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Chapter 1 Introduction

Game settings

Basic mode of ordinary online games: players enter the game to establish a virtual character, with health, strength, agility and other attributes, as well as an initial "level". The life in the game is mainly in four aspects: first, find the computer virtual characters in the game, talk, get the task, and complete the task to get the prize. 2、 Learn virtual combat skills, kill virtual monsters in the game, and gain "experience points" and prizes. Experience points will increase the "level" of the characters and strengthen their attributes. 3、 Learn virtual life skills, collect resources or make items in the game, and then sell them to other players to obtain game coins. 4、 Interaction between players, such as several people forming a team to kill monsters or complete tasks, players attacking each other to prove their ability, trading each other to get what they lack, chatting when not working, etc.

The level of characters in the game of Infinite World is 0~200, and one combat profession and two life professions can be established. Hidden professions are not included in this limit. There are 12 combat professions in the game, including soldiers, knights, magical warriors, chivalrous men, assassins, archers, wizards, priests, monks, wizards, Taoists, and elemental summoners. Players with luck or special constitution can obtain hidden professions. Various combat professions can get a promotion opportunity every 30 levels, and there may be variant professions of their own professions.

The quality of equipment in the game is divided into 16 levels from low to high: wood, stone, copper, iron, silver, gold, platinum, treasure, jade, star, moon, sun, saint, god, earth, heaven. The first four levels of equipment can be used by all players; Silver equipment requires players to reach level 20 or above. Before level 60, every level 10 can use higher equipment; Level 60 can be equipped with jade articles, and then every level 20 can use higher level equipment; Only level 200 can use sky level equipment.

The monster templates in the game are divided into nine levels, from low to high: wild animals, monsters, strange animals, beasts, ferocious animals, monster, spirit animals, warcraft and holy animals. In addition, raised livestock and domesticated special mounts have no fighting ability and are called "tame animals". On top of the holy animals, there are legendary "semi divine animals" and "divine animals", which belong to the level of gods, equivalent to senior NPC.

In the game, players can take 3 auxiliary pets, 5 combat pets and 10 mount pets. Knights can take 20 mounts, and elemental summoners cannot take combat pets. All pets can stay in the pet space at ordinary times or can be released, and can be summoned when necessary. Ordinary NPCs can only take one pet and have no pet space.

The formula for calculating the experience required by players to upgrade in the game: Level 0~9 is the protection period for novices, and the experience required for upgrading=new level × 100; Experience required for upgrading after level 10=fourth power of new level ÷ 10. Death deduction experience of player role during novice protection period=level × 10; After level 10, the experience of death loss of players' characters is the experience value required for the last upgrade.

The titles set in the game, from low to high, are: quasi baron, lord, baron, viscount, earl, marquis, duke, king and emperor.

Administrative division in the game: five villages have one town, five towns have one city, five cities have one county, and five counties have one province. Each complete empire has about 20 provinces. There are 500 empires in the game.

The level of the player's territory in the game is different from the normal administrative region, from low to high: village, town, city, county, marquis, principality, kingdom, empire.

Players' skill proficiency levels, from low to high, are: primary, intermediate, advanced, special, expert, master, master, saint, god. Each level has three levels.

The level of skill books in the game is divided into: primary, intermediate, advanced, special, and ultimate.

Volume 1 Review

A group of powerful players have received the task to kill the legendary "cruel" head of the Ayma clan, which means fighting with the sky. In order to prove his innocence, he led them back to the nomadic tribe with Tian Zhengfeng, but they were challenged by the son of the old patriarch.

The task of rebuilding an ancient city, which is difficult for level 100 players to complete, should be completed by a level 36 novice like Tian Zhengfeng, which is basically a frame up. In the ancient city, Yu Tianzhengfeng accidentally found another player who was doing a task, Mingxin Gege. She was a girl with a strange temper, but they still joined hands.

