Chapter 18 Tianzhu Mountain of Consciousness Network

  • Eternal human world
  • Fengtian Delicacies
  • 2729 words
  • 2014-03-25 00:00:07

"Hum... hum... ha... hey..."

Shouyang Mountain is full of "hum... hum... ha... hey..." sounds, accompanied by "ouch", "bang", "gurgle", "ah" and other sounds from time to time.

At the beginning of the passing ceremony, Yang Xu spent a month talking about it several times, but the form and meaning formula was too profound, and the people had no foundation, so they could not learn it in a short time, let alone return to the tribe and pass it on to the clansmen after mastering it.

It is the Yang Family that has all the people based on the knowledge of the Star Age, and it is just learning. There is still a long way to go before they become proficient.

In desperation, in order to enable all people to learn and master the formula of form and meaning as quickly as possible, Yang Xu directly enveloped all people in the cave with a strange "psychic medium", so that all people became his fanatics in a short time, and deeply imprinted every word Yang Xu said into his soul as the truth.

In such an atmosphere, all the people in the cave have reached a very horrible level in their understanding of the formula of shape and meaning. Almost after Yang Xu finished speaking, he had fully understood; After Yang Xu demonstrates the twelve gestalt meanings, he can skillfully use

As a result, a month later, under the fanatical gaze of everyone, Yang Xu ended the ceremony. Withdraw the exotic "psychic medium", the people in the cave gradually recovered from the state of fanaticism, and found that the shape and meaning formula that could not be understood in any way before had been completely learned and had reached the level of proficiency.

All people looked at Yang Xu standing on the stone platform with magical eyes, and their eyes were full of fanatical worship eyes. At this moment, all people became Yang Xu's loyal believers, and a strong force of belief rose from all people, and crazy flows to Yang Xu, entering Yang Xu's consciousness space

When the first force of belief enters the consciousness space, it is rapidly analyzed, sorted out, transformed and absorbed by "Huaxia". With the influx of more and more faith, "Huaxia" is running faster and faster. Until the incoming force of belief became stable, "Huaxia" suddenly released more than N waves of energy similar to the force of belief, poured into everyone's consciousness space along the direction of the force of belief, and quickly merged into the consciousness space and disappeared.

At the same time, in the minds of Yang Xu and everyone, a voice "consciousness network system establishment!" sounded at the same time

Subsequently, the relevant explanation of the consciousness network directly appeared in the minds of people.

In an instant, the Yang family threw everyone into ecstasy. No one can realize what kind of frustration, helplessness, bewilderment and even panic people who are accustomed to life in the Internet era suddenly appear in a famine era without scientific and technological products.

The thousand year expectation, the thousand year waiting, the thousand year suffering, finally today, inadvertently, under the unprepared circumstances, a ray of dawn suddenly appeared, what a surprise, what a joy. They jumped and shouted excitedly, and gave vent to their past depression crazily.

Although other clansmen did not plunge into hysteria as Xiangyang Family did, they were also shocked by the powerful function of consciousness network.

Yang Xu was also surprised by the sudden emergence of the consciousness network. When you come back to your senses, contact Huaxia immediately to see what is going on.

"Huaxia, what's the matter with the consciousness network? Why did it suddenly appear?" Yang Xu asked.

"That's right, patriarch. Because you have used a strange" psychic medium "for a long time to help people understand the formula of shape and meaning, you have buried the seeds of faith in the hearts of people virtually; When people wake up from the state of understanding, they find that they have completely mastered the profound skill of the shape and meaning formula unconsciously, and subconsciously worship you, thereby generating the most primitive belief, and then unearthing the influence of "psychic media" that has not been completely eliminated; Under the mixed effect, all people have become your most loyal believers, generating a large number of belief forces into the consciousness space. "

"After studying the power of belief, I found that as long as believers do not change their belief in you, you can establish an unbreakable connection between them. The higher the degree of belief, the more powerful the belief, the closer and stronger the connection."

"At the same time, the power of belief is also a kind of energy, and there are also frequencies. Different people have different frequencies of the power of belief, which can just be used as the identification code of the network. So I will use your consciousness space as the server, people's consciousness space as the login terminal, and the frequency of the power of belief as the identification code to establish the consciousness network system."

