Chapter 192 Zhongzhou Earthquake

Yuan Ling flickered as if he was breathing, and Liu Pan's cultivation of Yuan Li was slowly improving in this breath.

This is the first time that Liu Pan has seriously observed the situation in his elixir field since he broke through to Wu Huang State.

On the road of cultivation, when you are in the state of martial arts, you are quenching your body.

In the martial arts realm, there will be yuan force vortex in the elixir field.

In the martial arts world, the whirlpool of Yuan force is compressed and condensed into a Yuan pill.

In King Wu's realm, the Yuan Pill was broken and gave birth to the Yuan Spirit.

At the time of Wu Huangjing, spirit and force were integrated, and the spirit of the Yuan Dynasty was sublimated.

During the reign of Emperor Wu

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