Chapter 96 Becomes a god with a smile!

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 3067 words
  • 2014-08-20 01:28:21

In the space of the universe, the true spirit appears next to the deities.

Yang Xu did not immediately begin to understand the changes in the universe, but thought about his mind, specifically the way of stars.

Yang Xu has always felt weird about the star path.

Since the appearance of the astral path, the "psychic medium" of the alien art constantly warned Yang Xu, so Yang Xucai was always vigilant in the future contact, never treating the astral path as an ordinary heavenly path.

The way of stars gives Yang Xu a feeling that he is not like a pure way of heaven, because he actually shows emotional intelligence!

With Yang Xu's insight, I have never heard that the heavenly way in chaos can produce emotional intelligence. You should know that Yangxu has fully integrated the memory of Pangu. In the chaos world, no matter how powerful the heavenly way is, it is just higher IQ (spirituality); EQ will not be born at all, because EQ is the basic characteristic of life.

The Tao of Heaven has EQ, and the creatures at the level of Tao of Heaven are afraid when they think about it! That is more powerful than the spirit formed by the supreme treasure of nature!

Although the astral path pays attention to everything and tries to behave like a heavenly path when contacting him, it still reveals a different mood inadvertently.

See Chaos Clock this time! He even showed up on his own initiative and gave himself the control fingerprint of Chaos Clock; Moreover, looking at Chaos Bell is like looking at an old friend who has been lost for many years; Although it was just a moment, and then he hid it, he was still caught by Yang Xu's thinking.

This is unbelievable!

Recalling every bit of contact with the astral path, Yang Xu felt that there was something wrong with the astral path, but it was still a big problem.

"He can't be..." An idea suddenly appeared in the bottom of Yang Xu's heart, and Yang Xu was immediately inspired.

"No, no, how could it be? I must have thought too much." Yang Xu could not help comforting himself. However, once this idea appeared, it seemed that it was deeply rooted in Yang Xu's heart and could never be removed.

For a moment, Yang Xu's heart was completely confused

"I don't want to. Who do I love? Who cares! Anyway, it's not bad for me now, let's talk about what will happen later. It's essential to improve my strength. As long as I'm strong enough, no one can treat me like that!" Thinking of this, Yang Xu began to understand the changes in the universe


For hundreds of years, there has not been much change in the evolution of the universe; To be more precise, there is no change at all except for a little more energy in space.

Volume, temperature, substance in space, Everything is the same as before Yang Xu left. The information from space feedback also confirmed Yang Xu's perception.

As the master of the world, as long as Yang Xu wants to know, all information in the space will be truthfully reflected in Yang Xu's true spirit. But Yang Xu doesn't want to do this when it is unnecessary. The amount of information in a universe is too large. Yang Xu doesn't want to be a machine specialized in processing information. It's better to leave such a promising job to Huaxia!

Yang Xu just wants to know what he needs, which is enough.

Zhenling entered the spirit falling device, Ji Yan lay in the inner space of the spirit falling device, but she did not wake up, but her facial expression was slightly relieved; Although he seemed worried, Yang Xu had no choice but to smile at herself.

Yang Xu picked up Ji Yanran's body and put her on the illusion bed. After watching her quietly for a long time, he left a feeling of thinking. After paying attention to the changes in the positive space, Zhenling entered the underworld.


"Boss, you are here; please give me a hand! I am almost driven mad by your brothers! Really, they said that you wouldn't let me go out to deal with the demon family, but they just didn't listen to me and kept on scolding me. Is it easy for me?" As soon as Kongtong saw Yang Xu appeared in Kongtong, he immediately gathered around and complained.

When the demon clan began to kill the Terran clan, Kongtong Taoist followed Yang Xu's previous instructions and did not go out to save the clan; Not only that, Kongtong Taoist also sealed the Firewood Valley according to Yang Xu's instructions, so that the highest power of the Terran disappeared in the catastrophe, making the Terran so vulnerable.

Of course, even if all the Terran masters blocked in the Firewood Valley are out, the Terran must not be the opponent of the demon clan; However, the scene must not be so ugly. In the eyes of all forces in the flood and famine, the battle of the human demon was simply a unilateral massacre. Although the appearance of Yang Xu was amazing at the end, the strength shown by the Terran before was too weak. This also greatly reduced the vigilance of all forces in the flood and famine against the Terran.

In their view, the Terrans who have been crippled by the demon clan are not afraid. No matter how strong you are, Yang Xu is just a person. Although it is important for a force, it is not decisive. Domination requires population and the number of experts. Otherwise, it can only be a powerful party.

