Chapter 4 The War Finally Started

"Gather up quickly, and listen to the adults say that they will take action this morning."

"Really, I can finally give the shogunate a fatal blow."

"We should let the shogunate know how powerful we are against the barbarians!"

"Everyone gather in the middle open space, and the commander in chief will distribute tasks to us."

It was originally a quiet and peaceful morning, but at this time there was a noisy sound of footsteps and conversation. When the sound woke up, the moon lifted the bedding, got up and walked out of the tent, and the people outside were gathering in the middle of the big open space. Then an uncle arrived at Yue's tent and said, "Yue, you are awake. Chen Wulang just asked me to wake you up. Let's go. The commander in chief is going to distribute tasks to the various groups of people in the open space. Everyone has arrived. Let's go there together."

They walked together to the open space in the middle of the camp.

"... You must have known the reason why we gathered here. Yes, the shogunate has gathered their main force here to wipe out the people fighting against barbarians around Edo. However, we will not give up easily. We will fight a beautiful counterattack. We will let the people in heaven and the shogunate understand the horror of the warriors..." When Yue arrived, The commander in chief has made an inspiring speech before the war on a platform.

"Next, let's talk about our operational deployment. This time, the shogunate gathered their superior forces near Wuzhou, which is a basin terrain and is suitable for ambush warfare. Although the forces and weapons of the shogunate are stronger than ours, we can still fight this war depending on the terrain, so what we need to do is to make the shogunate's army After the team leads to the basin, give them a hard blow. Longtao A, you lead your troops to the east slope, Longtao B, your troops to the west slope, Longtao C, your troops to the south slope, Sitian, you lead your troops to the north slope, you should ambush well, do not act rashly. Long Tao D, your troops will act as bait, fight and retreat, and lead the shogunate army to this basin, Xixiang. You will take some people to garrison outside the basin and block the shogunate army's support troops. I will lead our troops to take charge of the headquarters, in case of accidents, and support everyone at any time. You should have no objection to this arrangement. "


"Well, then take your own troops to deploy according to the order. Don't make any mistakes. Everything is mainly signal flares. Red signal flares indicate that you are attacked and need support. Green signal flares indicate that there is no problem and you can attack. Long Tao D. When you lead the shogunate army to the designated place, play orange signal flares, which means that the plan is successful. At this time, the ambush army will You can attack now. Finally, I wish you a prosperous future! " The commander in chief bowed to the people fighting against the barbarians.

Seeing that everyone left in a hurry, Chen Wulang also began to gather his troops and prepare to move to the north hillside.



On the north hillside, Chen Wulang is watching the terrain here. The slope is very gentle, suitable for troops to dive, and the view is very wide. You can look around on the hillside, and you can see clearly below the hillside. In this view, it is indeed a good ambush site, but

"Cilang, when the war begins, you should not only look at the bottom of the mountain, but also look behind you." Chen Wulang told Cilang.

"You mean...?" Jilang's face changed dramatically when he heard Chen Wulang's words.

"Yes, that's what you think, but don't tell everyone now to avoid unnecessary panic. Morality is very important at this time." Chen Wulang looks solemn, and his clenched fists are full of sweat. He knows the importance of this war, and must arrange well to minimize casualties, "Once there is a situation, let's not pay attention to the situation below. We will try our best to break out of the encirclement

"But in this case, the headquarters of the commander in chief..." Jilang looked pale and hesitated.

"There is no time to take care of him, and now it is the best to take care of himself." Chen Wulang's struggle is stronger than that of Yue. He also wants to protect everyone, and he also wants to retreat. But in this case, whether the shogunate has set a trap or not, he and his team will certainly bear the blame, so we should do our best, Play a beautiful counterattack. No matter whether this great battle is a failure or not, it comes at a very opportune time. Today's people with lofty ideals need a big war to prove themselves!

Yue felt a headache at this time. He opened his eyes with difficulty, but found himself lying on a small cart, which was moving forward rapidly. Yue struggled to get up, and saw Ichiro pushing the cart behind him to move forward desperately, while the cart was in the opposite direction to the battlefield.

"Ichiro, what's the situation? Why are we two out of the battlefield? Go back to me, and I will join the battle!" Yue was sweating and said weakly, "Why is my body like this?"

"Don't struggle anymore, Yue. When you went to the designated place, the captain gave you overpowering drug. I thought you would wake up tomorrow. Judging from your current situation, you should also be carrying the medicine. You can't go back to the battlefield, so give up." Ichiro kept pushing the car without lifting his head.

Yue remembered it at this time. Just when he was going to the north slope with the army, Chen Wulang came up and gave him a pot of water to drink. It must be at this time that Yue angrily hit the car with her fist, "Damn it, Chen Wulang, why are you doing this!"

"Yue, the captain is also good for you. He said that you are our hope and the hope of the whole war, so you should live well, lead the rest of the people fighting against the barbarians, and continue to fight against the shogunate." Ichiro remembered the look of hope in the captain's eyes when he mentioned Yue.

Why are you like this? Chen Wulang and Yue remembered Chen Wulang's smile in the grove that day. "So you have already planned, Chen Wulang."


The orange signal flare was launched, the war started!