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Chapter 1 Treason

In the dim little room, Richard De sat on his chair, fidgeting.

It was not hot in the room, but Richard could not help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead to the tip of his nose with his handkerchief.

His Adam's apple stirred up and down for a while, then he bit his tongue and said slowly and carefully:

"It's like this. As you can see, I'm a mage.

My wizard card was accidentally lost and was picked up by Luo Luo, a female student of the wizard college.

I asked Luo Luo to help me go there and return my mage card to me. As a thank you, I gave her seven gold sabres, which is very reasonable. "

Opposite Richard sat two black robed mages, whose faces were completely covered by their cloaks, looking gloomy and strange.

One of the black robed mages scanned the clean book with a feather pen on his hand, and while recording, he replied to Richard:

"In our [City of Travel], an ordinary magic teacher's monthly salary is 30 to 40 golden swords.

Seven pieces of golden knife music are equivalent to the labor income of an ordinary magic teacher for a whole week.

To be honest, I just found the mage certificate and returned it. The reward fee for the seven gold sabres was slightly higher.

Of course, Master Richard, you are a three ring mage certified by the Mage Guild, and a professor and researcher of the College of Mages. Your monthly salary is 200 to 300 gold swords.

For you, 7 pieces of gold sabre music are really nothing.

Your description is reasonable. "


Richard exhaled, his shoulders relaxed, his voice lightened, and then said:

"Oh! Yes, of course it's reasonable. Senior officer, you are very perceptive."

But at that moment, the black robed police officer suddenly changed the subject.

"But... Dharma Master Richard, if he just returns the Dharma Master's card, why do you want to let Luo Luo go to [Sleepless at Night Hotel] [Lovers' Suite]?

[Couple's Suite] The room charge for one night is ten times more than the thank you fee you paid for Lolo.

Please explain in detail. "

Richard's eyebrows danced and a smile piled on his face:

"Officer, I was wronged. Although it looks like that, it's really not what you think.

As we all know, our wizard college and wizard college are competitive.

As a magic researcher and senior lecturer of the wizard college, I had a private contact with the female students of the wizard college. Once this matter is reported, it is not good for me or the girl student.

Of course, we are just a very pure relationship between the owner and the kind-hearted people, but outsiders do not know this.

What's the saying? If you repeat a lie a thousand times, it will become truth. This world is so absurd.

People's words are terrible. Lolo and I are afraid that some idle people will gossip about our pure relationship.

In order to keep it secret, I chose a relatively private hotel and asked Lolo to return my mage card to the hotel, which is also very reasonable. "

The black robed mage's feather pen paused for a moment, and after a little meditation, said:

"Hmm... I have heard about the orthodox debate between the wizard academy and the wizard academy.

If your private contact is discovered, it will really bring a lot of trouble.

Your description is reasonable.

But according to the testimony of the hotel owner and the runner, when Lolo left the room, his face was flushed, his clothes were untidy, and his hair style was messy. Apparently, he had undergone intense exercise.

And you stayed in the room for two hours.

Can it take so long to return a mage certificate?

Can't you play tennis with your wizard card in the couple's suite?

Master Richard, you continue to make it up. "

"It's a injustice, Officer. I didn't make it up. Everything I said is true!"

Richard screamed at the top of his voice and then went on to compose:

"Losing the mage certificate is my own affair, which has nothing to do with Luo Luo.

She just happened to pick up my lost mage card.

It's love for Luo Luo to return my mage certificate, and it's duty to throw it away.

But in order to return my wizard card, she went all the way from the wizard college to our wizard college.

What does that mean? "

Richard patted his chest and said:

"This shows Lolo's good character of returning money and his noble sentiment of being willing to help others!

Officer, Lolo is a good girl!

As an excellent teacher, I like to help such good students who are good at both learning and character.

I think it would be unfair for our society to let such good students and kind-hearted people as Luo Luo suffer!

So in addition to paying Lolo 7 pieces of gold sabre music, I also prepared a beautiful dress for her as a thank you gift, which is also reasonable. "

The black robed mage was silent for a moment, and took out a black and white tight low necked nun skirt from the cabinet and put it on the table.

The black robed mage flipped the nun's skirt, and his tone was very strange when he asked.

"Master Richard, you... said thank you clothes, that is... this one?! Hmm?"

No matter how you look at it, the fabric of the dress is a little economical, especially the neckline, which is too open.

Fortunately, the skirt of the nun's skirt is very short, but there is a safety pants inside, which looks normal - if it is not for the safety pants that just have a hole.

The black robed mage moved the nun's robe with one finger in disgust, as if she wanted to check the clothes clearly, but also disliked the dirty clothes.

This action made Richard extremely uncomfortable.

Officer, don't peel it! Don't peel it! Where are the safety pants that you peel off? What you peel off is my only face!

The cold sweat on Richard's forehead slowly flowed onto his eyelashes, making his eyes slightly blurred.

He quickly wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, and then wiped the tip of his nose, forehead, mouth, ears and neck.

