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Chapter 1 Murder Caused by a Steamed Bun

Outside the Mingyue City, on the top of Langya Mountain, a disheveled and ragged young man with a trace of blood on his mouth; The boy was sitting on the top of the mountain with a black steamed bun in his hand, looking at the setting sun in the distance. "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is near dusk!" The boy could not help sighing as he watched the last afterglow of the setting sun on the earth.

The young man's name was Leng Shi. He didn't belong to this world. After he died of illness in a previous life, he was sentenced by a judge to be a brute in the underworld. Leng Shi thought he was a good man in his previous life, and he certainly refused to accept the judge's decision, but the judge simply ignored him and directly ordered him to enter the animal road. In the face of six samsaras, facing the fate of falling into the animal road forever, Leng Shi rose up to resist, finally broke away from the detention of cattle and horses, jumped into humanity, and finally came to the unknown world inexplicably.

Seeing the sunset disappearing on the horizon, Leng Shi slowly put the black steamed bun in his hand into his mouth. After biting off a piece, he said with gnashing teeth: "One day, Leng Shi will repay the humiliation I suffered today a hundred times."

When I think of today's event, Leng Shi is furious; Today, Leng Shi was begging for three meals a day as usual. In the evening, he finally met a steamed bun donated by a kind-hearted person. Unexpectedly, when he was about to reach for dinner, a foot stepped on his hand. Feeling the pain in his hand, Leng Shi bit his teeth and slowly raised his head. A arrogant boy with a scornful look, dressed in white clothes and a jade pendant hanging on his waist, came into Leng Shi's eyes.

"Little beggar, do you dare to look at me like this?" The boy looked at Leng Shi's eyes and said angrily. Then he stepped on Leng Shi's feet and tried harder.

Looking at the arrogant young man in front of him, Leng Shi was very angry. He had no connection with him, but he suffered from a disaster. Leng Shi immediately wanted to trample the young man in white, but when he saw that the young man was either rich or expensive, he could only bear the anger in his heart and vowed to pay back the humiliation of today.

Seeing that Leng Shi didn't resist at all, the boy in white kicked Leng Shi for a few feet, then kicked the dinner that the good man had given him away. Finally, he spat at Leng Shi and said arrogantly, "I said, don't let me see you, or I will fight once every time."

Recalling the young man's last words, Leng Shi knew that it must be the owner of the body who had a problem with the young man before, but Leng Shi didn't care. He wanted to revenge the white clothed young man and wash away the great shame he suffered today. As the saying goes, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but Leng Shi is not like that. He will take revenge immediately if he takes revenge.

After dinner, Leng Shi slowly walked towards the Mingyue City. Maybe he was hungry, or maybe he was injured too badly in the evening, so that he had to hold something breathlessly to rest before he took a few steps.

Leng Shi knew nothing about the young man in white who insulted him today. The only thing he knew was to watch him enter a mansion with a plaque hanging from Zhang's residence in the city.

In the twilight, the bustle and bustle of Mingyue City has disappeared. Only occasionally can we see the hurried passers-by on the street passing quickly. Some romantic places are brightly lit, and people come and go in front of the door. Leng Shi turned a blind eye to the woman who was standing on the street and dressed attractively, and walked towards Zhang's residence in the city.

Leng Shi passed by a romantic place called "Spring Garden" and walked toward the familiar route in his mind, but he didn't take a few steps. Leng Shi saw the unforgettable figure in the moonlight. After seeing the familiar white clothes, Leng Shi hurriedly retreated and hid in the shadow of the street. Perhaps it was because of the twilight that the young man in white didn't find Leng Shi. He entered the Spring Garden with one of his peers talking and laughing. Seeing that they were familiar with each other, they were obviously regular visitors in the Spring Garden.

"There is no place to find after breaking through the iron filings, and you will never know kung fu." Leng Shi looked at the two people walking into the Spring Garden and smiled insidiously.

Knowing where the boy in white was going, Leng Shi hurried to the direction where the boy in white was coming, and a plan slowly formed in his mind. At the place where the boy in white had to go home, Leng Shi hid in a place full of garbage on the street and covered his whole body with garbage, leaving only a pair of eyes that showed evil.

As time went by, Leng Shi's eyes were always looking at the street. He was very calm at the moment, just like a hunting lion. If he didn't move, he would be dead. If he moved, he would be fierce.

As time went on, a strong sense of tiredness came, making Leng Shi sleepy. Cold Stone bit his tongue and stimulated himself with pain to prevent him from falling asleep.

The figure of the boy in white was never seen in the deserted street. Looking at the dawn, Leng Shi could only sigh to give up this action.

"Young Master Zhang, I heard that you have been selected by Tianluo Sword Sect. I need your attention in the future!"

"I didn't expect you to be so well-informed. It's easy to say. Somehow I will be a fairy in the future, ha ha."

Suddenly a flattering voice and the arrogant voice of the young man in white came into Leng Shi's ears. Leng Shi hurriedly looked along the place where the voice came from. He saw two young men walking in the deserted street one after the other, and in front of him was the person Leng Shi had worked hard for. Seeing the young man in white, Leng Shi held his hand tightly. The hard stone was ready to give him a fatal blow at any time.

Looking at the arrogance and arrogance of the boy in white, Leng Shi became more and more calm. However, the boy in white and the other person did not notice all this, and they walked towards Leng Shi's place, talking and laughing.

