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Chapter 1 Doctor of Medicine tells you how to lose weight scientifically and never rebound

In the previous series of books, Ten Thousand Ways to Moisturize and Ten Thousand Ways to Whiten, I talked about ways to moisturize and whiten skin. From a certain point of view, most skin problems are irreversible. These skin care methods are just to delay the aging of skin, but can not completely prevent aging. After all, aging is a natural law, and no one can go against the weather.

But obesity is a completely reversible situation.

A girl, as long as she has formed good habits, can be insulated from obesity all her life;

A middle-aged woman, as long as she works hard, can also have a perfect figure comparable to that of a girl;

An old lady can get rid of all the health problems caused by obesity as long as she has enough perseverance.

However, if you want to successfully defeat obesity, you must choose the right method.

Did you choose the right way to lose weight?

When chatting with patients and friends, I noticed that some girls were particularly curious about the "Weight Loss Department" of the hospital. It seemed that this was the "No. XX Street" in the spy film, with countless secrets hidden. They heard that as long as obese patients entered the hospital, hundreds of kilograms could be reduced. These girls were itching, so they asked me about the secret of the "Weight Loss Department". They wanted to know what kind of weight loss method was, and the effect was so good.

At this time, I can't help laughing. The hospital generally does not have a weight loss department. If there is, it is actually an endocrine department. Most of the obese patients who come here for treatment have endocrine problems, which is totally different from the weight loss of ordinary people.

You should know that obesity has two meanings, one is caused by disease; The other is caused by eating too much and consuming too little, which is called simple obesity. Obesity caused by disease must be found out the cause and treated continuously to reduce weight. Most people are simple obesity, accounting for more than 95% of obesity, which is basically unrelated to diseases.

Many people have a wrong idea about losing weight, thinking that obesity is a "disease", and we should treat obesity in the way of treating disease. What is the treatment of disease? When we get sick, the corresponding process is to go to the hospital, check, prescribe medicine, take medicine, get well, and stop treatment.

Some girls also treat obesity in this way: when they find that they are fat, they look for appropriate ways to lose weight (x day body exercises, x day dieting, a certain type of weight-loss medicine). After a period of time, when they find that they have lost weight, they are happy to think that they have lost weight, so they stop all ways to lose weight and return to their life before losing weight.

Then, the weight rebounded without any doubt.

Many girls sighed that the hardest thing to lose weight is to prevent rebound. In fact, the weight rebound in the above example is entirely man-made. Because we mistakenly treat obesity as a disease, it will lead to repeated failures in weight loss.

The concept is very important. Don't treat simple obesity as a disease. This is the first step to lose weight. Obesity is only due to a wrong way of life.

Simple obesity is not caused by a specific cause, but by the accumulated wrong habits in life. Treating simple obesity in a medical way is like going to the hospital to cure the bad habit of sleeping late. If you choose the wrong method from the beginning, the effect will not be ideal.

The wrong lifestyle will make you fat!

What is the correct way to lose weight?

The only correct way is to change the wrong lifestyle that will lead to obesity into a healthy lifestyle suitable for weight loss. To put it bluntly, the main point is just four words: eat less and move more.

These four words are not a secret recipe for weight loss, but the most common way of life for ordinary people.

What is lifestyle? The way of life is to eat when you need to eat, sleep when you need to sleep, and do what you need to do when you need to do something. Even if you don't have to think about it, you will do it naturally. This is the way of life.

If you don't believe it, you can go to see those slim girls (except those with special physique). They live an ordinary life every day. They also eat when they should eat and sleep when they should sleep. They don't secretly participate in any weight-loss treatment or take any special weight-loss drugs behind their backs. The reason why their figure is so different from that of fat girls is that their lifestyle is slightly different from that of fat girls. They have achieved the goal of "eating less and moving more".

Is it so easy to lose weight? It's that simple.

Eating less means eating three meals a day normally, eating healthy, low calorie food without going hungry, and not hindering the enjoyment of the delicious meals.

To be active is to walk, run, climb stairs and do proper exercise. These sports are suitable for everyone. They don't need to work as hard as athletes, nor do they need any special sports skills. They don't even need to arrange special practice time. As long as they form habits, all the spare time in life can be used to do sports.

These requirements are the norm of life for many people. If you do a good job of them, the excess weight will be reduced, and the excess weight will also be reduced. Next, just shape your body again and improve your physique.

Some people say that slimming is a lifelong career for women. I agree with this statement, but it is definitely not a career that needs to work hard. My understanding is that slimming is implemented as a way of life. When you get used to it, you don't need to spend any more time and effort to adhere to it, because weight loss has been integrated into your lifestyle. Without extra effort, you can have a slim and beautiful life, which is the meaning of the so-called lifelong career.

The lifelong cause of slimming is a beautiful cause as well as a healthy cause. Only by participating in it can you experience all the pain and happiness. Most importantly, you can enjoy the final results. Is there anything happier for women than having beauty and health at the same time?

Launch time: February 15, 2015 14:20:26
Press: Guangdong Science and Technology Press
Shanghai Yuewen Information Technology Co., Ltd. has obtained legal authorization, and has produced and distributed

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