Chapter 22 Planting Acacia

Night has come, the mountain breeze is cool, and a bright moon is hanging in the sky. Occasionally, a few floating clouds pass by.

The whole Phoenix Mountain is imperceptibly quiet until the sound of the mountain springs is so clear. I don't know where the birds suddenly chirped a few times, sounding through the whole mountain forest, more and more quiet.

"As the night goes on, do you want to stay or finish the old lady's last wish first?" Bai Han asked softly.

Lin Jiaochen looked at his beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and felt that Bai Han looked really gentle at the moment. Just like the breeze in midsummer and the stove in cold winter.

"Elder martial brother, you look so gentle now."


"This is not good. How many girls will want to marry you! If you are so gentle, I will fall in love with you!"

"Never mind, then marry you."

"Then I won't be rich and invincible all at once. This kind of thing of getting something for nothing... How could it be my turn? You really said, Elder Martial Brother, don't discriminate against me. Would you please be sincere?"

Lin Jiaochen said that she took a few quick steps, as if to identify something. After confirming, he turned to look at Bai Han: "I sensed that the place where the old lady wanted to plant the two acacia trees was in front!"

Then he brought up his skirt and trotted all the way.

I found the special soil near the mountain spring and squatted down to gently tidy it with my hands. Then he carefully held the two young plants that were still fresh green in his arms in the palm of his hand.

"Elder martial brother, can you help dig a small hole, and read the last poem in the old lady's ancient book. I haven't fully adapted myself to this body. There is a hell of yin, but it is better to bless the world with yang."

As she said this, she withdrew to one side, and when Bai Han was ready, she gently put the two seedlings into the soil and buried them gently. He also held the mountain spring water in his hands and poured some. Finally, he took out a brocade bag and buried the four moonstones with orchid light around the sapling.

After a while, those two seedlings grew up a lot, and the leaves reflected the moonlight and flashed a burst of light.

"I hope that they can get rid of the endless darkness and meet again. If there is a next life, I hope this small array can bring a lifetime of togetherness." She gazed at two acacia trees and confirmed that there was nothing wrong. Lin Jiaochen then relaxed and took a deep breath of the sweet air in the mountains late at night.

"No wonder you want to go up the mountain before nightfall. I see."

"Well, otherwise! Why did the elder martial brother come here anyway? Normally, you should have a lot of things to do."

"It's hard to disobey your master's order. He was very sad when you had an accident before, but now he can come back safely. How could he let you have another accident?"

Lin Jiaochen listened to his mention of Shifu, and sighed stupidly: "I feel too ashamed of Shifu, and pity him for worrying about me." She said and looked at Bai Han, "Actually, I have always wondered why Shifu took me as his apprentice. I heard that you three are excellent, and no one is like me..."

"Shifu has his own reason. I was curious and agreed to let him come to Yunmeng to see if I could take care of you."

"But why do I always think you have other plans, Elder Martial Brother?"

"Your money or your people?" Bai Han couldn't help laughing and patted Lin Jiaochen's head.

"Hmm... also, that's why I'm curious! You are white cold, and you never do anything that is not good." Lin Jiaochen thought about it for a while, and thought it would be useless to think about it, so let it be. It's mainly because Bai Han accidentally feels safe. Maybe he has a master's shadow, so he feels relieved.

"By the way, Senior Brother, can you fly?" Lin Jiaochen suddenly remembered something and asked with a smile.