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Chapter 1 Looking for the Hometown

When he woke up, Ye Rong looked at the familiar and unfamiliar dilapidated cave, where weeds were growing, walls were broken, and the scene was abandoned for many years

In 1949, in the deep winter, the loess plateau, Zhongtiaoshan.

Sangzhuang, a small village close to the world in the mountains.

As a soldier, Ye Rong came down from the bloody battlefield, said goodbye to the troops, said goodbye to the cruel and disastrous war career, and survived.

He walked along the snow covered, empty and lonely country road, and returned to his familiar hometown alone

After entering the village, everything is so familiar: deep ditches, mountains, caves, tunnels, air raid shelters... and the bare mulberry trees that fall out in winter.

Sang Zhuang, named after the number of mulberry trees.

Winter is the slack season. In front of the cave in the deep ditch and beside the country road, there are several elderly people, dressed simply, chatting.

"When the People's Liberation Army liberated the county town at the foot of the mountain, I saw... They all said that there were only a few soldiers in the" Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Guerrilla Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba Lu "," Tu Ba

"Well, the little devils have been driven away, and now they are fighting civil war again. I don't know where they are now. In this remote old village, the news can't be heard at all, and I don't know whether the whole country has been liberated?"

"Wait for Rong Wazi to come back... He has gone with the PLA, and will definitely bring back news when he comes back!"

"Ye Rong?"

At the mention of the name, one of the old men wearing black cotton padded jacket and black cotton trousers suddenly changed his face and lowered his voice, saying: "Shh... keep your voice down! I can't mention the name... He is a bandit who kills people without blinking! In addition to Wei Huzi, who hid under the bed and survived, seven people in the old Wei head's family were killed by him. It's said that the old Wei head's heart was dug out by him in extreme cruelty... "


The whole audience was shocked, silent and frightened.

Soon, driven by curiosity, they began to chat again.

"Ye Rong is not to blame for this. In those days, the little devil persecuted people and didn't have enough to eat and wear. Old Wei Tou and Ye Rong's father, at the same time, Tie Tie Zi fell on the Zhongtiao Mountain and became a bandit! One occupied the south of the mountain, the other occupied the north of the mountain. One was named Weifeng Stronghold, and the other was called Ye Jiajun. Weifeng Stronghold is a real bandit, attacking families and robbing houses, bullying men and women. Ye Jiajun has good discipline. Sometimes when he meets with the devil's mopping up, he takes the initiative to open the door to accept the people and shoots the devil's mopping up troops twice. It's said that once, Ye Rong's father went back to the village to visit his relatives. The bandits of the old guard head saw that the old guard head said, "One mountain must not allow two tigers." So he shot Ye Rong's father to death. In order to revenge, Ye Rong killed the whole family of old Wei Tou and dug out the heart of old Wei Tou to pay homage to his father... "

"It seems that Ye Rong only killed the old head of Wei. Ye Ma, Ye Rong's younger brother, killed the other six members of the old head of Wei's family!"

"Shh... Ye Ma is in the village. He should keep his voice low. He also kills people without blinking an eye!"

"Ye Ma is now a useless man. When the guerrillas collected Ye's army, they led Ye's army to wipe out Weifeng Stronghold and suppress bandits with bandits. Ye Ma was injured in the battle and his leg was disabled!"

"I have to say that Ye Ma is also a hero. The Wei Feng Stronghold did a lot of harm to our village. It was the Ye brothers who destroyed it..."


A few old peasants chatting stopped suddenly!

Because in the wind and snow, a person comes from far and near

A military coat, but also with the PLA hat, silent, quiet, snow seems to have a kind of killing mood!

When the man walked in, everyone could not help but open their mouths and read a name gingerly: "Ye, Ye... Ye Rong!"

"Rong Wazi is back?"

Only two people dared to say hello, while the rest were all frightened. The man in front of us killed people without blinking an eye. He had been a bandit and a soldier.

"Uncle Wang, Uncle Qin..."

Ye Rong smiled with a smile that was totally different from the murderous atmosphere just now, and said to everyone, "I am happy to see that you are still well. The whole China has been basically liberated, and New China has been established! After that, our country has gradually become calm, and we don't have to fear to avoid war anymore!"

"New China..."


In a small isolated village, there is not even a radio. The country is newly built, and everything is waiting to be built. The news has not yet reached here.

After being slightly shocked, the villagers praised: "The chairman is still powerful!"

"It's good to have no war! People are the most injured in the war!"

"The world is at peace!"

"Rong Wazi..."

The topic gradually returned to Ye Rong, and the villagers said, "You are lucky! When you were a bandit, you were also a bandit, and other bandits were basically dead. How could you think of following the guerrillas? Now you have followed the right people and hit the world!"

"I heard that your brother Yema, although disabled, did not leave with the PLA in the end. He was still wounded in battle and has been paid all his life? How envious!"

"Ye Rong, will the army also give you money? Your Ye family is going to be developed!"


Ye Rong said goodbye to the villagers with a smile and continued to walk home.

