Chapter 72 The Witch is in the Flood

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 3194 characters
  • 2014-06-30 00:22:06

"Done!" Hou Yi held a wine vat in his left hand to his chest and reached Yang Jixian's chest. He stared at Yang Jixian with round eyes and shouted loudly.

Looking at the wine vat weighing 20 jin in front of his chest, Yang Jixian refused to be outdone and caught it with both hands. He didn't even look at Hou Yi, but directly raised it to his mouth, "Dong... Dong... Dong..." He drank heavily.

"Hi..., oh..." After a hiccup, Yangji first raised his hand and rushed the mouth of the wine jar to Hou Yi, then turned upside down, without dropping a drop of wine.

"Good..." Hou Yi shouted, and then drank the wine in his right vat.

After wiping the residual wine from his mouth, Hou Yi sighed and said:

"You are too cunning to win the 'Marriage Seal' in this way. You are really not a man!"

"Brother Hou Yi, you can't say that. You are a famous top wizard of the sorcery family, who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years. But I am just a nobody who has practiced for less than three thousand years. Can this be compared? You are ashamed to propose the 'marriage seal' to me. If I don't think of something, then I am not a man, and that is a fool," Yang Jixian said angrily.

"Hey... hey..." Hou Yi laughed dryly, thinking that he really bullied people. Although there is no explicit stipulation on the strength requirements of both sides in the duel among the Wu people, it is customary to challenge only when the strength of both sides is similar; Those with accomplishments like Yang Jixian could not have been the target of their own challenge before. This time, they really went too far.

I can take it and put it down. If you lose, you lose. Hou Yi is no longer obsessed with losing. So he picked up two new wine vats, threw one to Yang Jixian, and raised the other to his mouth and shouted at Yang Jixian, "Yes!"


In front of the gate, Yang Jixian took Chang'e in his arms and watched Hou Yi and his wife gradually go away. He took a long breath and said:

"These guys finally left. Fortunately, no more moths appeared."

"Let's go, let's hurry back. Grandparents are still waiting for us. Fortunately, there are grandfathers and grandmothers this time, otherwise we will really lose you to Houyi, the barbarian." Yang Jixian continued, turning around at the same time, holding Chang'e and walking towards the tribe.

When they returned to Yang Jixian's home, they found Yang Xu and Ji Yanran sitting in the living room, smiling at themselves and Chang'e.

When they came to Yangxu and Jiyan Ran, Yangji and Chang'e fell to their knees with a "puff..." and "bang... bang... bang". Xiangyangxu and Jiyan bowed their heads three times and said, "Thank you, Grandpa and Grandma!"

"Get up quickly, Chang'e and Xian'er, your grandparents say thank you or not, as long as you can be good together, it's better than anything." Ji Yanran helped them up and said.

"Well, don't worry, Grandma, I will treat Chang'e well." Yang Jixian looked at Chang'e affectionately and replied.

"Grandma, I will, too." Chang'e said softly.

After watching Yang Jixian and Chang'e sit down beside them, Yang Xu said to Chang'e:

"After this' marriage seal 'event, do you think there is any change in the Yin God space?"

Yang Xu asked Chang'e this way because after Yang Jixian cut off the marriage line between Chang'e and Hou Yi with the mantis mantis formula, when the marriage line that broke into two sections was merged into the marriage line between Chang'e and Yang Jixian, the spirit sense sensed a strange wave and also merged with the marriage line. Physically, Yang Xu did not find any changes between Yang Jixian and Chang'e, so he wanted to see if there were any changes in his soul.

After listening to Yang Xu's question, Chang'e threw herself into the space of Yin and Shen, and carefully sensed the situation of the space of Yin and Shen. It was found that there was no change in the space except that the primordial spirit was a little more consolidated than before and was no longer transparent. It was exactly the same as before. Then he replied:

"Grandpa, there is no change in the space. It is still the same as before, but the spirit has recovered a little. It is no longer the transparent state. It can already be seen. It is estimated that it is the result of cultivating the skill you gave me."

"Well, that's good. During this period, you should always pay attention to the yin and god space. If there is any change, you should tell me immediately." Yang Xu ordered.

"Are you going to stay with me instead of leaving recently?" Yang Jixian asked excitedly.

"Yes, Grandma doesn't want to leave. She will stay with my good grandson. When you have a child, Grandma will bring it to you, and I will raise my great grandson for nothing." Ji Yanran said.

"Ah!" Hearing Ji Yan Ran's answer, Yang Jixian couldn't help shouting, and his voice was full of panic.

"Why, don't you welcome us to stay here?" Hearing Yang Jixian's startled voice, Ji Yan said angrily.