Until all the places that could be wiped were finished, and there was no place to wipe, he forced out two embarrassed laughter.

"Ha, ha."

"Yes, yes. This is the dress I'm talking about.

This is what Lolo asked of me.

Her hobbies are quite unique.

As a wizard of our [silver city-state], she would like this kind of nun dress representing extreme theocracy!

Even the dogs on the roadside know that our silver city-state and the Holy Holy See are sworn enemies. But she asked me to give her this!

oh This is so depraved.

At the thought that such a kind and pure female student was poisoned by the extreme thoughts of the Holy See, I felt sad and indignant. "

Richard covered his chest and was very upset.

"As an excellent teacher who can be rated as advanced every year, how can I tolerate such things.

So I decided on the spot to let her change into the nun's skirt, and then severely criticized her to make her realize her mistake.

As for girls on the wrong road, I can save one by one.

What... is that reasonable? "

The black robed mage is a little weak. He turned his head and hesitated to ask his companion.

"Captain, is this nun's skirt reasonable?"

"Calburton, I think you should have your own basic judgment on such matters."

The voice of another black robed mage was a pretty female voice. It sounded soft and soft, and the voice was not big, but the tone was particularly cold.

"Think about it with your head, which normal young female student would like this kind of clothes that are too close to the eye and too ugly?

This is clearly a dirty man's vulgar interest!

Dirty! obscene! Dirty! No shame!

Master Richard, as a senior lecturer in the School of Magic, you enjoy the worship of students and the allowance for advanced talents in the silver city-state.

But you did such a thing!

As a teacher, he is morally corrupt and has no morality! Don't you feel ashamed? "

Richard covered his face.

The sacrifice is too great.

Why is my judge a female police officer? Don't scold me. I'm dead.

The policewoman is really fierce. Her mouth is like poison. She doesn't need to breathe when she scolds people.

After being scolded to such an extent, Richard had to suppress his shame and bravely retort:

"Female police officer. That dress is not my interest, but Lolo's interest.

Nowadays, some young girls like this kind of thing. I heard it's called role playing.

Dressed as a nun and warned by the priest, dressed as a demon and caught by the knight, there are all kinds of things.

This is just the pursuit of stimulation, not illegal.

You may not understand. When you are free, you can go and find out that I am not lying. "

The black robed policewoman is furious! She slapped the table, stood up and shouted:

"What do you mean? Who don't know?

Are you implying that I'm not a young girl? How dare you scold me!

You are a beast in clothes. You are shameless. You should go to the guillotine!

You look like a boar in the breeding period. You are desperate and have no bottom line. You even have to deal with students.

Bah! The inferior man, really inferior! "

Richard is confused: Huh? wait a minute? When will I scold you for being old? I'm not. I haven't...... Oh, I understand. Lies don't hurt people. Truth is sharp. Oh~~~~

Richard's eyes changed for three times in a row, from ignorance, to suddenly, to sympathy. He directly saw the black robed female police officer's liver and became angry.

Seeing that the black robed female police officer had taken out the magic book and wanted to extort a confession by torture, another police officer immediately stood in front of the female police officer and said anxiously:

"Captain, Captain. Don't be impulsive. He's just a suspect. He hasn't been convicted, so we can't start."

"Hum!" The black robed policewoman endured for a while and put the magic book away indignantly, but instead of sitting down, she stood aside with her hands akimbo.

The male officer was relieved and asked:

"Master Richard, the matter of clothes is not mentioned for the time being. You can go on to explain."


The worst result is to be convicted and have to struggle through.

Richard broke the jar and said quickly:

"Although this dress looks a little trendy, Lolo likes this kind of clothes, so I gave her this dress, that's all.

The reason why she blushed and her clothes were untidy was that Lolo ran into the bathroom to take a bath and put on the nun's clothes after she got the nun's clothes I gave her.

She walked up to me and shyly twisted her buttocks and asked me if she looked good.

Laugh to death!

Richard, am I a vulgar person? Women? Red pink skeleton.

Although Luo Luo is a kind student who found my mage card, and he is from the wizard college, I don't care about him.

But I, Richard, will never make mistakes in the face of such major issues of principle!

I asked her to stand at attention on the spot to test her silver city-state politics. I asked her to do ten squats as soon as she answered the wrong question.

After my strict instruction, Luo Luo was sweating heavily and his face was flushed by me.

She clearly realized her mistake, understood how wrong it was to wear a nun's dress as a mage, and repeatedly begged for mercy.

Seeing her sincere attitude and full of regret, I let her go to the bathroom to change her clothes.

So when she left the room, she blushed and sweated.

Officer, this is how I met Lolo a week ago. It's very reasonable from beginning to end.

Do you think so? "

"It's reasonable! If you lie, you can't tell the truth! You deserve to die, Richard, you ladybug!"

The black robed female police officer was furious, and the male police officer quickly stopped him again.

"Captain, calm down, Captain!"

Richard hurriedly leaned his body against the back of the chair and spread his hands out to show that he was harmless.