After leaving, Ye Rong, who has always smiled kindly to the villagers, immediately became cold again. He experienced the war of blood and fire, saw the scene of corpses everywhere, stabbed people with a knife, and his blood stained his eyes. His father died, and his brother was disabled

Having experienced all kinds of Yerong, he has been used to cold-blooded.

But his smile is kind, and it is also true. After victory, liberation, the founding of New China, a better society is coming! Faced with the people who survived the disaster, the PLA can proudly raise its head and show its smile!

Because they bought the world with blood and life!

Everyone should cherish the hard won peace when stepping on the land of bones stained with blood!

Village East.

The last but one cave yard is Ye Rong's house.

Pushing open the door, Ye Rong saw a man and a woman, two children in their twenties and thirties, chasing and playing in the yard in the light at the end of the dark door.

Then a crutch appeared in the field of vision, accompanied by a bayonet!

The bayonet passes through the dark door opening and points in the direction of the door


The young man with crutches and bayonets and stubble on his face asked sharply.

He is Ye Rong's younger brother, Ye Ma.

Ye Ma was looking at the children in the yard when he suddenly heard the door open. He used to take out his bayonet.

After all, there are enemies in the village, and they are each other's father killing enemies!

Wei Huzi!

The Ye brothers killed Wei Huzi's family! Weifeng Stronghold was also destroyed by them!

And Wei Huzi's father, Wei Tou, is their father killer!

Although it is said that the two families fought each other and each suffered death or injury, when Weifeng Stronghold was exterminated, Wei Huzi was not in the stronghold and became a fish in the net. Later, Wei Huzi, fearing that he would have the Ye brothers who were the backers of the army, naturally did not dare to seek trouble again.

However, we have to guard against others. Especially after Ye Ma married and had children, he must be careless to avoid accidents to his wife, children and children!

Ye Rong took two steps back and stood in the sunshine outside the door to let the other party see his face

He kept staring at Ye Ma outside the door. At first, he only saw the army coat in the dark, but he didn't recognize it for a while. Then he finally saw it clearly. Suddenly, two lines of people cried out, "Brother..."

After this sound, I lost control of myself completely. I grabbed a crutch and moved my body to Ye Rong, crying: "Brother, you finally came back... alive... When you left with the army, I only hated myself for not winning, my leg was broken, my disability was disabled, and I didn't leave with you... How could I not worry about you fighting on the battlefield? I asked someone to ask for your information. I asked someone to listen to our county's list of dead in action at the county's radio station. I was so afraid to hear your name in the list, but I couldn't help listening... "


Ye Rong rushed over, hugged his own brother and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm not coming back, I'm still alive, we have won, and New China has been established!"

After a long time, the excitement of reunion in troubled times finally calmed down slightly.

Ye Rong looked at the children who were still chasing in the yard and said, "Are they......?"

"Your nieces and nephews! My son and daughter! Brother, after you left with the army, a father and daughter who were destroyed by the war outside the mountain fled to our village with a shoulder pole, two quilts and pots and pans. I took them in, and I married the girl..."

Ye Ma called the two children over, pointed to Ye Rong and said, "Call me Daddy!"

"Big dad!"


Both children were very afraid of the old man with the bayonet in his hand, so they were very obedient.


Ye Rong is very happy. This is also the offspring of the Ye family!

"Is my brother back?"

At this time, a village woman with ordinary appearance and sound body came out of the cave house. She was weak at birth and asked, "I have heard that there is a brother who is a soldier at home. Finally, I saw..."

Ye Rong took a look at his brother's broken leg and knew that this younger brother and sister were really not easy.

In today's world, in the era of suffering, poverty and self-reliance, men are disabled. As women, they must have suffered a lot.

Ye Rong was really grateful and said, "My brother and sister, I have suffered. My brother depends on you to take care of him!"

"Brother, I'm not bitter! When my father and I fled here, the whole village was basically hungry, and no one wanted to take them in. It was Ye Ma's kindness, and he also had some disability subsidies from the army... Ye Ma was a good man, who killed devils and bandits, and was a famous man with indomitable spirit. I can marry him, marry such a man, and serve such a man... I don't regret it! "

"If you don't regret it, I still regret it! You look ordinary..."

The bastard brother didn't want to. Ye Rong, who should have been moved by his younger brother and sister, slapped Ye Ma in the back of his head. "Hello? What are you looking for?"

"He was joking..."

When he was slapped, his sister and brother explained that he was worried that his brother would hit Ye Ma again.

His younger brother Ye Ma felt the back of his head and giggled

Ye Rong could not help being moved by the feeling of happiness. Now, Cathay Pacific, Min'an, seeing that everything is fine at home, and there are more people and women in Ye's family, Ye Rong especially cherishes this just slightly peaceful family! And full of hope and enthusiasm for this family and country! We can't wait to see how our children grow up, and to see the good wishes after the development of the backward New China!

Electric light telephone, upstairs and downstairs

No oil for lighting, no cattle for ploughing

Wine before dinner, fruit sugar after dinner

Eat fish, eat meat, eat pig's head, walk with apples on your nose

What a beautiful and yearning dream world of visualized socialism! An unimaginable, unbelievable, totally unbelievable world!


Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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