Chapter 46 Yang Xu's Law Couple's Wealth "Land"

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 2986 words
  • 2014-05-01 08:22:38

The land of Dharma and Wealth, the four essential elements of monasticism summarized by later generations, are indispensable.

The first element is "law". That is, the method of cultivating the Tao; If there is no Dharma, the cultivation of Taoism is just empty words, and there is no way to start.

The second element is "finance". It usually refers to the resources needed for monasticism, such as various natural materials, land treasures and panaceas; Only with these can we ensure the steady improvement of our cultivation and strength; Do not rush to make a living, and then waste qualification; Genius also needs diligence. In a genius, the lack of practice will lead to mediocrity.

The third element is "couple". It is commonly known as Tao You. It is not a closed door practice that can continuously improve the realm. When encountering bottlenecks, we need to communicate with other monks. A stone from another mountain can be used to attack jade. Often, a word unintentionally uttered by others may become the key to your own breakthrough.

The last element is "land". That is to say, the ashram is the "home" of the monks, the harbor of their hearts, and the destination of their hearts. A good ashram is definitely one of the greatest aspirations of the practitioners.

These four elements are also applicable to the flood and famine.

Hongjun preached "Dharma"; All kinds of Lingbao and Linggen in Tiantian refer to "wealth"; Three thousand Taoist friends in Zixiao Palace, twelve ancestors of witches, four emperors of the demon family, ten demon gods, twelve golden immortals of elucidation, and ten thousand immortals of interception can all be "lovers"; Zixiao Palace, Zuwu Temple, Yujing Mountain, Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, Xumi Mountain, Wanshou Mountain, Blood Sea and other famous mountains and rivers that can be called by name in the flood are rare and excellent "places".

Although Yang Xu did not practice Tao, he could not do without these four elements.

The former Yang Xu created his own "method". Whether it is the formula for breaking the sky or the formula for the essence of yin and yang, it is the skill created by Yang Xu and "Tiandao" Huaxia according to the physical characteristics of the human race, in combination with the laws of flood and famine and the principles of biological gene technology in later generations. It can be said that it is a cultivation skill tailored for the human race.

"Wealth" has inheritance. Since their rebirth, Yangxu and the Terran have gained countless natural materials and land treasures in Buzhou Mountain and Shouyang Mountain. Only the best Lingbao level has Xuanhuang Gongde Pearl and Kongtong Seal; These can be said to be from Pangu's legacy.

"Couple" is self accompanying. The Yang Family will be the most loyal Taoist friend of Yang Xu in the flood, not to mention Ji Yanran, the closest lover and the most loyal Chinese.

Only "ground" is not available.

Therefore, it is said in the astral path that he became the real master of Pangu Temple. From now on, when he can go in and out of the temple at any time and use all the resources in the temple to practice, Yang Xu suddenly stands there in surprise and doesn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

So far, one of the biggest long cherished wishes in my heart has been fulfilled inexplicably. When happiness knocks on the door, the sound is too loud, which is doubted to be the meaning of Chengguan.

Yang Xu can feel the sincerity of the Star Path when saying this, and he is sure that he has really become the owner of Pangu Temple and can use all the resources in the temple. Therefore, I am more and more puzzled about why the astral path has changed so much.

As if knowing Yang Xu's doubts, the astral path continued to say, "Although you are now so weak that you can't control the various functions of Pangu Temple; however, I see the amazing potential from you, which is even higher than Pangu's potential; if you match the resources in the temple, your future achievements will be unlimited; At that time, I can realize Pangu's unfinished wishes through you. In this way, the reputation of Pangu Temple will not be buried. "

Knowing the whole story, Yang Xu's doubts were eliminated. So he began to take Ji Yan to visit his "place" and their home happily.

It is an ashram that has been transformed into a vast world. It is formed by concentrating the essence of the world. You can imagine the degree of luxury.

Yang Xu and Ji Yanran stop as they go, and the astral path will explain every place in detail. To sum up, there is nothing but unexpected; There is no luxury, only more luxury. Yang Xu now feels that he will become the first local tyrant in the future.

To sum up, the whole temple is divided into two layers inside and outside, seven spaces, two outside and five inside. The two outer spaces are temporal and spatial; The inner five spaces are five line attributes. The seven spaces are completely closed, and there is no connection between spaces. No one can enter unless Yang Xu, the master, and Xingdao, the heavenly way allow.

The Pangu Temple as a whole is connected with the Honghuang heaven and earth through the four heaven gates. Yangxu and Jiyan Ran enter Pangu Temple through the North Heaven Gate.

At this time, the North Heaven Gate, the East Heaven Gate and the West Heaven Gate all stood well in the east, west and north directions of the temple, except that the position of the South Heaven Gate was occupied by a hall, and the South Heaven Gate that should have been there was nowhere to be found.

