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Chapter 1 The New Mountain God of Boar Ridge

"Bang!" Zhou Xiaobao was hit by a pickup truck, and his flying body hit the mountain god temple beside the road again. With a loud crash, the small temple collapsed, filled with smoke and dust. Broken bricks and stones pressed him below.

Zhou Xiaobao snorted a few times. He was in great pain, but he couldn't make any sound.

Just now, his head hit the clay statue, and blood poured out all over his face. Due to excessive blood loss, the consciousness gradually blurred, and after several struggles, he failed to climb out from under the ruins.

But no one noticed that when his blood flowed onto the fragments of the statue, there was a gray bead about the size of a soybean in the center of the statue's eyebrow, which was soaked in blood, fell off from the clay statue, and absorbed his blood crazily.

When the gray bead absorbed blood and turned into a red bead, it unexpectedly flew up miraculously, and instantly got into Zhou Xiaobao's eyebrows and disappeared.

"Ouch!" Zhou Xiaobao suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyebrows and screamed, completely unconscious.

A faint red light spread from him at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and instantly spread all over the wild boar range area.

There was a buzzing sound. Several nearby hills suddenly shook, and birds and animals in the mountain forest made joyful cries. If someone observed carefully, they could send their heads to the location of Zhou Xiaobao, nod their heads three times, and then respectfully disperse.

Zhou Xiaobao's consciousness was blurred, as if he had come to a place full of smoke. He could not see through the sky or the ground. He could only vaguely see a small temple in the middle of the narrow field. The cracked and decayed horizontal tablet had three simple traditional characters: "Mountain God Temple".

"Shouldn't I report to hell when I'm dead? Why did I come to this corner? Did I travel a day before I died?" Zhou Xiaobao was full of doubts, and his mind was moved. He immediately floated past and appeared in front of the Mountain God Temple.

The temple is not big, so it seems that only one clay statue can be put down. The statue sits cross legged in the shrine, and the whole body is gray, without any luster, like being shaped by mud. It's just the five facial features of the idol, which looks like itself.

In front of the statue, there is a clay censer engraved with four traditional Chinese characters: "If you ask for it, you will respond.".

There are three strange transparent crude incense sticks in the censer, like the glass test tubes in the laboratory, which are hollowed out. Each has a thumb about a foot thick and is marked with a fine scale. Each has 33 scale marks.

The crude incense on the left side is full of colorful smoke like substances. The crude incense in the middle has about half a tube of transparent liquid, and the crude incense on the right side has about one-third a tube of golden liquid.

"What is this place? What is this thing? What's the matter?" Zhou Xiaobao habitually scratched his head. It seemed to be true, but just now he had a car accident and hit his head on the statue of the mountain god temple. His head had a big hole in it. How could it be so good now that there was no blood?

When I was wondering, a thin book flew out of the temple. On the surface of the book, there were several large vertical characters: "Log of Wild Boar Mountain God". Next to it, there was a row of small characters, saying "First class Mountain God Zhou Xiaobao".

"First class mountain god Zhou Xiaobao? Why is my name? Could I be killed by a car and become the mountain god of Wild Boar Ridge?" Zhou Xiaobao was nervous and excited. He could not help but open the cover of the booklet, which contained only one line of small characters, "In the spring of Gengyin year, Zhou Xiaobao received the inheritance of the wild boar mountain god bead, and was specially promoted to the first level mountain god. He hoped that the mountain forest would be blessed, the people in the territory would be sheltered, and the diligent cultivation would make Zhou Xiaobao become an immortal."

Zhou Xiaobao was trying to further explore this strange area, but he felt that someone had moved his body, and then he returned to the real world with a flash of thought. The whole body is still too painful to move, nor can I open my eyes, but I can hear the sounds around.

At this time, Zhao Pangzi, the driver of the accident, has been controlled by the police of the town police station, and a van has also come to the town health center, carrying Zhou Xiaobao to the car.

