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Chapter 1 Play the Mythical Character System!

Chapter 1: Play the mythical character system!


As a handsome Western man said this sentence on TV, Lin Feng was so shocked that he could put an egg in his mouth.

"I wipe it. I actually crossed the Marvel world..."

Lin Feng is not a person in this world.

After his investigation and the words of Tony Stark on the TV news, he can finally confirm that he has passed through the world of Marvel!

In addition, after his investigation, he also found that there are no myths in China in this world.

Those familiar mythical figures can not find detailed information here, only a few words, it seems that there is a fault in the long history at some time.

However, this did not happen in the myth of Western countries.

Of course, this is the last word.

"This is the end of tm! How can you cross into such a dangerous world!" Lin Feng was worried, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV news.

At this time, he has no intention of watching.

You know, this is a marvelous world, and something will happen to destroy the earth.

Although in the film, disasters happen in beautiful countries. But now we have crossed over. Beautiful countries and China are on the earth. The earth is going to be in danger. How can China be stable?

Besides, excluding this situation, there are various kinds of strange talents and evil organizations in Marvel world.

Ordinary people have no ability. It's too dangerous!

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more worried he became. But there is no way. Now that they have passed through, there is no way to change them.

"Well, I want to be more open-minded and take every step.

It's time to think about what work I need to do to support myself... "

Lin Feng thought for a while.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Maybe I can apply for a professor in the university by virtue of my understanding of fairy tales. Now there is a gap in Chinese fairy tales, and I should be popular if I apply for a professor in this field to give lectures!"

But just when Lin Feng had the idea, a metallic sound sounded in his ear.

"Ding! System binding!"

Huh? System?

Lin Feng was stunned and immediately became excited.

He also likes reading novels on weekdays, so he naturally knows what the system is.

This is a super plug-in of life!

"I didn't expect that one day I could even get the system! However, it's not surprising to get the system after such things have happened!"

Lin Feng thought happily.

Then he said, "System, introduce your functions."

"A good host, this system is called the 'acting system'. As long as the host plays a mythical character, he can get a reward. The more similar he plays, the greater the reward. In addition, the shock value caused by playing a character can also be used to buy items such as role playing cards!"

"This system is a bit interesting!"

Lin Feng's face was excited. Who hasn't worshipped mythical figures, learned his moves or talked when he was in the second place?

Now this system is playing these mythical characters. Isn't it cool?

"Ding! Now we will distribute the novice gift bag. Do you want to open it now?"

"Do you have a novice gift pack? Open it!"

When Lin Feng heard the words, he couldn't wait to say.

"Ding! Congratulate the master on obtaining the first level playing permission of the 'Monkey King, the Great Sage of Heaven'!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining the first level playing permission of 'Buddha Buddha'!"

Lin Feng's eyes brightened.

In the original world, these two mythical characters belong to familiar characters. Five year old children know each other, and he certainly knows.

"However, what does this level of playing authority mean?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Master, playing the role is to limit the strength of the role.

The restriction level is from Level 1 to Level 9. Level 1 is the lowest level, and Level 9 is the highest level. That is to say, when the playing authority reaches Level 9, the master can play his role! The first level is about 10% of the power of the character.

However, because each character has different strength, even if they are at the same playing level, their strength will also be different.

For example, if the Tathagata Buddha and the Monkey King are stronger than the Monkey King, the former will be much stronger than the latter even if they are at the same playing level. "

"I see." Lin Feng nodded his head.

It is easy to understand this point. Tathagata is stronger than monkeys, and even if it is 10% stronger, it must be stronger than monkeys.

At this time, the system sounds again:

"The host will continue to get play points during the play, and when the points reach a certain level, the play authority can be upgraded.

In addition, you can also get a lot of acting points after completing the heroic task. "

Hero mission?

Lin Feng was stunned, and then he understood. This is Marvel World. There will be many disasters and troubles.

The so-called hero task should be to do what a hero should do.

For example, what Iron Man and Spider did

"This kind of thing should not be difficult. I have obtained the role playing cards of Monkey King and Tathagata. Although there is only one level of playing authority at present, only 10% of their power can be exerted. However, Monkey King is powerful, can change 72 times, and the art of immortality, not to mention Tathagata, so even if there is only 10% of their power, it should be very powerful!"

Lin Feng was excited.

Moreover, he also thought of one thing: if he played the characters in these myths and appeared in the public's view, wouldn't it be possible to set off a wave of Chinese fever to explore the characters in ancient myths and legends?

This kind of thing is also interesting to think about!

Lin Feng smiled.

However, at this time, there was a roar in the sky, and the houses began to tremble. There was also a feeling of gratitude!

"What's going on?"

Lin Feng quickly walked to the window, but was immediately surprised.

I saw the sky not far away, a bright meteor, falling toward the distance.

However, it seems a bit wrong to say that it is a meteor. Because it is colorful, and meteors do not have colorful!

This scene was also seen by many people in the city.

Driving, walking, sitting in the office, etc., were shocked.

"Crouching trough, what is that?"

"Is it a meteor?"

"How could it be? Have you ever seen colorful meteors?"

"It seems that the trough is going to fall into the mountain over there. Why is it not rubbed off by the atmosphere?"

"I don't know!"


There were waves of discussion.

Others took out their mobile phones to shoot videos.

It can be predicted that in 30 minutes at most, there will be a hot search on the Internet!

The colorful "meteor" fell towards the distant mountains. A "bang" raised a large amount of smoke and dust.

Due to the distance, the ground of the city is only slightly shaken. If it falls close, it will definitely cause a wave of ground tremor, causing disasters!

Lin Feng looked at the distant mountain in shock.

At this time, there was still smoke and dust.

"This is Marvel World, and that meteor may be abnormal." Lin Feng analyzed.

"By the way, use the character card and fly over to see what happened to that meteor!"

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's spirit was shocked!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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