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Chapter 1 Dream Begins

Parallel world blue star Huai City, Huizhou, at the gate of a construction site. Standing there was a plain and rustic young man in his twenties. The young man's name is Li Mu. At this time, he looks helpless, as if he has suffered a lot.

Li Mu has worked on construction sites all over China since he graduated from junior high school. It's twenty-eight and I haven't got a wife yet. As for the construction site, women can't even think about it. My parents are divorced. It's not bad to live with my father, but my father left a few years ago. No one is boasting about marriage, and everyone is happy. It's even harder to find a partner when you are old.

In other words, Li Mu is in trouble now. I used to work well, but I was in a trance for several days and almost had an accident. What kind of incurable disease might it be? Li Mu also dared not go to the hospital, for fear of finding out that it was a horrible disease.

Recently, I went to work during the day and played with my mobile phone at night. Just before, I broke my skin on my finger, sighed, threw away my cigarette, took a taxi and went home. If I didn't work, I couldn't stay at the construction site all the time. When I got home, I would fall asleep.

Today is the third day of Li Mu's trance, and he really can't go to the hospital tomorrow to have a check. In his sleep, Li Mu saw a gray stone ball, which was the same size as the glass marbles he played with when he was a child. I picked it up at the construction site and played with it, but it disappeared. Seeing that there was less than one square meter of space in the stone ball, Li Mu was trembling with excitement!

In his dying dream, Li Muma sat up with a start. At first, he was in a trance, but now he is weak. Dragging his body out of bed and looking at his emaciated body, Li Mu was stunned: How about my little strong body? What a pale appearance!

Li Mu hurriedly went downstairs to eat and replenished his energy. Sitting on the sofa and thinking of stone balls, I have more space in my mind. This is not the kind of treasure like the universe bag written in the novel! Li Mu tried and found that anything smaller than the space could easily be collected into the space. The things collected into the space can be swallowed by the space, but Li Mu can control it.

First, the tea cup, and then the things in the house suffered. It should be Li Mu who finds that the space is getting bigger. What does this mean? It's a great opportunity. As long as the space is large enough, he can secretly carry out transportation. Now the transportation costs are expensive. Li Mu just needs to use space to load goods and then take a bus to the place where he wants to be sent? Of course, there are still some details to be considered.

Looking at the setting sun outside, Li Mu took a machete, a lighter, a large bottle of mineral water, a flashlight, and a power pack, and hurried out by taxi.

Soon Li Mu came to Zijin Mountain, also known as Beishan, which he had known since childhood. The highest peak is 241 meters above sea level and covers an area of more than 200 square kilometers. There are few people in the main mountains.

Avoiding the gate of 5A level scenic spot, Li Mu walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow from the side. About half an hour, it was dark. Turn on the flashlight and collect things while walking.

Rocky ground, weeds and dead branches. Li Mu swallowed while walking. The space in Li Mu's mind is getting bigger and bigger. Li Mu finds that with the size of the space, he can collect things more and more. He doesn't need to hold them in his hands. When his mind moves, things will enter the space. Clear the road ahead and walk slowly behind. Li Mu feels energetic and his physical strength is strengthening. On the spur of the moment, Li Mu walked to a big stone and looked at it. It was not less than 200 jin and it was difficult to grasp. Li Mu lifted the stone with a little force. Isn't space devouring itself to become superman?

When Li Mu swallowed something happily, he suddenly became black in front of him. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the space. Looking at the space of 100 square meters and digesting the extra memory in my mind, I learned that this is a newborn cosmic pearl, which can evolve the world. When countless Huiyuan Cosmic Beads come into being, they will actively absorb and swallow up their own consciousness. This Cosmic Bead is trained by Li Mu's blood before it has consciousness. Li Mu is the universe, and as long as it keeps swallowing, Li Mu will continue to be powerful. There are thousands of coordinates of this cosmic bead and other universes. It's all the universe around. Li Mu was surprised when he closed his eyes and looked around. It's all his familiar world.

Li Mu thought that he could become an immortal and become the ancestor, so he called the little world the little fairyland. Li Mu thought of the imperial sword technique in the legend of the legendary swordsman, as well as the mind crystal in the super power out of control.

Li Mu stopped eating and turned down the mountain to take a taxi home. Replenish the contents of your backpack and come to the fairyland. Li Mu came to a farm outside the Xinnian Telegraph. This is (super power is out of control). Listening to the passionate music in the farm, Li Mu shook his head and searched around the farm. Soon, he saw a hole about 300 meters in the left front. After listening to the sound inside, he jumped down directly. After turning twice, Li Mu saw the crystal. He wanted to enter the fairyland, but found that the crystal did not move. Li Mu directly touched it with his hand, and the crystal gave off a red and evil light. His eyebrows felt shocked and tingling, and he felt like he wanted to grow a brain. Li Mu did not know that he had opened the elixir field. Later, meditation can increase his mental strength, and the Taoist priest's divine sense. There was no nosebleeds like the three main characters. With the disappearance of the crystal, Li Mu is more energetic, and many memories are gradually clear from childhood to adulthood. Think carefully about the words in the hour book and read them one by one.

Seeing how tall the cave was, Li Mu just bent his knees and jumped up easily. He didn't want to talk with the main characters, but walked towards the deep forest. The fairyland keeps growing, and Li Mu is not in the real world, so he doesn't care about large trees. Behind the turf, there is a big pit with earth and stones hundreds of meters around. In this way, Li Mu is a big pit in another place.

The fairyland reached 1000 cubic meters overnight, and Li Mu was able to fly freely in the air.

Li Mu stood on the surface of the water at dawn, looking at the whirlpool under his feet and feeling the growth of strength. The eyes are bright, and it seems that there is a flash of lightning. This is the spirit overflow.

Spiritual overflow Li Mu didn't know that he was invincible. He was originally plain, but now his facial features are erect, and he is suddenly beautiful. His height has changed from 175 to 185. His arms and thighs are round and powerful. The eight abdominal muscles under the high and erect pectoralis major muscles are clearly visible. He puts down the hand that rolls up his shirt, raises his hands to clap high five, and the roar is heard all the time. The strong wind blows on his face.

When I flew to the opposite city, Li Mu was still collecting things, building foundation, cars, people, supermarkets, banks, and it was noon. A large number of people went out to look at Li Mu's flight in the sky. Li Mu was a little confused. He was waving his hand. The house below kept disappearing. There was a city in the fairyland, so he stopped. All the people who collected them by mistake before the big hand waved were released, but Li Mu still left five or six women, for nothing else, very beautiful.

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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