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Chapter 1 What?

At night, it is dark as ink, and occasionally a few stars twinkle, just like people's eyes are bright and deep.

This is the largest new entertainment city in Penang. When you go inside, the lights are bright and a little darker. Colorful lights are shining overhead, looking strange.

The door of the house was knocked suddenly, and then pushed open. Several people seemed to rush over. At the moment, they were still sweating while holding the door handle. At the moment, they suddenly appeared here, which was particularly abrupt.

"Keno, you are going to get married tomorrow and still hang out with me here. Aren't you afraid to eat Master Jin's whip?"

"Since I have agreed to be engaged, is the dead old man in charge of me? Even if he wants to, he can't control it."

"Er Shao." The man standing at the door frowned and stepped forward. "Man, I found it."

The man glanced at them faintly, stood up slightly, narrowed his narrow peach blossom eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know what to do when I find someone, and still want to ask me?"

"Well..." several hands looked at each other, wiped a cold sweat, and could only say, "Er Shao, are you going with us? That girl... should not be very cooperative."

The man got up leisurely, moved his wrist, opened his shirt, and several long healed scars, which made him even more evil.

The new Audi coming from the expressway is swinging from side to side. It seems that the driver is not so skilled.

When Ye Zhi woke up, she still felt pain in her neck. She moved and straightened up, only to find that the car had reached the highway. She was sitting in the co driver's seat. She was stunned for a long time before she reflected. She turned around and was stunned for a long time. It was actually her brother Ye Tianran who was driving.

"Well... where are you taking me in the middle of the night?" Ye Zhi frowned and looked around. The dark sky seemed to be covered with thick fog, which was oppressive.

Ye Tianran hummed, stepped on the accelerator, and sped up: "Sister, my parents are really honest. They sold you for the company. You are engaged to Jin Shao for three months. Have you seen him? The only thing you saw was his colorful news in the newspaper. You can marry such a person? You are also a reporter. You know more about him than I do. How can you agree?"

"Naturally, you should stop first. I can't just leave, or tomorrow..."

"Of course I have to go. What are you doing?"


Before he could finish speaking, Ye Tianran's car turned and was suddenly blocked by the Hummer rushing out in front. Ye Tianran braked hurriedly. His driving skills were not very good and he almost hit the green belt on one side.

Copyright: romance novels

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