Chapter 12, Act 4: Loulan Catastrophe - 1: Advent

A month later.

"Your excellency, we have arrived."

"Sol, you take the fourth team to make a loophole in the Loulan Array quietly. Mana, you take your first team to quickly prepare several transport arrays. Meteor, your second team quickly recovers its strength, adjusts its condition, and rushes into the city tonight to get the baby out."

"Yes, my lord."


"Brother Chu, my stomach hurts. It seems that the baby is about to be born." Qiu Xiyue stroked her belly with one hand and clasped the other on Chu Tianxing.

Chu Tian will report Qiu Xiyue to his bed. "Waiter, go to find some experienced women."

"Yue'er, don't be afraid. Soon, I will always be with you." Chu Tianxing wiped away Qiu Xiyue's tears.

"No, Brother Chu. Father is coming soon. I can't bear to leave you." The cry became stronger.

"When I get to the eighth floor, or you inherit the devil's heart, we will see you again. Don't be afraid." Chutian said softly, managing Qiu Xiyue's bangs.

Several old women came in.

"The man goes out, waiter, go and boil water."

Chu Tianxing shook Qiu Xiyue's hand and turned to go out.

In the sky, the wind and thunder shake, and automatically put the vast purple air rolling; From the south, there is a vast air of immortality; There is endless golden light rushing from the west; From the north, there are gorgeous auroras running through to the pole.

"My son must be an extraordinary talent. He must be more successful than me someday." Chu Tianxing looked at all this and said slowly.

A gray light beam fell from the sky, and a gray light ball rushed out of the room, and countless red lotus flowers appeared in the sky. The light ball floated on a lotus platform, the purple gas became a green dragon, the immortal gas became a white tiger, the golden light became a rosefinch, and the aurora became a basalt, floating around the light ball.

"Yue'er, have you had enough fun? It's time to go back with me." A figure appeared in the room, and several old women stood still. Qiu Xiyue saw him and stood up. "Father, can I see the child before I leave?"

"Take it directly. How can my grandson be outside?"

"No, the child belongs to Chaos. It's impossible to break through the magical realm in our demon world."

"All right."

"Father, can you give a magic heart blood?" Qiu Xiyue asked in a low voice.

"This is my gift to my grandson." The blood emperor touched his heart. A trace of black blood flows from it to the light ball in the air.

When black blood enters the photosphere, a black light beam drops and connects to the photosphere.

Chu Tianxing saw the accident and rushed into the house immediately.

"Don't be afraid, Yue'er. No one can hurt you if I'm here." Chutianxing's gray jade gas gushed out. The man in front of him made him feel frightened.

"You should be the new Jinshen Wulin, and you should be proud of the divine Chutian. Yes, you are worthy of my daughter. Would you like to follow me to the Devil World for cultivation?"

"No, the Devil World is not the place where our Chaos family should stay. Only in the mortal world can I improve my skills as quickly as possible. When I stand in the eighth heaven, I will ask you to return to the moon. In addition, I also want the mortal world to take care of our children."

"OK, I'll wait for you."

A jade blood flew from the palace into the sphere of light, and another jade beam fell from the sky and connected to the sphere of light.

The four elephants roared to the sky, rushed to the light ball, and turned into four virtual shadows on the light ball.

Celestial sound bursts, and the supreme celestial sound is recited in the light sphere. The visions in the sky are more abundant. From the ninth sky to the ninth secluded place, the wonders in the whole world are evolving.

When the ninety-ninth leaf petal was born from the lotus platform under the sphere of light, all the visions stopped, and the three beams of light became thinner and thinner until they disappeared.

The ball of light gradually turns into a baby, with a three edged mark on the center of the baby's eyebrow. When the light ball turns into a baby, a light smile echoes in the world.