In the whole Pangu Temple, there is no soul treasure or soul root. All things exist in the form of origin. In the seven spaces, the land of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple is full of strange objects; There are also various solid clouds floating in the sky. These are the condensed seven principles of the source of energy, any one of them can be cultivated into the existence of Lingbao in the wilderness; Even some of them are precious, and it is possible to produce the best Lingbao after careful cultivation.

Beyond the seven spaces, there is a chaotic state, which is formed by the convergence of law sources other than the seven law sources. It is unusually irritable, but it is also a rare source of spiritual treasure. But the difficulty of cultivation will increase hundreds of times.

Among the seven major spaces, the outer space and space form a natural binary array, playing the role of protecting the temple; The five spaces in the inner layer are arranged according to the orientation of the congenital five elements array, which can reinforce each other and stabilize the whole temple.

In the center of the temple, there is a place called "the starting point of life", which covers an area of about 10 square kilometers; Seen from a distance, it looks like a miniature grassland ecological park. A 100 meter high world sapling grows in the middle of the grassland, with seven branches facing the seven spaces respectively. The torrent of attribute origin circulates between the seven spaces and branches, maintaining the vitality of the world tree.


Ji Yanran was very intoxicated and stood under the world saplings. The huge vitality of the world saplings had a strong resonance with the law of life in her body. The Xuanhuang merit bead automatically appeared on Ji Yanran's head, becoming the converter of Ji Yanran's life energy and world saplings' vitality; Under the scouring of the huge vitality of the world's saplings, Ji Yanran's relatively fragile life energy is getting stronger little by little; The layers of prohibitions in Xuanhuang Gongde Pearl were also refined unconsciously by Ji Yanran in the process of energy transformation.

At this moment, Ji Yanran, guided by the saplings of the world, entered into an epiphany


On the whole, after touring Pangu Temple, after Ji Yanran entered the epiphany, Yang Xu returned to the North Heaven Gate. At this time, Yang Xu had calmed down his excitement and began to seriously consider how to arrange Pangu Temple.

Take it away, obviously not. Not to mention whether there is a place for Yangxu, a large temple, but because of Yangxu's ability at this time, if Pangu Temple suddenly appears in the flood, whether to stay or not is a problem.

Although other people can't really own Pangu Temple except Yangxu, others don't know.

There are no witches who will let Yang Xu take the Pangu Temple as his own; Yang Xu will not have such a big cause and effect with the sorcery at this time. After all, Zuwu Temple still stands in the position of South Heaven Gate.

After receiving the Pangu Temple, Yang Xu learned that the main hall occupying the position of the South Tianmen Gate is the ancestral hall of the Wu people, which is also the Pangu Temple in the mouth of Honghuang creatures. In fact, it is just a palace style ancient treasure refined by Pangu. The Pangu blood pool in the hall is not really Pangu's blood, but the essence and blood left by the world spirits in Pangu's body when the world was turned into the seed of the world.

Because of the unprovoked disaster, these essences have a large amount of resentment, which has a powerful function of absorbing negative energy. Therefore, they attract a large amount of Kai Tian Sha Qi at the time of Kai Tian. Only by thoroughly eliminating these grievances and evil spirits can Pangu Temple become a pure world seed.

From this point, Yangxu will not take away Pangu Temple temporarily.

Then we can only let the Pangu Temple remain in its original place and maintain its original state. This will avoid the attention of all forces. In this way, Yang Xu would have trouble using the resources of Pangu Temple to improve his own strength and that of his people. If you come here from the channel every time, it will take a long time, and it will be easy to be found after a long time.

"It would be great if I could refine the North Tianmen Gate. I can enter here anytime and anywhere at that time, but my cultivation is too low to do it." Yang Xu said to himself looking at the North Tianmen Gate in front of him.

"In fact, you can select some origins in the space of time-space attribute, refine some sub Tianmen with reference to the North Tianmen Gate, connect with the North Tianmen Gate, and then you can send them here at random in the flood and famine." Star Path said after hearing Yang Xu's self talk.

"Ah, really? It can still be operated like this. Great, I'll try it now." After saying that, Yangxu plunged into the two outer spaces and began to search for the proper origin of Tianmen.

Seeing from the outside and being in it are totally different feelings. Previously, when Yang Xu went to visit the Pangu Temple in a fancy way, he did not actually enter any space except when he passed the "enlightenment of life" because Ji Yanran felt something and went into it together, so he just felt the luxury of the Pangu Temple, the incomparable luxury, which was all embodied by the source energy of the law.

Now it's a different experience to enter it personally

(To be continued, please recommend and collect. The affirmation of all the book friends is my greatest creative power.)