Outside the ancient city, Yu Tianzhengfeng met a child like greedy big devil, Boss, the Potbellied Devil. He and Tian Zhengfeng arrived at the underworld with him. Here is the goal of the mission: the prison of death that holds the gods. Finally, he finished the impossible task and got rich rewards.

Yu Tianzhengfeng decided to use lottery to increase the popularity of Friendship Town, but it attracted a high-level intelligent program player - Las Vegas God of Gambling. It's a loss to compete with Tian Feng, but is it so easy to earn money from competing with Tian Feng? In the end, he defeated the God of Gamblers and won a new artifact, the Tiger God suit.

After hard work, he finally wants to build a city. At this time, he has finally obtained the first fund, which can be used to cure his illness. However, this treatment was a fierce battle with death, because the smart program that sealed the brain of "Battle with the Sky" came again, leaving him in the dark again.

It was not easy to wake up to contend with the sky, and the bandits attacked their newly built city. After a fierce battle, the Friendship City finally won, and this battle made the residents of the Friendship City more united. On the way to hunt down the robbers, Yu Zhengfeng also saw a young martial arts fan, Qingfeng Fuyun, and NPC robber Luo Han, who was forced to become a monk by the youth. Therefore, the Friendship City added two more talents.

When the development of Friendship City has stabilized, the loneliness of long lost finally comes back to him, so he begins his journey of wandering in the game world

Player Profile

Compete with Heaven: Yu Tian, a professional player who became a vegetable 20 years ago, had to rely on consciousness to fight in the new game Infinite World in order to recover. He is the only full-time player in the game, but also subject to many restrictions, which makes his level and skill level in the middle of the players. However, many years of gaming experience and excellent game IQ, combined with some luck and efforts, made him still achieve brilliant achievements and gain rich friendship.

Iron Toothed Crocodile: The deputy head of the Bloodthirsty Robber Group is ruthless, has a good game level, and is also a member of the underworld in reality. He has a tenacious Tianchan fishing net, which can trap the enemy in the net. Even fighting with Tianchan almost suffered a big loss. The combat profession changed to "Knife Knight with Long Handle" for the knight, and the life profession was mainly a fisherman.

Dancing to kill: In reality, he studied in an art school and dreamed of reaching the highest level of dancing. Therefore, he also chose the dancer profession in the game and obtained the hidden task of Dancing God suit. Although his level is not high, he found a way to combine dancing with fighting, which made any opponent feel headache. The fighting profession is Xiake, and the life profession is dancer and fortune teller.

Bingyue Zhengtian: Cursed by the wizard, he had to go to the "relics of the sages" to find the water of atonement. Although frustrated by BOSS, he met a group of players who were also cursed here. His natural leadership made him the head of the group. After receiving the help of "Striving for Front with Heaven", he took his brothers to join the Friendship City and became an important force. The combat profession is a mage.

Medicine jar: Living in the kingdom of witches and gods, it is common to encounter curses when going out. As a herbalist, after he was cursed, all the new drugs he developed changed their flavor, and no one was willing to buy his products again, even though he was already a master herbalist. Fortunately, he met the challenge of competing with the sky, and his fate changed from then on.

Wind Fog Shadow: Yu Tian's old classmate has changed a lot over the past 20 years, but his obsession with games remains unchanged. After selling his own game company to Days, he got a special account in Infinite World and six limited edition pet helmets. When two old classmates meet again in the game, what will they do? The profession in the game is the hidden profession "trainer".

Li Feipeng: Zhao Xueer's real boyfriend is young and promising. He has always been moderate about games, and only treats them as a pastime and one of the ways to communicate with friends. The arrival and performance of competing with the sky has changed his psychology, so he can no longer maintain his good demeanor and mentality. The fighting profession is the devil warrior, and the life profession is the chef.

Da Luo: A friend of Li Feipeng, he easily saw what he thought of Zhao Xueer when competing with Tian Feng. In order to protect his brothers, he always sneered at the battle with Tian Zhengfeng, but at the critical moment, he helped fight with Tian Zhengfeng, even though the battle was a little confused. The fighting profession is a soldier, and the life profession is a woodcutter.

