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Chapter 1 Lindsay Strange

South West London.


Lin Wei lay lazily on the couch in front of his villa as usual, holding a cup of hot tea and opening the newspaper on the tea table.

However, when Lin Wei swept to the front page of today's newspaper, he gave a jerk with his hand holding hot tea, and then heavily placed the cup on the table. The spilled tea soaked the newspaper on the table.

[A private house on Privet Drive was attacked by hundreds of owls! Mysterious letters burst the doors and windows! The animal protection organization claimed responsibility for this incident!]

The Strangers in the house noticed their son's strange behavior.

"Oh, dear baby, is there any problem outside?"

Mrs. Strange's voice came from the house.

"Nothing, but the cup is too hot..."

After hearing Lin Wei's answer, the Stranches did not ask any more questions. After all, although their baby son was only ten years old, he was called a genius since childhood. He was more mature and elegant in dealing with people, not to mention that he was going to Eton Public School soon. The couple were very relieved of Lin Wei, so they never interfere in his life.

But Linwei reads newspapers on the couch almost every day. This time is his private time. The Strangers have already seen it.

Lin Wei stood up and walked slowly to the yard to stretch himself, feeling that he had been in the world for nearly ten years.

In this era when passers-by have become rotten streets, Lin Wei also resolutely joined the army of passers-by.

To be human for two generations with the same name is the end of the will of the big world.

The details of the crossing in those years have gradually blurred in my memory. I only remember that the white light flashed before my eyes, and the crossing happened in a flash.

The first few years when he just came to this world were the most difficult times. Lin Wei, who was in the swaddling clothes, had a normal mind but was limited by his body, and was forced to live a boring life every day.

Lin Wei was a little excited when he learned that his parents' last name was Strange. After all, as a certain scholar in those days, he was too familiar with this set of words. There was no coincidence in the names of the passers-by. This surname must have profound meaning.


I am coming!

While Lin Wei was waiting for the turning point of his fate, the fate played a little joke on him.

No Golden Finger, no Hulk, and no Captain America.

Facing this normal world, Lin Wei was not discouraged.

If there is no golden finger, then you can be your own golden finger.

When Lin Wei finally grew up to be able to access books, he immediately showed his uniqueness and attracted his parents' attention, so as to better understand the world.

When he found that he was born in Britain in the 20th century, Lin Wei was excited again. He had memories from the 21st century. With this information gap, it would be great to be a business giant in the future.

When Lin Wei was trying to do this, one day, when he was exploring the luxury house in his home, he was daubed by his own land deeds.

Then Lin Wei suddenly realized.

I am a millionaire... Bah... a billionaire!

Since then, Lin Wei's subsequent salted fish life has begun.

I have nothing to do with it. Sometimes being born in Rome is not allowed to struggle. I have been an ox and horse for a long time in my previous life, but I still want to strive to become rich?

Bah! Low!

But the headlines of today's newspaper suddenly aroused Lin Wei's memory of his dusty past life.

Owls attack houses

Letters burst doors and windows

This plot is too familiar. This is the beginning of the Harry Potter story!

As expected, this is the normal state of the crossover!

When I think of my age this year, I am just 10 and a half years old.

Yes, everything is right.

However, the happy look on Linwei's face only lasted for a moment, and soon he began to frown again.

After 10 years of living, Lin Wei's life can not be said to have been peaceful, but also calm.

There is no magic explosion and no strange things.

It reminds me of the two previous experiences of being enthusiastic, trying to make a big effort but being educated in reality.

"According to this urine nature, it is not impossible to be a pure Muggle in the Harry Potter world."

Thinking of this, Lin Wei said to himself in frustration.

He broke off a branch.

Keep an eye on

Or give it a try.

Anyway, I don't want to pay much to try, just in case!

I am really unwilling to enter the magical world.

Lin Wei racked his brains to remember the magic words he saw in the movies.

It's you!

"Avada nibbles at the big melon!"

Because he posed in a handsome posture, he confidently pointed the branches in his hands to the front and shouted out the magic words.

There is no way. After all, it has been 10 years. Lin Wei has racked his brains and can only remember this symbolic magic.




As expected, there was no light of forgiveness color, and no strange phenomenon occurred.


Throw the branches into the flowers, because suddenly I felt a look behind me.

Turn your head sharply.

But he saw his father, Mr. Strange, poking his head out of the door to watch him perform.

Mr. Strange: (๑ ૅ ૅ ๑)

Lin Wei: (=°Д°=)

"Cough... Cough, I just came to pick up an email, you go on... I haven't seen anything... Ha~"

As he spoke, Mr. Strange turned to his side, quickly took an envelope from his mailbox and walked back to the house, his mouth rising.

Don't go Hey!

Listen to me!

Did you just smile?

I saw it all!

Stop, it's not over today!


However, the only response to Lin Wei was to slap on the door.

"Wife, guess what I just saw Xiao Linwei doing?"


"Really!... How cute...&* ¥ #%"

(̀ ̀)

Through the gate, parents' laughter came vaguely.

Lin Wei knew that the talent set of Gao Leng, who worked hard, had collapsed.

Tired, destroy it, hurry up!

It's night.

Lin Wei, who had been tossing about for a day to save people, lay exhausted in bed and soon fell asleep


It was dark in the dream that night. Lin Wei felt that there was an inextricable fog around him. Only a golden path was guiding him.

In this strange dream, Lin Wei disappeared because of the anxiety of no action and no goal after crossing.

After aimlessly walking for a long time, Lin Wei's eyes suddenly opened up, and his original lax spirit suddenly condensed.

Now he is in a hall, and the walls of the hall are littered with one door after another, each with a layer of translucent light curtain.

Lin Wei turned to look behind him, and there was also a gate. But unlike other gates, there was no light curtain, only a deep tunnel. But he felt vaguely that if he entered the gate again, he could return to the original world.

Look around.

The hall was very empty, but a figure in the hall attracted Lin Wei's attention.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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