"Its function is no different from that of the network in the interstellar universe, which is basically the same."

"At the same time, I can also develop a set of online game system with 100% fidelity to simulate everything in the flood and famine, so that people can try to improve their abilities. And the improved abilities can also be brought to the flood and famine."

"The most important thing is that in the conscious space, I can control the flow rate of time; moreover, the more powerful you are, the larger the proportion I can control, and now the maximum can be controlled at 1:100."

As Hua Xia's explanation became more and more detailed, Yang Xu became more and more excited.

"It's a fantastic life to be able to surf the Internet in the flood and famine. Now I can still play games and improve my ability in the games. This kind of thing that I dare not think about is suddenly realized by myself. It's great to think about it." Yang Xu thought with great narcissism.


Later, Yang Xu took Ji Yanran back and forth between various tribes, to teach all the clansmen with consciousness space the formula of shape and meaning, and at the same time, use the teaching opportunity to let the clansmen have faith and connect the consciousness network system. Second, I also want to accompany Ji Yanran. Since Ji Yanran's rebirth in the famine, Yang Xu has not accompanied her well.

So, in Shouyang Mountain, Yang Xu and Ji Yanran were left everywhere, and Ji Yanran laughed happily

During this period, Yang Xu copied the whole Buzhou Mountain into the consciousness network with a sense of thinking. Except for Pangu's consciousness, Buzhou Mountain in the consciousness space is exactly the same as in reality. Including plants, flowers, fruits, and life spirit

Even the two groups of witches and demons who tried to practice in Buzhou Mountain and the loose cultivation of Honghuang are among them.


Using the sense of thinking for many times, Yang Xu found that with the evolution of consciousness space, the sense of thinking also changed quietly. It is not clear whether this change is good or bad, but it is similar to Pangu's spiritual consciousness. The ability to mobilize external energy at will is less, and the ability to explore in detail is more.

Let's just regard it as spiritual knowledge!


Yang Xu completely copied the abilities of all the creatures in Buzhou Mountain with his spiritual awareness, which was fully presented in the consciousness network for the clansmen to try.

After the establishment, Yang Xu named the virtual Buzhou Mountain "Tianzhu Mountain" to distinguish it from the real Buzhou Mountain. In case of a long time, the clansmen cannot distinguish between reality and illusion.

As more and more people log on to the consciousness network, the empty cyberspace begins to be lively.

First of all, Yangjia built cities full of science fiction in the Tianzhu Mountains of all people, leaving only a wisp of consciousness to control the body for cultivation in reality, and most of the consciousness lives in the consciousness network; Suddenly, the old noisy firewood tribe became silent.

The people in the flood and famine have never seen the city; Wearing clothes that have never been worn; Eating food that has never been eaten before; Using tools that have never been used

After experiencing a future life, with the help of the owners of various cities, they also took these cities as their bases for exploring the Tianzhu Mountains.

Secondly, as Yang Xu spread the formula of form and meaning among his clansmen, the first group of clansmen began to practice their own skills in the Tianzhu Mountains. The whole Tianzhu Mountain is full of "hum... hum... ha... hey..." "ouch", "bang", "gurgle" and "ah" sounds.

One by one, the clan people turned into the Immortal God of War, and enjoyed the experience in the Tianzhu Mountains. They forgot about death and improved their strength in the network without limit. In reality, the strength of the Terran also changes quietly.

Yang Xu and Ji Yanran were teaching Gestalt Ritual. After touring Shouyang Mountain, they did not return to the firewood tribe. Instead, Yang Xu held Ji Yanran in his arms and came to the main peak of Buzhou Mountain in a blink.

It is said that there are countless Lingbao and Linggen in Buzhou Mountain. Yang Xu also wants to try his luck and see if he can find some Lingbao and Linggen.

Looking at the unattainable Buzhou Mountain, Yang Xu took Ji Yanran on a mountaineering trip.

(To be continued, please collect and recommend. One small action of yours is the biggest driving force for my creation.)