Prapo: A player from Country Y, who loves adventure and worships the legendary bandits since he was young. In order to dream, he formed a less successful bandit group in the game. It's a pity that his bandit group could not support itself, let alone help the poor, before it met the challenge of fighting with the sky.

Hungry for fear of death: A young player who committed the crime of killing his father in the game was wanted all over the world. However, are the mistakes of young people unforgivable? How many of his mistakes are the responsibility of his parents? The fighting profession is assassin, and the life profession is unknown.

The poor lion: the father who was so hungry that he was afraid of death. In reality, he had to look for opportunities in the game. Perhaps it is the troubles of life that make him become impetuous and vent his frustrations on children. However, after the family fought side by side against foreign enemies, he finally realized that his son had grown up and was equal to himself. The fighting profession is assassin, and the life profession is unknown.

Han Mei 2014: A mother who was too hungry to die, although she loved her son, she could not resolve the conflict between the two parents, which made her particularly painful. The fighting profession is assassin, and the life profession is unknown.

Computer intelligent archives

Hai Lan: The core intelligent program of Infinite World, the world's first intelligent computer, has countless times the analytical ability and computing ability of human beings. She completes most of the production of the game. Liang Bo has high expectations for it. But what kind of independent thinking is hidden under the appearance of the cute little girl in Hailan?

Holy Demon King: It was the ultimate BOSS of an old game. It was the culprit who turned the protagonist into a vegetable, but his purpose was only to survive and pursue fairness. Absorbing the wisdom of the protagonist, he entered Infinite World as a ghost player and has been standing at the top of the game. There is no doubt that the final settlement between him and the battle with the sky is needed.

Helena: As an NPC, the princess of the Louchuan State fell in love with the "player" Holy Demon King, who fought bravely and made outstanding contributions. This is a violation of the rules of the game. Will this beautiful and kind NPC get a happy ending?

Aji: An adventurer should have the talent of finding a way, but the main god designed him to be a road idiot, lost in a dark cave, but he also got a care that he would not be attacked by monsters. Under the guidance of competing with the sky, his intelligence has evolved. Although his feet will still get lost, at least his heart has found the direction.

Yuji: As a descendant of the god of guns, her body is full of fighting blood. But before she met the battle with the sky, she was just a little pig girl in the thorn night village. Fighting with the sky activated her, adding the burden of marksmanship inheritance and the responsibility of protecting the villagers to the little girl. At the same time, war and peace will also become a lifelong puzzle for her.

Knight of Light: one of the 36 smart computers that intruded into the game. Because of the personal preference of the boss of his game company, he was designed to be a righteous character and cherish his horse like life. Because of this, when he saw that fighting with the sky hurt the horse, he regarded it as the number one target to kill with all his strength. In order to kill and fight with the sky, the just knight finally wielded the killing gun. The light became a weapon of destruction in his hands.

Big Robber Demon God: Demon God generated by players' increasingly strong desire to rob, in charge of all robber affairs. It is said that any player who sees him can choose to become a top robber. Of course, the Devil God is not so easy to see. He likes to yell to show his momentum. In addition, he likes to see others depressed.

Ron: The most evil and powerful wizard in the game. Because of his unique talent and intelligence and his father's rebellious behavior, the gods were afraid, so the gods cursed Ron who was still in his mother's womb and imposed all kinds of hardships on him, but this helped Ron cultivate the strongest "curse technique". Ron wanted to take revenge on the gods and the whole world, and he also enjoyed seeing the pain of others. Even the god of heaven dared not fight with the wizard, but Ron made a mistake, and he caused him to fight with the heaven.

Brand: Changjiang Children's Publishing House
Launch time: November 5, 2015 11:22:17
Press: Hubei Children's Publishing House
The digital copyright of this book is provided by Changjiang Children's Publishing House, which authorizes Shanghai Yuewen Information Technology Co., Ltd. to produce and distribute

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