Afraid of stimulating the other party, he said as gently as possible:

"Two police officers. According to Article 364 of the Silver City State [Public Security Administration Punishment Law].

Regardless of race, age, and life, any mucosal contact between unspecified heterosexual or same-sex people with money or property as a medium belongs to the crime of illegal trade in reproduction rights.

There are two key points here, one is money and property as media, the other is mucous membrane contact.

I swear that although I gave Lolo 7 golden swords, I did not have any intimate relationship with Lolo that day beyond [skin contact], and I was in a safe area all the time.

Police officer, I maintain that I have never violated the [crime of illegal transaction of reproduction rights], and I have a clear conscience. "

"Hum!" Hearing Richard's words, the black robed female police officer suddenly snorted angrily and stepped back half a step.

To Richard's surprise, the black robed male police officer actually nodded to him and said:

"Master Richard. If what you just said is true, you really did not violate the crime of illegal transaction of reproduction rights."


Richard was overjoyed:

"So you mean... I'm all right?!

oh You are really a wise police officer.

In that case, can I go now?

Oh, yes, yes, I have read the above transcript, which is consistent with what I said. Come here, let me sign here... "

Richard has a good attitude to get rid of the crime and is proactive.

"Hey. Don't worry, Master Richard. Who said you could go?"

Unfortunately, the black robed mage did not understand the customs, and flatly refused.

"Why? Officer, I should have told you everything."

Richard stood up, patted his chest, and loudly promised:

"I can swear to the truth and magic. I really didn't have any intimate behavior beyond skin contact with Lolo.

Even when I kissed her, I kissed the back of her hand normally. There was no lip contact, no tongue sticking out, and no wire drawing. "

"Please don't be nervous, Master Richard."

The black robed mage pressed Richard and pushed Richard back to his chair. He said softly:

"You may have some misunderstandings. We didn't arrest you because of [the crime of illegal transaction of reproduction rights].

Master Richard, we have bad news for you.

Loro, the female student of the Witchcraft College whom you contacted a week ago, is the Holy Virgin of the Holy See.

Excuse me, have you betrayed our silver city-state and become the lackey of the Holy See, who has had close contact with each other? "


Richard was stunned for a moment, then he smiled carelessly, waved his hand and said:

"Holy Virgin of the Holy See? Ha ha ha, this is too absurd. Officer, you are really joking.

It seems that you don't know the value of Holy See at all, officer.

Not to mention the saints of the Holy Holy See, they are nuns who have been baptized in the Holy Holy See. They can meet and talk to each other for a day without doing anything else. That is the beginning of 30 golden swords.

If you want to do something else, you need a rich merchant, and the great mage has the financial resources. Where can the poor middle class like us get in touch.

I gave Lolo 7 golden sword music. If she is really a novice saint of the Holy Holy See, would she change into a edged nun's dress and dance for me?

Ha ha ha! I dare not dream like this. "

At this moment, the black robed mage suddenly burst into a rage, and she rushed forward with a lunge, knocking the tables and chairs askew.

Then, she grabbed Richard's collar with one hand, and squeezed Richard's shoulder with the other hand, which was so powerful that it almost crushed Richard's whole shoulder.

Richard was shocked and even stopped breathing.

Under the black robed policewoman's hood came her unique voice, which was gentle, delicate, but cold and piercing:

"Master Richard, I have to say that your acting skills are quite superb, which is completely beyond our expectations.

I admit that even I didn't find any flaws in your interrogation. You really behaved like a dead lady beetle.

But my intuition, my experience and my soul are telling me that there must be something wrong with you, Richard!

I can tell this just by the nun's dress.

Richard, are you sure you want to cover up crimes for the Holy See? "

"Ah? Female police officer, what do you mean? I really don't understand. What kind of Holy Holy See, that dress is used for role playing.

I swear to God, what I said is true! "

Richard's eyes were loose and confused.


The black robed policewoman snorted, and the dazzling white lights came out from all directions and stabbed Richard straight in the face.


Richard was so dazzled by the strong light that he raised his arm to cover his eyes.

In the darkness, Richard heard the emotionless voice of the female police officer in his ear.

"Master Richard, I'm sorry. I was too busy interrogating you and forgot to introduce myself to you.

You may have some misunderstandings. We are not the guard mage of the Travel City Police Station, but the spy mage of the Star Moon Club.

You may also have some misunderstandings. What we are talking about is not the empty title elected by the Holy See's chapel, the incompetent "apprentice saint", but the "true saint" representing the "seven virtues"!

We have already got solid evidence. The female student you contacted one week ago, Luo Luo, is one of the true saints of the Holy Holy See!

She has acted in our silver city-state for three years, stole a lot of secrets, and caused immeasurable losses to our silver city-state!

Richard, we arrest you not because of such trivial matters as [the crime of illegal transaction of reproduction rights], but because... "

The black robed policewoman stared at Richard, bent her fingers, pounded on the table, and said forcefully:

"Treason!" "Country!" "Crime!"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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