"Five zhang, four zhang, three zhang......"

Seeing the two people getting closer to him, Leng Shi looked more and more calm, but a lot of sweat came out of his hands. After balancing the stone in his hand, Leng Shi estimated the lethality of the weapon. He believed that the arrogant young man in white would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Two Zhang, one Zhang, half Zhang......"

The two teenagers are getting closer and closer to Leng Shi, but Leng Shi still hasn't started. He is waiting for a successful blow.

The young man in white walked past Leng Shi's hiding place while talking and laughing with another person. Seeing the young man in white walked past him, Leng Shi moved.


Cold Stone shouted and rushed out in a flash. His right hand was raised high. The dark, sharp and hard stone in his hand hit the young man in white in the back of his head with a bit of cold in the twilight.

Hearing the noise behind them, the boy in white and another man looked back subconsciously. When they saw Leng Shi coming, they were stunned. Even if the boy in white is arrogant at ordinary times, he is just a 14-year-old boy. In the face of such a situation, he has no idea, but subconsciously raises his right hand.

The white clothed boy's tender arm was the opponent of the stone, and was immediately interrupted by the cold stone's all-out attack.

The boy in white could not help roaring to the sky when the severe pain came. The boy in white also responded to the severe pain. He did not check the injury of his right hand at all, and ran straight ahead. Hearing the screams of the boy in white, another boy also responded, but instead of stopping Cold Stone, he ran in the opposite direction; Perhaps it was because of fear that he fell to the ground without running a few steps. As soon as he fell, the boy quickly got up and ran to the distance.

Leng Shi's target is not the boy at all. Seeing the boy's escape, Leng Shi doesn't mean to chase him at all, but hurries to chase the boy in white who is fleeing to the front.

The young man in white who ran for his life looked at the rear from time to time. When he found the cold stone he was chasing, he was scared out of his wits. He ran forward and ran for his life more quickly. The broken arm swung back and forth while running, looking very funny.

Cold Stone, who has been hungry for food since childhood, is no match for a boy in white. The distance between the two people gradually widened after a short chase.

Looking at the young man in white who was about to escape, Leng Shi knew that if the young man in white left, there would be endless revenge waiting for him. He knew very well what would happen when he faced the revenge of the young man in white family. Thinking of the imminent death in the future, Leng Shi did not know where his strength came from, but he slowly approached the boy in white.

At dawn, two teenagers ran in the deserted street one after the other in order to survive.

Seeing that he could not catch up with the young man in white, Leng Shi suddenly raised his right hand, and the sharp stone in his hand hit the young man in white fiercely.

The boy in white is just an ordinary man. How could he know that Leng Shi would throw his only weapon at him? He was hit by Leng Shi in the back of his head. The sharp and hard stone made a hole in the back of the boy's head in an instant, and blood poured out. The boy in white fell to the ground after running forward unsteadily for a few steps.

"It's you... what do you want to do?" The young man in white said weakly with bleeding mouth. In the face of death, he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance of the past, but only had boundless fear.

Leng Shi didn't answer him. He just walked step by step with the boy in white. His face was calm and terrible. When he approached the boy in white again, he smiled insidiously and said slowly: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend. If people offend me, I will. Don't blame me, but you are too arrogant."

"You can't kill me. I'm the eldest young master of the Zhang family and a disciple chosen by Tianluo Sword Sect. If you dare to kill me, you can't run away." Seeing Leng Shi trying to kill himself, the boy in white moved out of his backstage, hoping Leng Shi would be afraid.

Leng Shi didn't know what Tianluo Sword Sect was. Even if he did, he would not let the white clothed youth go. Since this is the end of the matter, if the white clothed youth left, it would be true to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"Hum!" Although Leng Shi was worried about the revenge of the white clothed boy's family in the future, he gave a disdainful grunt on his mouth and directly stepped on the white clothed boy's face with his right foot.

"I will not kill my nameless person," Leng Shi said coldly, and his strength increased by one point.

The injury at the back of his head, coupled with the fact that cold stone directly stepped on his face, made the boy in white bared his teeth in pain and slowly suppressed two words from his mouth: "Zhang Feng..."

Leng Shi raised his feet and let go of the boy in white, slowly bent down to pick up the stone that was stained with a trace of blood and was still wet, and coldly said, "My name is Leng Shi, remember, I will never meet you again in the next life." Leng Shi said, waving the stone in his hand and throwing it at Zhang Feng's head.

Just a moment later, Zhang Feng, who had been seriously injured, screamed and passed out.

Seeing that Zhang Feng passed out, Leng Shi didn't let him go. He waved the stone in his hand harder and hit Zhang Feng's head a few times. After confirming that Zhang Feng had no breath, he dropped the stone in his hand.

Just a few times, Zhang Feng changed his face, leaving only a pool of blood. Leng Shi fumbled a few times from the broken clothes and found a small black steamed bun, which was still beside Zhang Feng's head. The black steamed bun was instantly dyed by the blood, which seemed so weird.

After cleaning up yesterday's humiliation, Leng Shi hurried to walk outside the Mingyue City, but he didn't notice that the jade pendant on Zhang Feng's waist was emitting a faint yellow light. The yellow light, like water, slowly flowed into Zhang Feng's seven orifices.

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Launch time: 2015-05-05 09:30:16
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