Zhou Xiaobao remembered that he had been hit by Zhao Pangzi, the owner of the orchard. The diesel pickup truck with its unique noise, like a roaring monster, knocked itself off and hit the nearby Mountain God Temple. This simple little temple collapsed in an instant, and fell on the ruins, with a vague consciousness. It was only after hearing the panic cry of familiar people that we knew what had happened.

At that time, they vaguely heard the angry shouts and curses of the little partners Tie Dan and Er Niu. They dragged Zhao Pang out of the car and beat him. Under the persuasion of the little foreman, Uncle Man, I stopped. I don't know who dialed the phone of the town health center, but the ambulance arrived at this time and was carrying itself to the car.

He tried to open his eyes, only opened a gap, and just saw Zhao Pang who was controlled by the police. He was crying and crying with a black face. He asked the police to give him another chance to correct. He would definitely not drink when driving next time. He also promised that he would compensate himself for a large amount of money, even if he paid for the orchard.

Give yourself the orchard? Zhou Xiaobao's head was buzzing with pain. It was hard to think, but intuitively, he thought the orchard was a hot potato. I want to open my mouth to tell my parents, but it's hard to control the muscles on my face and I can't say a word.

I could vaguely hear the suppressed crying of parents, and the words of the doctor comforting them, saying that although there was a lot of blood flow, there was no real damage, the life characteristics were very stable, and the heart beat strong. When we get to the health center, we need to do further examination. If there is no serious problem in the head, we can leave the hospital soon.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaobao didn't know whether his parents were relieved, at least he was relieved. It seems that I breathed a sigh of relief from the bottom of my heart. It turns out that I was not dead, and I was not seriously injured. I also became the mountain god of Wild Boar Ridge.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaobao was too busy reminding his parents that they could not have the orchard. His eyelids were very heavy and his spirit was extremely tired. He was in a trance and fell into a coma again.

When Zhou Xiaobao woke up again, he found that his body was wrapped like a mummy, full of white bandages, and his arms and legs could not move. A little girl of six or seven years old, wearing a sheep's horn braid, was lying on the table beside the window of the hospital doing her homework. It was her sister Zhou Yuqing.

"Old sister, why are you... staying here? Where are our parents?" Zhou Xiaobao asked weakly in a hoarse voice. Because the facial muscles are stiff, the speech is not very clear, and it is very difficult to make sound.

The little girl was stunned at first, then turned her head in surprise, and screamed excitedly: "Ah, you finally wake up, brother. If you don't wake up, our parents will cry to death. Your coma is seven or eight days, which is scary."

"What? I was in a coma for seven or eight days?" Zhou Xiaobao asked in surprise.

The little girl shouted excitedly. Before Zhou Xiaobao could say anything more, she ran out of the ward and called for a doctor.

After the attending doctor came to talk with him, Zhou Xiaobao realized how dangerous he was this time.

There is a slight congestion mass in brain concussion. If you don't wake up again, you will have to transfer to the city for surgery.

Five ribs were broken, the limbs suffered bone and muscle injuries to varying degrees, and the internal organs were displaced... In short, the injury was very serious. Although there was no life danger, it was the God of the Mountain who woke up.

"God bless me? Ho ho, can't I bless myself?" Zhou Xiaobao smiled, asked his sister to feed him some warm sugar water, and closed her eyes to rest.

My sister Zhou Yuqing said that she would go to the town middle school and find her mother Liu Fengying, a teacher, to tell her the good news.

Zhou Xiaobao was unable to move, so he had to follow the old sister's disposition and let her arrange.

His place is called Lianhua Town, which is on the edge of Changbai Mountain. It is a remote area surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side.

Because there are high mountains on all sides, the town looks like a small basin, which can be called the small Jiangnan in the northeast. In the coldest winter season, the temperature outside is 30 or 40 degrees below zero, and this town is also about 10 degrees below zero, which is a miracle.

