Chapter 19 Yang Xu's Unfortunate Journey to "Treasure"

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 2810 words
  • 2014-03-26 00:06:08

Buzhou Mountain - a landmark of flood and famine;

Even if it collapsed later, its legend still spread among the flood and famine creatures.

In the future, it is definitely the first choice for people to travel.

In the flood and famine, it is also the first choice for many people to seek treasure and opportunities; At the same time, because of the harmonious atmosphere in Buzhou Mountain, which is different from other places, it has become the first choice for many people to relax after practicing power.

In Buzhou Mountain, the great power to get the chance is everywhere. Sanqing, Nuwa, Taiyi, Hongyun, Zhunti, Jieyin, Fuxi, and Minhe all get the inborn spiritual treasure and root here.

Although he came to Buzhou Mountain late and had a low chance of getting Lingbao and Linggen, Yang Xu still wanted to try his luck.

And it has always been Yang Xu's wish to accompany Ji to visit Buzhou Mountain.

With the deepening of the cultivation level of the formula of breaking the sky and the essence of yin and yang, Yang Xu and Ji Yanran became stronger and stronger. Up to now, Yang Xu's formula for breaking the sky has been practiced fifty times, and the fiftieth time has reached the seventh level, which has reached the strength of the immortals in Pangu system; It can completely match the physical strength of Jinxian Peak of Hongjun System in the current famine.

Ji Yanran's yin and yang essence body determination has also been cultivated for forty times, and has reached the thirteenth level, and may enter the forty first level at any time. The body strength also reached the peak of the earth immortals and the threshold of the heaven immortals in the Pangu system; Compare with the body strength of Hongjun system in the early days of true immortality.

One of the fundamental reasons why Ji Yanran is so much ahead of others is that she is a rebirth of ontological consciousness, not a replica.

The three sets of skills created by Yang Xu all have a common feature, that is, in the early stage of cultivation, 40 times ago, that is, before reaching the physical strength of the celestial beings, the cultivation speed is very fast.

Because forty times ago, the main function of reshaping the body was to repair the congenital loopholes in the body every time the skill was broken through. Only after the skill was broken through forty times can the acquired nature be reversed and the body without leakage be forged. Starting from the 41st time, the skill will break through again, with the purpose of improving the body strength, and the cultivation speed will be slower and slower, which will be a hundred times lower than before.

Fortunately, the timely emergence of the conscious network has increased the cultivation speed of the clan more than a hundred times. Otherwise, if the clan wants to have the strength to compete with the Lich and the Lich, it still doesn't know when and when it wants to.

Since the birth of Zhinaohua, Yang Xu has handed over the control of cultivating Tianjue to Huaxia. He has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the integration of Pangu's sense and body. Under the quenching of consciousness pressure and Pangu's pressure, as well as internal and external pressure, Yang Xu's Tianjue has been continuously cultivating all day, resulting in the rapid growth of Yang Xu's Tianjue.

The Pangu threat of the main peak of Buzhou Mountain is much stronger than that of Shouyang Mountain. Just at the foot of the mountain, Ji Yanran was a little slow. Yang Xu accompanied Ji Yanran slowly up the mountain, and occasionally expressed some exclamations about the scenery along the way!

With the appearance of strange peaks and scenery in Buzhou Mountain, Yang Xu and Ji Yanran have forgotten the treasure hunt and devoted themselves to enjoying the scenery along the way.

I really answered the slogan "I don't care about the destination, but the scenery along the way!"

Gradually, the hearts of Yang Xu and Ji Yanran were completely open, and the true spirit (Yang Xu) and consciousness (Ji Yanran) were blended together, emerging from the body, and naturally blended into the surrounding environment; The whole Buzhou Mountain seemed to live in their hearts all of a sudden. Everywhere is full of vitality. Life energy, different from Reiki, poured into their bodies from all directions and quickly disappeared into the cells.

In this state, Yang Xu and Ji Yanran are marching towards the most vigorous direction of life energy. The true spirit and consciousness blended together drifted farther and farther, and more and more life energy poured into them

When the life energy is no longer integrated into their bodies, but passes through the body, the interwoven true spirit and consciousness turn back and let them wake up from the state of integration into nature.

Yang Xu releases his spiritual consciousness and finds that they have come to the middle of Buzhou Mountain and are in a very secret cave. Just now, when the soul merged with nature, it showed that this cave was full of massive life energy.

"Bad!" Yang Xu's face became white and bloodless, because suddenly she thought of the majesty in the middle of Buzhou Mountain, which Ji Yanran could not bear.

