Chapter 316 Shooting, Deadly Strike (12)

Papa Gu took the umbrella and the bun in his hand with one hand, then took the key out of his pocket, said with a smile, "Yuyu and her mother are still asleep, and it's no use knocking at the door. If they are noisy, it's bad. Let me open the door."

Lian Tianrui was a little stunned, and then he realized that he had just accosted himself and asked Gu Jinyu's father. If he had known that this was Gu Jinyu's father, Lian Tianrui would have been more polite and said everything he knew.

Dad Gu has opened the door. Afraid of Lian Tianrui's embarrassment, he raised his hand and patted Lian Tianrui on the shoulder, saying casually

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