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Chapter 1 One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Insects

There is a strange flower growing in the middle of an unknown deep mountain and a quiet pool.

Although the exotic flowers have not yet bloomed, they have begun to emit a faint fragrance.

Chen Ming stands on the pool in the air, with a blue and exquisite water in his hands. He uses secret techniques to cultivate that wonderful flower slowly.

When the spirit water in his hand was completely absorbed and dissipated by the strange flowers, Chen Ming's figure disappeared from the pool.

"Collect the essence of 999 kinds of flowers and plants, and refine them into spirit water with secret spells."

"Look for another unique flower containing spirituality, which belongs to Youyin, and keep it for ninety-nine eighty one days with secret methods and spiritual water, so as to transform the unique flower into a fragrance!"

"Then use this incense to refine the secret method of 'one hundred and eight thousand insects', and my cultivation will be further!"

Chen Ming stood beside the pool, breathing and recovering his lost power, thinking about the secret method.

This is a world with gods, demons, demons, ghosts and practitioners.

Before Chen Ming crossed, when he was driving through a village, he saw a deserted temple.

He didn't know why he had a whim, so he got off to have a look. There was no statue in the temple, so there was a lotus platform left empty.

With exquisite patterns carved on the lotus stage, Chen Ming reached out and touched it, and then he crossed the world.

After Chen Ming regained consciousness and received the memory of this body, he knew that his original body was a monk in the qi state.

In order to make a breakthrough, the original body used a magic formula that he did not know where to get. He drew a magic array to attract aura. He wanted to condense his soul into a spirit and enter the imagination.

However, something went wrong, and the soul was scattered by the aura, leaving only the body, which led to Chen Ming's rebirth.

After Chen Ming and his body were fully integrated, he found that the array drawn by his original body was very similar to the pattern on the lotus platform in the temple.

When Chen Ming tried to cultivate, an unreal lotus platform appeared in his mind.

The pattern carved on the illusory lotus platform fell off and turned into a magic spell called "One Hundred and Eight Thousand Insects", and nothing happened again.

It is recorded in this secret method called "One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Insects" that this method was created by taking a great supernatural power and peeping into a drop of water to see eighty four thousand tiny lives. The birth and death cycles, forming a world of Tao implication.

The cultivation method of the original body is very simple. After a long time of cultivation, Chen Ming is still in the Qi inducing state and cannot break through.

So he wanted to cultivate the secret method of "One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Insects" first, and with the ability to protect his body, he would look for opportunities to break through to the imagination.

The strange flowers in the deep mountains and pools originally only contain a trace of spirituality. It will take at least a hundred years to achieve.

But after Chen Ming found it, he watered it with spirit water. The secret method was condensed, and the appearance was already different from the original.

"The ninety-nine eighty-one day has come, and it's time to do it!"

Chen Ming regained his magic power, hid in the dark, and waited quietly.

Not long after, the strange flowers in the middle of the pool began to quiver slightly, like a heart beating.

Suddenly, the flowers stopped shaking, as if frozen!

In an instant, the strange flowers bloomed in a flash, their petals were like silk, they were in full bloom like claws, and they were as red as blood.

It emits a strange fragrance, which makes the soul sink and cannot extricate itself.

As the fragrance of the flowers continued to emanate, various strange noises began to appear in the mountains.

Poisonous insects and vermin with ferocious or strange appearance are attracted.

The fragrance of flowers seems to have a fatal attraction to them. They come here without paying attention to their warnings.

Before long, the pond was crowded with insects.

No more, no less, just one hundred and eight thousand!

Although most of them are insects with only a little spirituality, and some even contain strange poisons themselves, they gather together and make people's scalp tingle.

One hundred and eight thousand insects are enough.

The fragrance began to gather, and the flower fragrance gathered on the strange flowers in the middle of the pool.

One hundred and eight thousand insects, like crazy, rushed over and fell into the pool.

"Right now!"

Chen Ming recited the secret mantra silently and changed the formula in his hands. The water rippled on the pool, and the water was shining.

Under the influence of Chen Ming's secret method and strange flowers, one hundred and eight thousand different insects began to bite each other in the pool.

The whole pool became blood red, emitting frightening poison gas.

The pool has become a poisonous insect basin, and poisonous insects are constantly being eaten.

The remaining poisonous insects are becoming more and more severe and toxic.

Even Chen Ming was a little scared.

With fewer and fewer poisonous insects in the pool, the fragrance of strange flowers becomes more and more rich.

The scattered poisonous blood and gas are not only swallowed by the poisonous insects left behind, but also absorbed by strange flowers.

The water in the pool is more and more clear.

One hundred and eight thousand insects are fewer and fewer, and the rest are highly spiritual and powerful.

It seems that the limit has been reached, and the strange flowers in the middle of the pool burst open!

It turns into a bloody mist and wraps up the remaining poisonous insects.



The sound of the poisonous insect's body exploding from the blood colored fog.

Then, gradually quiet, the blood colored fog, quietly floating in the pool, constantly wriggling.

At this time, Chen Ming came out of the darkness.

The formula in his hand was constantly changing, and a mouthful of blood essence gushed out into the blood mist!

"Imperial edict!"

Chen Ming shouted, and the blood color fog moved and changed rapidly, shrinking constantly.

Chen Ming saw this and used his magic to recite the mantra.

The blood mist suddenly collapsed and condensed into a crystal clear blood bead.


Chen Ming waved, and the blood colored beads fell into his hands.

The beads are cold and connected with Chen Mingxin.

Chen Ming thought, and with a bang of the blood colored beads, a red insect the size of a thumb jumped out of it.

If you look carefully at the insect's forehead, there is also a petal mark.

The red bug "clicked" a few times and ate the broken beads clean.

After eating, the red bug rubbed against Chen Ming's palm, gradually turned transparent and disappeared.


Chen Mingxin felt something and immediately sat down, closed his eyes, gathered his spirit and felt the sea.

As expected, the red bug hid in his sea of knowledge and lay on the unreal lotus platform in the sea of knowledge.

Before he had time to comprehend carefully, Chen Ming suddenly sensed that there was a breath coming from the outside world.

"I'm afraid the newcomers are attracted by my practice, and they don't know whether they are enemies or friends!"

After Chen Ming came across, he practiced the secret method hard and had not contacted other friars, so he felt uneasy.

People came very quickly. After a few breaths, they reached the pool.

Here comes a Taoist with a goatee called Ling Yangzi.

He looked at the pool and murmured:

"Strange, my feeling can't be wrong. It's just here that the poisonous gas gathered. How come there is no trace!"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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