Chapter 85 Small Universe (II)

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 3036 words
  • 2014-07-25 23:27:03

The shock wave is generated from the singular point and impacts in all directions in a spherical shape. Every time the wave passes, the energy particles in the space will be crushed once and become smaller energy particles; Finally, the first shock wave hit the space wall formed by the chaotic pearl shell, forming a ripple, and collided with the subsequent shock wave, forming a particle tide.

Waves of waves, like waves of the sea, constantly hit the space wall, expanding the space volume, and then forming ripples, which offset the later waves and gradually became calm.

I don't know how long it took, maybe in a flash, maybe in a few eras, Yang Xu's true spirit woke up from unconsciousness.

At this time, there is no energy in the true spirit of self, and it becomes a purely subjective existence again.

Yang Xu did not expect that the power of the Singularity Explosion would be so great that he could not resist the spirit energy in the true spirit. Under the huge impact force, all the spiritual energy in the true spirit was transformed into countless tiny spiritual particles, which were taken away from the true spirit by the continuous shock waves and merged into the rapidly expanding space. In this process, the true spirit of Yangxu once fell into unconsciousness.


When the true spirit of self changes, the spiritual consciousness also changes into a sense of reflection.

After the true spirit regained consciousness, the sense of thinking immediately shrouded the entire consciousness space, and the spirit particles that permeated the entire space were again controlled by the true spirit. In a moment, countless information was transmitted to Yang Xu's true spirit, making Yang Xu have a comprehensive understanding of the big bang.

In fact, the time from the Big Bang to Yang Xu's true spirit regaining consciousness was extremely short, which could be calculated in seconds. But in this very short time, many magical things have happened

After the big triangular black hole completely engulfed the interstellar universe, it rapidly contracted to form an infinitely large and infinitely small magic dot with extremely high temperature, density and mass, and then suddenly exploded;

10 ^ - 43 seconds after the big explosion, the temperature is about 10 ^ 32 degrees; All the matter and energy in the consciousness space are crushed countless times by the shock wave generated by the big explosion, forming energy particles as small as the pole, and then the quantum fluctuation phenomenon appears, generating countless virtual particle pairs composed of particles and antiparticles in the space; These particles are generated by borrowing energy particles in space, and annihilate in a short time, returning energy particles in consciousness space to energy.

10 ^ - 35 seconds after the big explosion, the temperature dropped to about 10 ^ 27 degrees; In the space of consciousness that is full of energy again, energy flows with the expansion of space, producing gravity, and gravity begins to separate, quarks, bosons, and leptons begin to form in space;

5 ^ - 10 seconds after the big explosion: the temperature drops to about 10 ^ 15 degrees. Under the action of energy, weak force and strong force are generated in the consciousness space. Under the weak force, quarks, vector bosons and leptons (mainly electrons) combine repeatedly to form neutrinos, anti neutrinos and neutrons; Quarks form protons under strong action;

0.01 seconds after the big bang: the temperature is about 100 billion degrees. The microscopic matter in the consciousness space is mainly photons, electrons (negative ions) and neutrinos, and protons and neutrinos only account for 1/1 billion. Under the thermal equilibrium state, the space volume expands rapidly, and the temperature and energy density in the space continue to decline.

0.1 seconds after the Big Bang: the temperature is about 30 billion degrees. At this time, the proportion of neutrons and protons in consciousness space decreases from 1.0 to 0.61.

One second after the big bang: the temperature is about 10 billion degrees, neutrinos escape outward, electromagnetic force is generated in space, positron and negative electron annihilation reaction appears, generating nuclear force, but the nuclear force is extremely weak, and the nuclear force is not enough to bind neutrons and protons.

13.8 seconds after the big bang: the temperature dropped to about 3 billion degrees, the nuclear force increased, and hydrogen and helium stable nuclei formed.


As Yang Xu sorted out the information transmitted by the psychic particles, the time was passing. At this time, the big bang had passed 35 minutes, and the information fed back by the psychic particles showed that the temperature in the consciousness space had dropped to 300 million degrees. Under the action of four basic forces (gravity, strong force, weak force, and electromagnetic force), the primary nuclear reaction process had stopped, But neutral atoms have not yet been produced.

At this point, Yang Xu knew that the most dangerous period in the process of the rebirth of the universe had passed.

In the interstellar era, Yang Xu received many information about the rebirth of the universe after the Big Bang from the Black Prisoners. As a race that has escaped a rebirth catastrophe, the Black Prisoners have a profound understanding of the rebirth of the universe.