"Huh..., it's OK." Yang Xu said after taking a long breath. Yang Xu turns around hurriedly and finds that Ji Yanran is breaking through the thirteenth layer of the Yin Yang Pure Body Code. Her body is surrounded by a thick aura and life energy, and she is almost invisible.

As a saying goes, Ji Yanran woke up from the state of being integrated into nature, and felt great pressure from all directions for a long time. The Yin Yang Pure Body Jue immediately started to work automatically, all cells in the body released a large amount of biological energy at the same time, the thirteenth layer of the Yin Yang Pure Body Jue instantly broke through, and the spirit and life energy of the outside world poured in crazily, and the body began to reshape.

As time went by, Yang Xu's expression became more and more solemn. According to the convention, Ji Yanran should have completed the body remodeling for a long time, but now there is no sign of completion.

One day, two days. Five days, ten days passed by little by little


A month later, Ji Yanran, who had recovered as before, dressed in a emerald green dress transformed by life energy, danced in the flowers in front of the cave, with butterflies flying around her body

Yang Xu sits by the hole and looks at it crazily

One day ago, Ji Yanran successfully molded her body, and her body strength was unexpectedly and directly increased by a thousand times, reaching the early level of the immortals. Compare with Yang Xu.

Ji Yanran was lucky to be able to shape her body this time.

Because I had the experience of integrating my consciousness into nature before, and at the same time, I reshaped my body in a cave full of life energy. At the beginning of the generation of true spirit, he caught the frequency of life energy and branded it into the true spirit. When the reshaped body fails to form and collapses again and again due to the huge pressure, Zhenling guides the life energy to repair again and again until the molding is successful. The plastic body was completed without any danger, and also got great benefits. The strength of the body after remodeling was directly increased by a thousand times**********

Ji Yanran and Yang Xu held hands and walked towards the cave full of life energy with excitement. Because Ji Yanran understood the law of life and felt that there was something vital to her in the depths of the cave, she couldn't wait to get it as soon as possible.

Before that, Yang Xu had observed the inside and outside of the cave with his soul sense, and found no danger; On the contrary, there should be an array around the cave to protect the cave. Because when all creatures enter the cave within a hundred miles, they will unconsciously pass by in an instant, instead of entering the cave within a hundred miles.

They can come in, it is estimated that it is also the blessing of Lingrong nature before dragging.

I have walked forward for a long time, but I haven't found anything.

The cave finally came to an end when the distance was enough to get back to the bottom of the mountain. A spring hole appeared at the bottom of the cave.

It is a fountain. The spring water directly volatilizes into a thick life energy and flows out of the cave. At the top of the fountain, a milky white bead is suspended, emitting soft white light. When you shine on your body, you immediately feel all the cells in the whole body are happy.

When Ji Yanran slowly walked towards the bead, the spinning bead suddenly left the spring eye and flew to Ji Yanran. Ji Yanran naturally reached out her hands, grabbed the flying beads, closed her eyes, and showed a peaceful smile.

When she opened her eyes again and opened her hands, the beads had disappeared.

"Husband, guess what I got?" Ji smiled and playfully winked at Xiangyangxu, and asked charming.

"Innate treasure?" Yang Xu replied.

"Xuanhuang merit bead, life attribute, 49 layers of acquired merit treasure, contains Pangu's understanding of all life rules." Ji Yan replied excitedly.

Yang Xu suddenly opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were wide, stunned!

"Why... maybe? You can't make a mistake, can you? In addition to the Xuanhuang Merit Tower, how can there be a treasure of acquired merit?" Yang Xu stammered.

"This Xuanhuang merit bead is the time when Pan Gu felt that the Chaotic Heavenly Way would use the Qi of robbery to consume the merits on which he depended for survival when he was trapped in Buzhou Mountain in the Mingu period. He calculated that he could not escape the disaster, and then used a bone marrow bead in Buzhou Mountain that did not turn into anything as a carrier to integrate all merits and some of the Xuanhuang Qi into it, and then put himself to life The perception of the law is distributed into it in the form of a big circle around the sky and condensed. Because it is man-made, it is estimated that no one will get it in the future, so the reputation is not obvious. " Ji Yanran said so.


"Well, it should be so. Anyway, now that you have it, you are my goddess of life." Yang Xu looked at Ji and said affectionately.

"Well, if you can recommend tickets to me, I will love you more." Ji Yan spread out her hands to receive tickets.

(Ha... Ha..., enliven the atmosphere!)