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Chapter 1 Martial Arts Competition

Yucheng, Wang's National Art Museum.

It is already more than three o'clock in the morning, but the light in Wang's Guoshu Hall is still on.

Wang Yue sat in front of the lamp, carefully savoring the ancestral Summary of Boxing.

"How can I achieve the secret strength recorded in the Boxing Summary? What is the sound of tiger and leopard thunder?"

Wang Yue has read this ancient book more than a thousand times, but the method of cultivating dark power described above is not complete at all.

As for the melting force behind the dark force, and the legendary elixir force, it is a matter of fact that there is no introduction to cultivation methods.

If it were not for the fact that this "Summary of Boxing Skills" had been handed down by the Wang family leaders, Wang Yue even suspected that the latter realm was simply false.

Wang Yue is thirty-two years old. If he doesn't get into the dark, he knows he will never have a chance in his life.

When a person reaches the age of 30, his life begins to decline, and he can no longer improve his boxing accomplishments.


A young man's voice sounded outside the room.

Wang Yue frowned slightly, then smiled: "It's Chen Zhi. Come in."

Chen Zhi wore a white training suit and came in with tea: "Shifu, it's late at night, please drink a cup of tea to refresh yourself."

Wang Yue smiled and said, "Well, you should have a rest earlier."

Chen Zhi stood still, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Master, do you really want to compete with Wu Cheng? It is said that Wu Cheng is a famous big boxer, and he also serves as an instructor in the army. Master, Wu Cheng is an elder, and no one will laugh at you even if you don't accept the fight."

Wang Yue looked at Chen Zhi, a simple and honest disciple, with a warm heart.

The martial arts school was poorly managed, and all the disciples left, but Chen Zhi was the only one who never left, which made Wang Yue very happy.

Wang Yue secretly said to himself, "Chen Zhi is dedicated to practicing martial arts and can bear hardships. Unfortunately, his aptitude is poor."

"Ho ho. Chen Zhi, you don't know a lot of things." Wang Yue smiled slightly, but his smile was a bit sad. "Wu Cheng is just a thug no matter how powerful he is. It's Li Kun, the chairman of Xinghe Group, who really wants to force me. The Wang's National Art Hall covers a large area and has a good location. So Li Kun wants to use this land to build a villa area, but unfortunately I don't sell it. Unexpectedly, he found Wu Cheng. "

Chen Zhi was surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many things he didn't know.

"Shifu, since you know that Li Kun is playing tricks, you still have to fight? Isn't this the trap of Li Kun?" Chen Zhi's voice was worried.

Wang Yue shook his head slightly: "If I don't agree, Li Kun must have other conspiracies, so I'd better fight against them. Alas, the era of martial arts has passed, and now is the age of money. Li Kun is rich, and this land will be his sooner or later, unless I can be richer than him? But I'm just a martial artist, where is my money? Hehe."

Wang Yue closed the Boxing Summary and handed it to Chen Zhi. He said seriously, "Chen Zhi, among the students who learn boxing, I only regard you as a real disciple. Unfortunately, your qualifications are really limited. This Boxing Summary is the essence of the Wang family's martial arts. Not only is there the boxing experience of all generations of the Wang family, but also some of my insights are written on it. The day after tomorrow, if I die in the challenge arena, you can find a better disciple to pass on this national skill. "


Chen Zhi shed tears and didn't know what to say. He is not good at words, and he is simple and honest. He doesn't know what to say except that he wants his master to give up the martial arts contest.

Finally, Chen Zhi took over the Boxing Summary: "Don't worry, master, I will pass on your martial arts."

Chen Zhi later concentrated on practicing martial arts, and finally became a master of a generation with his "Boxing Summary" and amazing perseverance.

Chen Zhi left with the Boxing Summary.

Wang Yue stood in front of the window and said with a cold smile, "There is a great fear between life and death. I have put life and death aside. If I cannot become a dark martial artist, I will die on the challenge arena. Wu Cheng, even if you are a dark martial artist, I'm not afraid of you. I'd like to see how powerful you are, the successor of Wu's Taijiquan!"


In the north area of Chongqing City, Wang Yue stood in the center of an underground martial arts arena, with his eyes closed, warming up his spirit.

Li Kun said with a smile, "Wang Yue, if you agree to my terms, I can cancel the contest between you and Master Wu right away. You can not only come to our company, but also enjoy endless glory and wealth."

Wang Yue opened his eyes and a trace of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Li Kun, although Wang Yue is poor, not everyone can buy it with money. I am a martial artist!"

Li Kun gave a cold grunt: "Hum, I don't appreciate it. Today, I will see how you die! Master Wu, I give it to you."

Behind Li Kun, a middle-aged man in a strong black suit stepped forward and said with a smile: "Don't worry, my dear nephew, although Wang Yue has some skills, I will deal with him, and it will not be a problem."

This middle-aged man is Wu Cheng, the direct descendant of Wu's Taijiquan. A great boxer whose kung fu has reached the level of darkness.

