Chapter 33 Old Man Zhang Zhizu

  • Go back to the golden age
  • He Pang Wants to Lose Weight
  • 2163 characters
  • 2016-08-29 00:11:28

In the end, Warner Music was the first to sign Huang Xi. As for the problem of liquidated damages, it's OK to directly submit it to the lawyer department.

At this time, Wu Neng, who was thousands of miles away, was digging loaches in the fields. Although he had not sold them to the city for money, some friends came to ask Wu Neng to dig loaches while he was on holiday for a few days. In any case, he didn't care about the few dollars. Wu Neng promised to continue to collect eel loaches, and the price was still five cents a piece. In the afternoon, several good friends dug more than five kilograms, Since it's for food, it doesn't need so much. Wu Neng comes home with a bucket of loach eel.

Rinse the loach with well water, separate the loach from the eel, remove the head and belly of the loach, and clean it. Marinate the washed loach with salt, cooking wine, and light soy sauce for 10 minutes. Cut garlic slices and shredded ginger. Wash the green pepper just picked at home, remove the seeds and cut into large pieces for standby. Ask my mother to burn the firewood up, pour oil and heat it, put some dry pepper, add ginger and garlic, and explode them, Then put the pickled loach, stir fry it with firewood, stir fry the chili for a while, put the seasoning, and throw a handful of wild onions when loading the plate. Suddenly, the aroma spread among the neighbors along with the window, causing several aunts to praise.

In the countryside, dry firewood is found in Houshan, and the cooked food has a smell of firewood, which is most suitable for stir frying.

This is Wu Neng's first time to cook at his home. He used to eat the food cooked by his mother. He had to eat when he got up, and was too lazy to cook. He was in a good mood during the holiday. Wu Neng also seldom cooks.

Wu Jianwen was shocked by the cooking. When one dish of hot pepper fried loach and the other dish of oil fried eel were served, Wu Jianwen quickly picked up a eel and stuffed it into his mouth. After eating the eel, Wu Jianwen could not help but secretly poured out a half jin cup of sorghum wine from the wine jar in the corner while his mother He Xiulan was not paying attention, After receiving the chopsticks handed by Wu Neng, he picked up a loach, smashed it, spit out the bones, and took another sip of wine, which made the honest man so happy that his mouth was crooked!

The mother took the food just in time to see the happy expression of her father, and immediately became angry.

"Wu Jianwen, you are drinking again, right? Drink!! You know how to drink all day long. Why don't you drink to death? You forgot the scandal that you got drunk and rolled into the fields last month!! I think you should forget to drink to death."

Although the mother scolded, she still did not stop her work. She filled Wu Neng's bowl with food and then filled his bowl with food.

Hearing his mother's nagging, the father drank a little wine, which was somewhat unfair. He winked at Wu Neng. Wu Neng smiled knowingly and said, "Dad, I heard yesterday that Old Man Zhang of the next village held his 80th birthday the day before yesterday? I heard that several cars had come."

Wu Jianwen winked at Wu Neng, hoping that Wu could find a topic to distract his wife's attention.

This year, there are not many people who can live to be 80 years old in the countryside and cut firewood in the mountains. Father Zhang Xiaonian in the next village is such a talented person. He has experienced the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, the New China, and three dynasties. His family is all gentry. College students with formal education in the old society have also worked in politics after graduation. He has been the county head of the old society, and after the founding of New China, After 20 years in prison, and finally as a teacher for another 20 years, I finally returned to my hometown to enjoy my old age, and earned the nickname "Zhang Zhizu" all my life.

Fifty years ago, the place Wu Neng stepped on was the territory of Father Zhang Zhizu's family. A quarter of the land in Changxian County belonged to his family. Such a young man in the old society should hate the new government. But in fact, Father Zhang laughed all day long, so he retired home. He was too busy to pick up small businesses from time to time, I started a small business as an old peddler, and finally earned some spare money and my retirement salary were basically donated to the nearby primary school, which was used to pay tuition fees for children from poor families.

He has no children in his life. It is a miracle that such a respected old man has lived to 80 years old. The legend of the old man is basically known from all over the country. What people talk about most is the grand occasion of his family in those years. Most villagers are still excited and respectful about the good deeds of the old man over the years. When they meet him, they will laugh and shout "Teacher Zhang, or Father Zhang" However, some village women were jealous and said that Old Man Zhang was paying off his debts. His family had done too much evil in those years, so they did good things to pay off their debts. Otherwise, their conscience would not be peaceful.

Such a person's eightieth birthday will naturally become a rare gossip topic during this period of time. In his previous life, Wu Neng only heard of such an old man. After all, he was not from the same village. In his previous life, when he was young and didn't know anything, he was also not interested in such topics and characters. When Wu Neng heard that the old man died at the age of ninety-five, he had already worked far away, Some people and some things have nothing to do with him.

Fairness is at the heart of the people. The contacts and good results that the old man has accumulated over the years will naturally appear at a certain time. This time, when the old man Zhang celebrates his eightieth birthday, Wu Neng specially heard some information. He heard that a lot of big people came, the so-called big people are officials. Wu Neng would not be interested in such information in his previous life. Although he and himself have no reason in this life, But Wu Neng still sincerely hopes that the old man can live a long and healthy life. Such good people are less and less!

Talking about gossip, Wu Neng and his son ate eel loach. Wu Jianwen took a sip of wine from time to time, and sweated heavily. His mother He Xiulan seemed to have no appetite after eating a bowl of rice, and his eyebrows were locked, as if he was not feeling well. Wu Neng asked her mother immediately.

He Xiulan shook her head, indicating that she was OK. She just had a pain in her stomach.

Wu Neng sat down and recalled whether his mother had ever suffered from any disease in the last life. But after thinking for a long time, there was no memory in his mind. When he was young in the last life, he had no memory of his parents at all. Wu Neng felt a burst of remorse. The two people who loved him most in the world did not care about each other at all, As a child, you really feel ashamed. Everyone is like this. You are grateful for your kindness once, and you take it for granted all your life. This is human nature.

Wu Neng still asked his father to find time to take his mother to the county seat for a physical examination. In this era, farmers have no health awareness at all. Most of them suffer from minor illnesses. When they can't stand it, they go to the village health station to ask a barefoot doctor to prescribe a medicine or two. If the medicine is taken, it doesn't matter what the effect is, it depends on God. Many old people suffer from minor illnesses to serious illnesses and finally starve to death in their beds, Many old people lie in bed for ten days and a half months, can't eat anything, and finally die. What is it not hunger?

"As for going to the big hospital? Do you have money? Do you have time? Unless it is a child, or a common disease, or a child is sick, the family will find a way to go to the big hospital for treatment."

Wu Jianwen nodded, but did not take it seriously. There were too many problems with women. How could they afford to go to the hospital for treatment.