Chapter 43 Elder Lin's Excitement

Liu Pan naturally wanted to say something about refining pills with Elder Lin's miraculous medicine. After all, Elder Lin really didn't have any bad thoughts about him, and he didn't want to be ungrateful.

However, using words to explain is not as effective as using actions to explain, and using actions to explain is not as good as asking the other party to think and agree.

Therefore, Liu Pan chose to refine several ordinary pills and put them in the back hall for Elder Lin to find. In this way, as long as Elder Lin finds that he can refine ordinary pills well, he will naturally consider the problem of refining moral pills.

In the final analysis, Liu Pan did so in order to practice his hands in advance. After all, he has just come into contact with the Dharma. If he starts to refine the Pill of Character, even he has no confidence that he can succeed.

After eating at the peak of Daye Peak, Liu Pan returned to the Medicine Hall without delay. Nothing special happened during this period, but Liu Pan found a strange phenomenon, that is, his second senior brother Zhu Jiangyang had been quietly following him since he left the medicine hall, as if he was monitoring his every move, which made him feel very puzzled.

But if it were not for the existence of spiritual power, Liu Pan would not have discovered the existence of Zhu Jiangyang. This also had to make him sigh that Zhu Jiangyang still had some skills.

However, although Zhu Jiangyang followed him, he did not make any special moves, and Liu Pan did nothing shameful. Therefore, after thinking for a moment, Liu Pan did not have anything to do with Zhu Jiangyang. After all, Zhu Jiangyang is his second senior brother. Even if he finds out Zhu Jiangyang, he can't do anything to Zhu Jiangyang. In this case, it's better to let Zhu Jiangyang go and see why Zhu Jiangyang is spying on him.

Back at the Medicine Hall, there was no sign of Elder Lin in the front hall, but Liu Pan didn't think it was strange. He moved and walked directly to the back hall.

In the back hall, Elder Lin was a little distracted. He held several white jade vases in his hand, which contained the ordinary pills that Liu Pan had refined before.

"Master," Liu Pan saluted respectfully and called Elder Lin, who was a little distracted.

Hearing Liu Pan's voice, Elder Lin was slightly shocked. Then he came back to his senses and turned to look at Liu Pan.

"Here you are." Elder Lin looked at Liu Pan, then held up the white jade porcelain bottle in his hand, and said in a trembling voice, "These are all made by you before?"

Although he understood that the question was nonsense, Elder Lin still asked this question, because he thought it was incredible.

In fact, although Elder Lin is over sixty years old, he has never seen a monk with spiritual power. Or, he has met, but he does not know that the other party has mental power.

However, if a monk who has spiritual power makes pills or something, Elder Lin has never even heard of it. The only thing he sees is the description in the Dan Book. Therefore, Lin Chang honestly can't believe that Liu Pan can make ordinary pills by himself in less than three hours when he is exposed to the pills and no one has instructed him. And it is still twelve ordinary pills full of pills.

You know, when he first learned the elixir, he spent nearly two months. I don't know how many herbs he wasted before refining the first pill of Fanpin, and only half of them are six! Besides, it doesn't count the time he learned medicine before

Is there such a big gap between having mental power and not having mental power? This is the biggest doubt in Elder Lin's mind at the moment.

In fact, there is also a reason why Liu Pan was able to refine 12 pills full of pills in such a short time. Although he has never refined pills before, he has written about them in books, and he has seen them in other people's books.

In this way, Liu Pan is not as strange to alchemy as other friars in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that he is familiar with the road. The only thing he lacks is his proficiency in practical operation.

That is to say, if we change to other friars with spiritual power, we can never do as exaggerated as he does.

Liu Pan couldn't believe Elder Lin's words, but he couldn't explain anything, so he saluted Elder Lin, He replied respectfully: "Yes, I have read the books on the shelf before, and I tried to refine several pills without stopping itching. Unexpectedly, it was successful. I hope Shifu doesn't blame me for using the herbs here without Shifu's permission."

"Don't blame, don't blame..." Elder Lin waved his hand, his wrinkled face suddenly turned a little red, and then said anxiously, "Well, can you make a pill now, I want to see..."

Elder Lin suddenly stopped talking at this place and didn't know how to continue for a while. For alchemists, the most taboo when refining pills is to have someone watch from the sidelines, unless it is in the teaching of masters and apprentices.

Although Liu Pan is the disciple of Elder Lin, in the final analysis, Elder Lin has never taught Liu Pan anything. Liu Pan learned all this from his own books. So there is only a name of master and apprentice between them. When there is no master and apprentice, what's more, Liu Pan's alchemy is not a master and apprentice teaching, but how can Liu Pan, a curious and spiritual master, refine pills

Although Elder Lin didn't finish, Liu Pan understood what Elder Lin meant. Liu Pan was grateful to Elder Lin, but he didn't care about the fire alchemy at all, so he didn't refuse Elder Lin, but smiled and said: "Since the master wants to see it, the disciple will make a fool of himself."

