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Chapter 1 Conspiracy between Sister Shu and Her Husband

Second Lord's Mansion.

"Mammy, the day of birth is coming. Do you think the baby will be born like me or more like the lord?"

In the garden with flowers in full bloom and fragrance, the woman said expectantly, with her hands protecting her tummy, and her happy face was undisguised.

When Mammy Fang, dressed in navy blue, heard the question, a trace of disdain flashed through her eyes. "Go back to the princess, I don't know."

Xie Wanyan did not look like the Italian Mammy. She put her hands together in front of her chest and prayed piously.

She thinks that she must be more like her, and better be like her mother.

Her mother, Princess Yao Huachang, is the most kind and beautiful. She hopes that her baby is a daughter. Her character is similar to her mother's, and how lovely she is!

She thought so, and began to smile, a happy little woman.

"By the way, Mammy, I haven't seen the lord today. Is he in the study? Let's find him!" Xie Wanyan suddenly said.

Mother Fang's face tightened. It seems that the eldest lady just came here

She tried to dissuade him. "Princess, it would be bad if I bothered the lord's office."

Xie Wanyan didn't notice the change of Mammy Fang's name at all. She hesitated, "Mammy's words are also reasonable..."

The lord was so kind to her. When she and her hairdressing ceremony were accidentally seen naked by hooligans, and the guests found that she had become a laughing stock, her own father wanted to send her to the Taoist Temple to end her life. It was the lord who stepped forward and despite the rumors, still fulfilled the marriage agreement and welcomed her into the house.

Huafeng, the man she loves most.

When Xie Wanyan thought of the past, she couldn't help smiling happily.

Suddenly, her face changed, and her stomach suddenly twitched violently. The child's foot kicked her belly hard, and water stains flowed down her legs——

She's giving birth!

Mother Fang's expression did not change much. She gave a flat order, "Send the princess to the delivery room."

It's the same to live early and die late.

In the spacious room, Xie Wanyan was sweating. She could feel that her baby was about to be born. She worked harder——


The loud cry sounded, Xie Wanyan loosened her body, her hair was wet with sweat, and she was in a mess, but there was a happy and loving smile on her face.

"Mammy, show me the child."

Mammy Fang held the child who gradually stopped crying, and instead of holding it to Xie Wanyan, she saluted outside the door, "Prince, Princess."

What princess? Isn't she here?

Xie Wanyan was a little confused, but she didn't think too much when she was weak. She urged, "Mammy, show me the baby."

Mammy Fang still didn't move, which gave Xie Wanyan a bad feeling.

The threshold crossed an exquisite embroidered shoe, and a huge pearl was placed on the toe of the shoe, reflecting the bright light. "Sister, sister has come to see you."

The beautiful female voice sounded, and a woman with exquisite makeup appeared in front of Xie Wanyan. The bloody smell of the delivery room made the woman couldn't help covering her nose with a handkerchief. Her eyes showed disgust, and red marks blossomed on her neck, which was attractive and charming.

Xie Wanyan looked in the eyes, and her bad premonition was getting deeper and deeper. The pain in her lower body made her return to some reason, "Sister, why didn't Mammy let me have a look at the child?"

"What's good about a cheap bastard born of adultery?" Xie Yujiao said slowly. Her red nails, which were two inches long, tightly grabbed the baby's cheek. The baby was hurt and cried out.

With the ambiguous red mark on the neck of the elder sister, her attitude which is contrary to the previous one, and Mammy Fang's salute to the prince and princess outside the door just now, Xie Wanyan seems to understand something.

She clenched the quilt on the bed tightly, and with a hard smile, she still had a little luck. No, no, the elder sister loved her most from childhood to adulthood, and the lord loved her wholeheartedly.


"Sister, you hurt the child."

Xie Yujiao suddenly laughed, and her face was very proud. She pulled off her gorgeous coat, pointed to the red marks blooming like red plums on the top, and said with a smile, "Sister, the Lord was very enthusiastic just now. My sister knows about your affair with servants. It doesn't matter. My sister will take care of the Lord for her in the future!"

Xie Wanyan could no longer deceive herself. She looked at the red mark on Xie Yujiao's neck and almost blinded her eyes. There seemed to be liquid flowing out of her body, and the bloody smell in the room became stronger.

"I didn't have an affair, it was the son of the lord!" She realized that her voice was hoarse.

One is her respected elder sister, and the other is her beloved husband.

How could they do such a thing?

"Poof." As if hearing some funny joke, Xie Yujiao called out the door, "Lord, come in and talk to your sister in person."

How sad and painful it is to let the person you love most give you hurt! Xie Yujiao thought.

Xie Wanyan looked up. Lang Jun, who was still making vows last night, seemed to be a different person. He looked at her coldly, ruthlessly, even in disgust, as if she were something dirty.

