Chapter 500 Return, Revenge Begins (59)

Listen to Gu Heya's words, Gu Jinyu is really speechless. Lian Tianrui is her boyfriend. She knows what is best for Lian Tianrui, and doesn't need Gu Heya to talk more about it.

Gu Jinyu turned his head and looked at Lian Tianrui reluctantly. It was all because Lian Tianrui was so good-looking. So now Gu and Yadu are in love. It's shameless to be in front of her boyfriend.

Lian Tianrui knew that he had done nothing wrong. It was Gu Heya who was so shameless that she said such ambiguous words, which made Gu Jinyu misunderstand. However, Lian Tianrui was very happy that Gu Jinyu was jealous of him at last. ...

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