Liu Pan said that without hesitation, he went straight to the medicine rack and chose a pair of blood activating pills after a little thinking.

The reason for choosing the Blood Activating Pill is that the most difficult to refine ordinary pills recorded in the Danshu here is the Blood Activating Pill. Liu Pan's ultimate goal is to explode the Yuan Pill, so he will certainly not miss this opportunity to show his ability to refine pills in front of Elder Lin.

Seeing that Liu Pan chose a pair of blood activating pills, Elder Lin was stunned, but he didn't say anything, but quietly waited for Liu Pan to open the cauldron to refine pills.

After a little treatment of the medicinal materials, Liu Pan did not delay. He directly opened the cauldron and put the medicinal materials into the cauldron in a specific order. Then he lit the lavender wood and put it under the cauldron.

The flames billowed and soon the temperature in the cauldron rose. Liu Pan sat down with his knees crossed, his eyes closed and his spirit spread out, immersing himself in the medicine cauldron.

After watching Liu Pan start the fire, he sat down with his knees crossed. Elder Lin's eyes flashed slightly, and then his mind moved, and his divine sense was swept into the medicine cauldron

Decomposition, purification, smelting, pill formation

All steps are completed in one go! Although he knew that nothing would happen, Liu Pan was slightly relieved when he finally became the Pill.

Turn off the fire and cool down. When the lid of the cauldron was opened and twelve pills were taken out without accident, Lin Chang was always excited, even his whole body was trembling slightly.

This is the first time that Elder Lin saw a spiritual monk refining pills. He also fully understood the difference between having spiritual power and not having spiritual power. Although he was hit by something, Elder Lin was not discouraged. He even felt very motivated, because he learned a lot from it

In reality, seeing the alchemy of spiritual friars is totally different from the alchemy of spiritual friars in the Dan Book. After watching Liu Pan's alchemy, Elder Lin felt that his cultivation on the path of elixir must be improved in a very short time.

"Shifu," Liu Pan hesitated, but decided to speak.

"Ah? What's wrong?" Hearing Liu Pan's voice, Elder Lin suddenly recovered from his excitement, but the trembling in his voice could not be concealed.

"Master, I want to use the elixir in the jade box to try to refine Renyuan Pill." Liu climbed up and saluted with determination.

Refining Renyuan Pill? Hearing what Liu Pan said, Elder Lin was obviously stunned, but for a moment, his face was flushed again, and he nodded without hesitation.

However, a moment later, Elder Lin seemed to think of something, and said with a discussion in his tone: "Well, can I watch it on the side?"

For Elder Lin, although he has been refining pills for many years, due to various conditions, his Taoist accomplishments are just the level of the junior alchemist. When refining the lower level person's yuan pill, he will feel a bit laborious. The middle level person's yuan pill is just a chance. As for the top level person's yuan pill, he has not even thought about it.

Now, Liu Pan said that he would try to refine Renyuan Pill, which naturally excited him. He didn't care whether Liu Pan's Taoist cultivation would be better than him. He only knew that if he could observe the refining of Renyuan Pill, he would go further in his cultivation of the Dharma. Even after that, he can go to the patriarch Yang Jiangshui to discuss buying the elixir of the top grade Yuan Dan

Liu Pan certainly did not refuse Elder Lin's desire to observe his own alchemy. As long as Elder Lin doesn't disturb him when he is refining pills, no matter how he observes it, it will have no effect on his refining pills.

Moreover, he is taking Elder Lin's medicinal materials to make pills. If he doesn't return something to Elder Lin, he will be sorry.

With the permission of Elder Lin, Liu Pan did not delay. He went directly to the deepest shelves to get some jade boxes and made up a piece of medicine for refining bone quenching pills. Then he returned to the medicine cauldron.

Although the ultimate goal is to explode the pill, Liu Pan does not intend to refine it from the beginning.

Not to mention that he has not yet refined Renyuan Pill, nor does he know the difference between the attributes of Lingcao and ordinary herbs, so he thinks that the explosive yuan pill is the middle grade Renyuan Pill, and he must first select the lower grade Renyuan Pill to practice.

Clean the medicine cauldron, deal with the medicinal materials, and put in the medicinal materials... Liu Pan did every part carefully, so that Elder Lin, who watched him do all this, doubted whether Liu Pan had known the knowledge of alchemy before he entered the Baiyang Sect.

However, only a moment later, Elder Lin threw his doubts out of his mind. He felt that it was not important for Liu Pan to know these things early on. What was important was that Liu Pan had already made a fire and started to make pills