Most of the villagers here believe in the mountain god. No matter whether it's a festival or hunting in the mountain to dig herbs, they can do things with peace of mind after worshipping the mountain god. Of course, some villagers believe in Huang Daxian and Fox Daxian. Here, religion is absolutely free, and no one will blame you.

There are five large villages in the town, which are distributed among the mountains and forests in five directions of the town. It is said that from a high place, these five villages are as beautiful as blooming lotus flowers, evenly distributed, very beautiful. Therefore, the town is called Lianhua Town.

This legend is not well researched. Even the oldest old people in the town can't tell the truth. It seems that the town is called Lianhua Town from their grandparents.

Zhou Xiaobao's home is in Zhoujiatun, the northernmost village in the town. Wild Boar Ridge is just north of their village. The orchard created by Zhao Pangzi belongs to the mountainous area of Zhoujiatun Village, which is regarded as a sunny hillside at the periphery of the Wild Boar Ridge, with an area of about 50 to 60 mu.

Zhou Xiaobao worked in the orchard for six or seven months, only a thousand yuan a month. Fortunately, he was close to home and could help his family to do heavy work at any time, but he didn't care too much about it. Other people were in the same situation.

Only after working for such a long time, he got a total salary of three months. The orchard owner still owes him more than 3000 yuan.

On the day of the accident, it was the man in the village who asked the orchard owner Zhao Pangzi for his salary. Zhao Pangzi had a drink at noon and was upset. He didn't want to solve the wage problem for the workers, so he drove away.

As the car was driving too fast, I accidentally bumped into Zhou Xiaobao, and then something happened.

Thinking of this, Zhou Xiaobao sighed. Since he was not dead, he did not know how to compensate for the accident. Because her sister Zhou Yuqing is too young to tell her about adults, she didn't ask her just now.

I just hope to lose some cash, but don't lose this broken orchard to yourself!

I thought too much and felt a little pain in my eyebrows. I was about to enter the strange mountain god temple again to study how to be a mountain god, when I heard the sound of rapid footsteps outside, my mother and sister were panting and rushing in.

"You finally wake up, dog remnant. My mother is worried to death." Liu Fengying is a Chinese teacher in the town middle school. She is gentle and beautiful. Due to illness and hard work, her sideburns have been stained with frost and snow.

"Mother, I'm fine. Didn't I wake up?" Zhou Xiaobao grinned and forced a smile. He didn't know which wound he touched, so he gasped in pain.

"Don't try to be brave. What kind of injury do you have?" Liu Fengying sat beside the bed and comforted him gently

"By the way, let me tell you a good news. Zhao Pang hit a man while driving drunk and has been arrested by the municipal public security bureau. Apart from the initial 5000 yuan hospital fee, the police couldn't get an extra penny out of him. But Zhao Pang was willing to pay us for his orchard, and the transfer procedures were completed. Your father signed for you."

"What? Zhao Pang paid us for the orchard at Boar Ridge? No cash? Didn't his pickup truck buy insurance?" Zhou Xiaobao was shocked. He was really afraid of what might happen. He always felt something was wrong, and asked anxiously.

"Well, his pickup truck didn't go through any formalities, and he didn't even buy compulsory traffic insurance. I heard that it was still a stolen car that was dragged away and confiscated by the city traffic police team. How can I pay in cash? But don't worry. According to the evaluation of experts in the city, Zhao Pangzi's orchard is worth more than 100000 yuan now, and they all said that our family is not losing." Liu Fengying comforted.

"But... this orchard compensated us. Who will pay the wages owed by the orchard to the workers? All of them add up to forty or fifty thousand!" Zhou Xiaobao said with a worried face.

Liu Fengying's face changed greatly and exclaimed: "Ah? When we signed the agreement, we didn't know about it... Your father and I didn't look at the contract carefully at that time... Our family will not be trapped by Fatty Zhao, will we?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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