not do anything when the time comes, and he can take precautions.

Gu Jinyu was angry about this matter ahead of time and told everything about it. Later, Gu's mother also slapped Gu Heya because she loved her, and Gu's father drove Gu Heya out. From now on

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