It is recorded in these materials that after the primary nuclear reaction process stops, the rebirth of the universe will enter a relatively gentle incubation period. After 300000 years, when the temperature in space slowly drops to 3000 degrees, the neutral atoms will be formed under the chemical combination, and then gradually generate gaseous substances, and gradually condense into gas clouds with higher density under the self gravity, Then it forms nebulae, and finally stars and star systems, galaxies, and total galaxies.


After a preliminary understanding of the whole story of the Big Bang, Yang Xu began to pay attention to the situation after the Big Bang in consciousness space. At this time, the volume of consciousness space is more than 10000 times larger, and the diameter is twice the size of the barren land (only the land, excluding the four seas and the thirty-three stars).

In the sense of thinking, there is nothing else in the space except various energies and tranquilizers whose energy level has been improved.

The spirit people who originally lived in space (the soul body after the death of the people in the world of flood and famine) were all broken down into soul particles in the big explosion. Now, under the effect of virtual particle pairs, these soul particles are returned to the soul energy, which permeates the whole space, waiting for the chance of rebirth.

Not only they, but also the consciousness energy generated by the creatures in the interstellar universe after being swallowed by the big triangle black hole was also decomposed into particles similar to soul particles in the big explosion. These particles, also under the effect of virtual particle pairs, were returned to soul energy and diffused in space.

Yang Xu was very grateful that before the big explosion, Hua Xia had kicked out the consciousness of all Kongtong Sect disciples from the space of consciousness, otherwise the whole Kongtong Sect would disappear completely in the big explosion.

As for the Lingzu people, Yang Xu didn't expect that the big explosion would kill them all. But there is really no place to arrange them.

Now in the flood and famine, the hell hasn't been opened, and the soul has never returned. In the flood and famine, after the death of the living beings and the existence of the soul alone, the vast majority of the outcome is that the soul returns to the flood and famine world. Individual powerful souls will be attracted by the sea of blood and fall into the sea of blood. Although they have avoided the fate of being scared out of their wits, they will suffer from the constant invasion of the blood devil day and night. I can't say whether it's lucky or unlucky.

Only a few people who are unlucky can get a great chance to become ghost cultivators after leaving their souls alone because of accidental death.

The spirit people in the consciousness space were not strong when they died; After entering the space of consciousness, after cultivating the skills tailored for them by Huaxia, they are no longer the souls of the creatures in the famine, and can never appear again in the famine, otherwise, they will only have the fate of being scared out of their wits.

Leave them in the space of consciousness to gamble on their own destiny, maybe there is a chance of survival. Anyway, the worst outcome is to be scared out of your wits. Since they are the same everywhere, Yang Xu didn't send them out of consciousness space.

It turned out that although it still failed to escape this catastrophe, it was slightly better than being driven out of their wits. It left soul particles, returned to soul energy, and had a chance to become a life again. Although this life is not the former self, it can also be regarded as a continuation of the previous life.


As soon as his mind was moved, the antidote appeared in front of Yang Xu. In the inner space of the god charmer, only Ji Yan, with a sad face, fainted to the ground. Zhinaohuaxia is nowhere to be found.

Yang Xu is not surprised that Zhinaohua has disappeared. When his true spirit regained consciousness and his sense of thinking shrouded the whole space, Yang Xu received the information from China in addition to the information transmitted by the spirit particles.

Huaxia will take advantage of the opportunity of the rebirth of the universe to upgrade itself, reverse the acquired nature, and become a true cosmic law. At the same time, when the Big Bang happened, Huaxia created countless 3000 rule factors, which were diffused into the whole space by the force of the shock wave of the Big Bang. When the celestial bodies in the universe are reborn, these law factors will be integrated into the newborn celestial bodies. At that time, the newborn universe will be a natural universe with complete laws and unlimited potential.

Huaxia will also take this opportunity to become the heaven's way with infinite potential in chaos, and become a real wisdom brain at the level of heaven's way.


Yang Xu looked at Ji Yanran in her sleep with pity, knowing that Fang Zhou and others had not escaped the disaster. In fact, at the beginning, Yang Xu knew that Fang Zhou and others could not escape this catastrophe. But in order to let Ji Yan Ran completely untie her heart knot, she had to do so. Although the process was cruel for Ji Yanran, it was also the quickest way to solve the problem.

Sometimes, knowing the end of a thing is the best result. Whether the outcome is good or bad, it is better than no outcome. Whether happy or sad, at least there will be no regret or shadow left in the heart. This is especially important for friars.

Heart demons start from expectations. If expectations are dashed, the demons will have no breeding ground. The heart robbery will disappear.

Let Ji Yanran know the final outcome of her parents. Although it was cruel, it also completely cleared her heart, making Ji Yanran's way to becoming a god and removing an obstacle.

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