Yang Jixian, with a bitter face, said carefully: "Grandma, I will discuss with you. I will welcome you and grandpa when they live here; however, can the children's affairs be studied? You see you and my grandpa are the pillars of the whole human race. The stronger your strength is, the safer the human race will be. Therefore, it must take a lot of time to cultivate at ordinary times. But it's a waste of time to take care of children. In order not to affect your cultivation, we'd better take care of them ourselves. Besides, we are not prepared to have children so soon. "

Yang Jixian knows his grandmother's virtue, which is absolutely a model of habituation. If he and Chang'e's children are taken by her in the future, they will have their own future. I have to guard against my parents' mistakes.

"Pa..." Ji Yan patted the table and said, "No, your children must be brought by me. There is nothing to study. In addition, you should hurry up and give birth to one as soon as possible. Do you hear me?"

Chang'e stood beside her and heard the conversation between her grandparents and grandchildren. She blushed with shame and said to herself, "The bridal chamber has not entered yet. Why did the grandparents and grandchildren begin to study who brought the children? That's too bad."

"But, Grandma..."

"Well, stop talking. It's settled. Your grandpa and I have business to do here. We don't have time to argue with you about these trivial matters." Yangji Xiangang wanted to continue to fight for his rights, but Ji Yan interrupted us, unable to continue.

Yang Jixian looked at his grandmother helplessly. He was speechless and said to himself, "My grandmother is good at everything. She is very reasonable at ordinary times. Why is she so domineering about children

Knowing that he could not control his grandmother's decision, Yang Jixian had to put this matter aside first. Anyway, when to have a baby, it was up to him to decide, and we were still alive when he left. After thinking it over, Yangji stopped worrying about the children's problems and asked:

"So you and grandpa came to see me, not because they missed their grandchildren."

"Of course, I came to see you because I missed my good grandson. By the way, I have some things to verify with you." Ji Yanran said.

Speaking of business, Yangji first turned to his grandfather. In the Yang family, the official business is always decided by Yang Xu.

"Your grandmother and I want to confirm whether the Terran and the Wuzu can combine and produce the descendants of the Wuren," said Yang Xu.

"Oh, my Wanshan tribe has not found anyone married to the Wu nationality until now, and the generation of offspring has never been heard of." Yang Jixian said definitely.

"Is this important? You need to confirm it yourself, Grandpa!" Yang Jixian was puzzled; You should know that his grandfather is the head of the whole human race and the spiritual leader of the human race. Since the Terran has been divided into 300 tribes, there have been few things that need to be handled by him personally.

"Well, it is very important. It can be said that it is related to the fate of the human race, so it must be determined as soon as possible whether the human race and the witch race can be combined to produce the descendants of witches." Yang Xu said solemnly to Yang Jixian.

Hearing his grandfather's rare solemn tone, Yang Jixian also realized the importance of this matter and said after a while:

"Although no one has yet found a combination with the Wuzu, I think we can give proper guidance and create some conditions, which should soon lead to the results we expect; after all, the appearance of the Wuzu is not very different from that of our human race, and it is easy to have feelings after long-term contact."

"Well, your grandmother and I also mean that, so you can try to operate it first. The best result is no, we are thinking of other ways." Yang Xu said.

"Your grandmother and I have lived here for a long time, and you can tell us immediately when you get the results. You and Chang'e can also ask us at any time when they encounter problems in their cultivation. Chang'e, in particular, must observe the situation of the Yin God space more recently. If there is any change, you should come to me immediately and let me have a look. This is the Yin and Yang pithy formula I adapted according to your situation. After you go back, you must practice seriously. Maybe one day you can completely change the Yin and God space into your consciousness space. " After saying that, Yang Xu directly branded the Yin and Yang essence formula of the Yin and God version into Chang'e's soul.

It is Chang'e's wish that she can have consciousness space and play with everyone in the consciousness network like Xiangyang followed them; Excited, Chang'e knelt down in front of Yang Xu again and said deeply, "Thank you, Grandpa!".

"Get up quickly, kid, don't say thank you to grandpa." Yang Xu said.


Later, Yang Jixian made major adjustments to all the hotels, hotels and other entertainment places in the tribe. The adjusted object is mainly the gender of the attendants. In the past, because of the warlike character of the Wu people, all the service staff were male. This time, they were all female according to the model of Chang'e private restaurant.

At the same time, the restrictions should be relaxed to allow the Wu people to settle in the tribe; At that time, many Wuzu people who crave the delicious food of Renzu settled down in Wanshan Tribe one after another; The result is that, as Yang Jixian imagined, the human race and the sorcery finally united and gave birth to their offspring, and the sorcery finally appeared in the flood.

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