Hua Feng slowly opened his mouth and said, "How about getting rid of the evil seed of having an affair with servants?"

This means that the child will not be left. Xie Yujiao was delighted. She was also worried that Hua Feng would be kind and soft! She threw a dagger to Mammy Fang, "Well, use it to end the evil seed's life."

The shining point of the dagger made Xie Wanyan flustered. She didn't know where her strength came from, and she propped up her weak body. "No, I didn't have an affair, lord, that's your own child!"

How could he say such cruel commands from his own mouth?

Her hands slipped, and she fell to the ground. The red blood soaked the thick carpet.

She has no adultery at all, which Huafeng knows best!

But Hua Feng, like an outsider, stood aside coldly and ignored the baby's screams of pain.

That's his own flesh and blood!

Xie Wanyan's eyes were red. The baby's screams cut her heart. She wanted to fly over and kick the knife in Mammy Fang's hand, but she had no strength. Her whole body was in pain, so she had to climb over slowly with maximum strength.

Her baby is crying!

Cry so bitterly!

A pair of embroidered shoes stopped in front of Xie Wanyan, "Do you feel very painful? The pain is right. Seeing you so miserable, my heart is happy and happy."

Why did she become a concubine for many years, when it was clear that her mother and father were in love, but she was occupied by a princess? Why was Xie Wanyan granted the title of princess when she was born, enjoying countless glories, while she would be ridiculed as a concubine and a child?

Countless unwilling to let Xie Yujiao's face look twisted, but the next second she showed a flower like smile. No matter how noble the princess is, isn't she playing around and crying at her feet now?

The child in Mammy Fang's arms stopped breathing. She threw the dead baby in her hand to Xie Wanyan, with clear pride in her eyes. The so-called princess was just like that.

Xie Wanyan could no longer support the bloody baby, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of her throat. This was the bone and flesh she gave birth to in October, but was killed by these people!

No - her child must not have died! There must be some help!

She wants a doctor!

She put down all dignity, red eyes pleaded, "Elder sister, lord, please save him."

The baby in her arms has clearly stopped breathing——

"Sister, don't you like medicine best? Go and treat yourself!" Xie Yujiao laughed widely.

Hua Feng was impatient. She kicked the child in her arms and hit the wall. The corner of the wall suddenly became red. It was bloody and cruel, which was shocking.

Xie Wanyan was so painful that she could hardly breathe. She said hoarsely, "The tiger poison doesn't eat its son, Hua Feng, you are so cruel!"

They were the first to protect her when she became a laughingstock, but they treated her like this when she was happiest, like a dream that had been woven, and it broke up all at once.

The giggle sounded, and in the room full of blood, it was particularly gloomy


Xie Wanyan is the daughter of Princess Yao Huachang. She was born as a princess. Her beauty is limitless. Her mother died early. Her stepmother and elder sister were very kind to her. She also sincerely accepted them. She didn't do anything sorry, and even helped them a lot——

"Why are you doing this to me?"

What happened at the age of 15 and at the hairdressing ceremony was her nightmare. She thought it was an accident, but it was planned by someone she trusted most!

This elder sister whom she respected with all her heart and her husband whom she adored with all her heart was the culprit who pushed her into the abyss! Even her newborn child died alive in their hands!

Xie Yujiao seemed to be more and more happy. She nestled in Huafeng's arms, "Because you stole my position as my legitimate daughter, your mother, the high princess stole my mother's position in the main room! I was ridiculed by others since I was a child. Oh, yes, it must be that the royal highness of the eldest princess didn't know until he died. Her husband and sisters planned his own death, and she deserved it. It's really stupid to call me Sister Tao with my aunt! "

Her mother was killed by her father and stepmother?

How dare they! How dare you!

Xie Wanyan's chest qi and blood billowed and he spit out a mouthful of blood directly.

"Well, Feng Pei has arrived, it's useless to keep her." Hua Feng frowned, as if he didn't want to stay in this bloody room.

The phoenix pendant is the relic of my mother, who can take charge of the imperial secret guards under my mother's command. All the love, all the vows of love, are all made for the illusion of a phoenix pendant!

Xie Yujiao smiled delicately. She leaned on the man's chest and said, "My sister has to bear the consequences of adultery. It's just a pleasure for my sister. My sister has never seen a sinking pond."

Xie Wanyan, who was weak just after giving birth, was strongly clasped by Mammy Fang. She looked red and said, "Xie Yujiao, Hua Feng, the enemy of killing his mother and destroying his son, I will repay you a thousand times in the next life!"

The cold water gradually soaked her ears and nose. Xie Wanyan glared desperately at the adulterers and prostitutes who were leaning against each other on the bank. A tear fell from the red eye socket and melted into the cold water.

Brand: Hangzhou Cherry Bear
Launch time: March 23, 2018 13:13:40
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