You are strong. I will not offend you. You can't beat me for no reason! As long as your human race cannot dominate the flood and famine, I will tolerate you! The flood and famine are so great that there are not many people who are more than you, and there are many people who are less than you.

This is what Yang Xu wants. Sometimes, the necessary choice is the prerequisite to become a generation of overlord.

If the Terrans show their strength against the demons (once the Kongtong Taoist comes out, they can absolutely sweep the demons, that is, the emperor and the emperor will come out together, and they will not change their fate), the power pattern of the flood will be broken, and the war between the witches and demons will certainly not happen as expected; The Terran may be dragged into the original witch and demon catastrophe, and the pattern of the flood will reappear the struggle of the three ethnic groups in the ancient times, and then withdraw from the historical stage at the same time.

This is intolerable to Yang Xu, so Yang Xu has to sacrifice his current people to exchange for the future of the human race.


After the beginning of the catastrophe, the Kongtong Taoist had explained these things clearly to all the Terran masters who were locked in the Firewood Valley. Intellectually, they also knew that it was right to do so; However, emotionally, they have always been unable to accept the fact that ethnic people can only watch helplessly when they are subjected to the massacre.

If it were not for the cultivation of Yin and Yang Pure Body Code and Dragon and Elephant Prajna Skill, they would all have gone astray.

Therefore, after that, if something happened, these people, mainly the general of the Yang family, would find Kongtong Taoist to vent their anger. Yang Xu? They dare not find it, and they can't find it; As a result, Kongtong Taoist became the best vent.

The Kongtong Taoist had no choice against them. They are all brothers, and he has no choice. Besides, the eldest sister Yang Qingya takes the lead every time.

Looking at Kongtong Taoist's extremely aggrieved appearance, Yang Xu knew that he really suffered this time. Each has his own bitterness, and each has his own bitterness. This catastrophe is a permanent pain in the hearts of all ethnic groups! Yang Xu can't say anything. Fortunately, the disaster has passed, and what awaits the Terran will be a beautiful tomorrow!

Then Yang Xu went to appease all the Terran leaders. Under the influence of the "psychic medium", Yang Xu soon healed their psychological wounds caused by the disaster, and the only thing left was their hatred for the demon family!


Time passed by day by day, and 200000 years passed away quietly. At last, there was a change in the normal space. Ji Yan woke up from her deep sleep.

"Boom..." In the empty space of the universe, except for energy, there suddenly appeared countless purple ball lightning chaos purple thunder, crazily splitting towards the god elixir. However, the magic power of the god subduing device is too powerful, and these chaotic purple thunder can not pose any threat to it at all. They are all swallowed by the god subduing device.

Chaotic purple thunder, swallowed by the god subduing weapon, turned into a mild robbery energy, wandered in Ji Yanran's consciousness, and refined Ji Yanran's consciousness little by little.

Return to the original, the life energy contained in Ji Yanran's consciousness body is gradually decomposed into energy particles under the effect of energy robbery, and then merged with Ji Yanran's true spirit. Under the effect of energy robbery, it is returned to life energy, which has Ji type attributes.

More and more energy is robbed, and the speed of life energy decomposition and return is faster and faster. The life energy in the consciousness is gradually replaced by the life energy with Ji attributes.

When all the life energy in the consciousness body has been replaced, Ji Yanran walked out of the inner space of the god antidote and came into the space of the universe, and the consciousness body faced the chaos purple thunder.

"Ka..." A huge chaotic purple thunder directly wrapped Ji Yanran's consciousness, and Ji's life energy was once again decomposed into energy particles, wandering in the chaotic purple thunder; Countless virtual particle pairs swarmed into the chaotic purple thunder, fused with these energy particles, and returned them to life energy.

Countless chaotic purple thunder crazily split, and Jiyan Ran's life energy in her consciousness was constantly broken down and returned; In this process, Ji Yanran's true spirit was gradually deprived of energy particles, and realized the vitality in the chaotic purple thunder. It became a vortex and constantly converged in the middle.

When the chaos purple thunder struck 999 tracks, a nine sided crystal with purple light appeared in the normal space; Chaotic purple thunder disappeared in an instant, and the nine sided crystal also flashed at the same time, disappearing into the normal space.

In the enlightenment of life, Ji Yan slowly opened her eyes, and her body burst into vitality, murmuring, "This is the feeling of becoming a god! How strange!"

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