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Chapter 1 Unique Sword Ji Fiona

As we all know, the League of Heroes is a MOBA competitive online game on the surface, but actually a text chat game.

In someone's house.

"Yasuo, on the fifth floor, please don't stop. Thank you!"

The text has just been sent, and Yasuo's icon has not been preselected yet, so Yasuo is banned immediately on the first floor.

"Those who play Orphan Rope are all pit pens. The opposite super god is our super ghost. Let's change to a smelly brother."

"??? Do I knock you? Don't stop talking... Can't understand people?"

Someone instantly became warm and red, and then opened Zuan's unique friendly greetings.

One sentence seems to open Pandora's box, and the game begins to deteriorate.

So the war began!

However, the opposite side is obviously not a good stubble. After studying in Zu'an for many years, his skill is obviously deeper than that of someone.

After dozens of lines of output, I just didn't see an asterisk, but I greeted someone all the time. By the way, I didn't delay myself in selecting an angel.

On the other hand, it is different for someone. They often give a long greeting, and several harmonious asterisks appear in it. They don't speak to each other when typing. They almost delayed their choice of heroes. At the last second, they hurriedly selected a hero at random.

[I long for valuable rivals!]

A voice full of imperial sister temperament came from the computer.


If I could do it again, I would never choose a sword lady so hastily.

absolutely! Absolutely

It can only be said that if Zu'an people don't want to be, they will be punished by heaven.

Someone grabbed his bulging chest and sighed.

It's not a problem to cross the border. The problem is that I can cross the border with the role template of Jifiona Laurent without double swords and become the sword lady Benji.


Regret! I regret it! Very regretful!

The reason is not clear, in short, I regret it.

But there is no regret medicine in this world. Instead, there are sea pirates everywhere.

Of course, there are also Tianlong people.

Fiona's boat was attacked by the Dragon People.

The ship sank, Fiona fell into the water and drifted to this unknown island.

She should have drowned and then lived again. She was activated together with the game data template.

Everything is like a dream. She has lived in this world as Fiona Laurent for 19 years.

No, in this world, the last name comes before the first name, and her first name should be Laurent Fiona.

Until the death and rebirth just now, the memory before crossing was completely awakened, and there was a kind of trance feeling of "today I know I am me".

Perhaps it is to provide her with a reasonable identity. Fiona was born in a small country called Samwell Island in the East China Sea. Maybe the background of Fiona is similar to the background story of Jifiona without double swords in the league game, but it is a little different.

The Laurent family is a declining aristocrat in the kingdom. If not for a sister who married the king and became the queen, the Laurent family is almost completely marginalized.

Fiona was different from other girls when she was young, which may be the reason why her mother died early. She didn't like wearing skirts and dolls, but she liked to wear short hair, wield knives and guns. None of the noble ladies should be dignified and elegant, but more like a tomboy.

Although from the age of 14, she has become more and more beautiful and heroic. Her heroic temperament, which is not seen in other noble women, has attracted many other noble young people's pursuit.

But she looked down upon her completely. Her father sighed with sorrow for this. He invited many skilled tailors to tailor her colorful clothes, but she used them as targets to practice sword.

Fortunately, her sister Laurent Chin is beautiful and intelligent, and she is a beauty with perfect noble femininity. She was favored by the king and became the queen. The family just let Fiona go.

But in the year Fiona came of age at the age of 18, she still could not get rid of her fate as a daughter.

She was attracted by a man named Angly from a certain coronal guard family who wanted to marry the Laurent family.

Angles is the most outstanding young man of the Crown Guard family. He is in charge of the country's army and is the most powerful aristocrat.

He has seen too many beautiful women and had many mistresses, but he has taken a fancy to Fiona's heroism that other noble women do not have.

Fiona is beautiful and arrogant, just like a rose with thorns. She is born with a queen temperament, which makes him have a great desire to conquer.

But Fiona did not intend to marry this ugly Anglia, and publicly announced that she would rather die than be humiliated by others controlling her fate.

Anglia was so humiliated in front of the public that he naturally refused to give up. He proposed a death duel to the Laurent family in order to eliminate the uproar caused by Fiona.

Fiona's father tried to poison her opponent the night before the duel, but he was found. Later, as the head of Laurent's family, he was arrested.

The following plot is the same as that in the alliance, in order to prevent the family from being attacked by Anglia and to save the family's glory.

According to an ancient and almost forgotten rule, "one member of the family can pay the price of bleeding to wash away the shameful crime".

Fiona fought with her father to death under the witness of the king's people, killed her father and took over the Laurent family.

Although the Laurent family avoided the tragedy of being expelled and exiled under the operation of Queen Qin, and kept the continuity and honor of the family, the gossip behind it cannot be easily eliminated.

Fiona is known as patricide.

In particular, Fiona's "fiance" Angly, who hates the Laurent family completely, always stumbles behind and wants to get the Laurent family expelled.

Fiona is committed to revitalizing the family, proving her talent with her actions, and defusing the plot against Anglia again and again.

It happened that in order to become a member country of the world government, Samwell submitted an application to the world government and obtained the permission to become a member country.

So the king's family, under Fiona's escort, took a boat full of gold from heaven to the Holy Land of Marjoa to worship and sign the credentials.

But not long after the fleet set out, before it left the East China Sea, it met a world aristocrat named Tianlong Man who came to the East China Sea for a cruise.

The Dragon People ordered Fiona's fleet to be shelled, just because they thought the other party was eyesore, even if Fiona's fleet was far away, they would give way.

Baba went to send Tianlong people Tianjin for their enjoyment, but they were attacked by the other party for no reason, which is ironic.

Fiona's fleet was destroyed, with countless casualties. The king was killed on the spot. Fiona was seriously injured and fell into the water. Queen Qin and five-year-old Princess Anne are missing.

When Fiona opened her eyes again, she was spitting bubbles in the sea.

The memory of the past life awakens, and the consciousness before passing through completely takes charge of the body. Everything is like a dream butterfly in Zhouzhuang. Two different life experiences can no longer distinguish each other and become one.

You are in me, I am in you, you are me.

This arrangement of crossing identity is not abrupt. Everything is as natural as it should be. She soon adapted to it.

Fiona swam hard to the shore, and only after she got ashore did she begin to observe her present state.

The water reflected a beautiful face full of heroism, neat short hair, and two strands of red hair in front of her forehead set off her whole face with a more cool and beautiful temperament.

The white coat is tightly attached to the body, and the chest is towering, depicting two perfect radians, no big or small.

The flat belly is very beautiful, and the slender waist is tied down from the chest, which looks like a grip, but another beautiful arc is raised at the hip.

Further down, there are two long, thin and tight legs, straight and slender, full of power.

As beautiful as peaches and plums, and as cold as ice, it not only has the feminine beauty and grace, but also has the elegant temperament of full display of heroism. The casual glancing eyes, like a queen on the top, make people want to fall at her feet.

It can be viewed from afar rather than played obscenely.

This look is much better than that in the game. It seems that a new person has been changed, just like a new model has been specially built for her. Everything in her body is catering to her own aesthetic taste in the previous life.

Fiona looked at the reflection in the water, seemingly, suddenly, as if, she did not resist the fact that she had become the sword lady Benji as much as she imagined.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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