A young man took a "life and death contract" to the challenge arena.

Wang Yue and Wu Cheng wrote their names on it respectively.

Although there were few spectators in the contest and it was illegal, according to the rules of the martial arts industry, the procedure still had to go.

Wu Cheng looks at Wang Yue like an eagle staring at the prey: "Master Wang, it is said that you have practiced three internal fists at the same time: Xingyi Boxing, Taiji Boxing and Eight pole Boxing? I don't know whether you should say you are versatile or stupid. Internal fists are extensive and profound. One person specializes in one skill, and you may not be able to reach the peak in your life. But you can practice three kinds of fists together, which is really beyond your ability. Ha ha, if you specialize in boxing, you may have entered the stage of dark power. "

Wang Yue also knew his problem was that he learned too much. But now it is too late to change.

"Don't talk nonsense. Fight!" Wang Yue shouted.

Wu Cheng sneered: "Since you are so eager to die, don't blame me for killing you."

Wang Yue and Wu Cheng moved at the same time.

However, Wu Cheng's speed is obviously much faster.

Wu Cheng is twice as responsive and explosive as Wang Yue.

This is the difference between dark martial artists and bright martial artists.

"Move, stop and beat!"

"The python rolled over!"


The two people collided, and the whole arena sent out a huge earthquake.

Wang Yue was so shocked by the powerful force that he kept retreating, leaving clear footprints on the challenge arena every step.

Wang Yue's face was red, his eyes were bloodshot, his breath was short, his body was full of qi and blood, and his bones seemed to be falling apart.

"Puff!" Wang Yue spat out a mouthful of blood. "Move, stop and beat! Good kung fu, good hammer technique!"

Taijiquan can be said to bring the two kinds of strength into full play.

When practicing Taijiquan, it is weak and graceful, but its fighting method is the strongest. Every punch is like beating a war drum. Ordinary people can't bear such a shock, and they will die with their blood.

Wu Cheng is a dark martial artist. Tai Chi is superb. The hard and soft ways are transformed into the ideal. It is a miracle that Wang Yue was not shocked to death.

Wu Cheng did not change his face and smiled: "Yes, it is a miracle that you can bear 50% of my strength to survive. It seems that you have reached the stage of half step dark force. If you give you time, you will become a dark force martial artist. And your Xingyi Fist is also very skilled. The 'Big Python Turning' move evolved from the 'dragon and snake strike', right? Unfortunately, the strength is too weak. "

Li Kun clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Master Wu, good kung fu!"

Wang Yue was calm in heart, clear in mind and vacant in mind. Now he has found a way to enter the dark power.

"Come again!" Wang Yue's fighting spirit was high. This time, if he did not enter the dark force, he would die!

Wu Cheng said coldly, "Then take another punch!"

This time, Wu Cheng tried his best. The dark force on his palm was like a needle. Wang Yue could feel Wu Cheng's terror ten meters away.

If it is solid, the internal organs and bones of the whole body will be scattered by the dark force.


Wang Yue roared, and then his bones crackled.

Surprised, Wu Cheng said, "The muscles and bones sing together, the tiger and leopard thunder! It's too late to enter the dark force. Die!"

All the dark warriors are terrible. If Wang Yue becomes a dark warrior, he will be the enemy of Wu Cheng. Of course, he will not let Wang Yue live.

"Gun hammer!"

There is also hammer technique in Xingyi Fist.

Wang Yue used his whole body strength and dark strength to hit the strongest move "cannon hammer".


The two men flew out and fell to the ground, and the whole challenge arena was blown down more than half.

Wu Cheng was shocked and said, "How could you possibly have such strong power and dark power?"

The power that Wang Yue broke out was on top of Wu Cheng. The powerful force entered his body and directly destroyed Wu Cheng's internal organs. Even if Wu Cheng is a dark martial artist with strong HP, he will only live ten days and a half months longer. Even immortals can't be saved when they are hurt by the dark force to such an extent.

Wang Yue lay on the ground and smiled: "Human potential is infinite. Of course, the power that erupted before I died is above you. Hehe, I finally found a way to become a dark force. However, it's a pity... haha..."

Wang Yue lost his vitality.

In this martial arts contest, the two died together.


Wang Yue felt that he was trapped in the endless darkness and could not wake up anyway.

"Are you better?"

A sweet voice sounded in Wang Yue's ear. The girl who spoke could never be more than fifteen years old.

"Who? Who is calling me?"

Wang Yue slowly opened his eyes and saw a girl wearing green clothes looking anxiously at himself.

"Ah?" Wang Yue looked at his body in shock. Didn't he die in the arena? Why did you become a teenager?

Seeing Wang Yue awake, the girl in green said happily, "It's great that you wake up. Why did you fall into the lake so carelessly? If I hadn't found it in time, you would have died in the water."

Wang Yue looked at the water all over his body. He had just fished it out of the water.

"Thanks a lot," Wang Yue said with a smile.

The girl in green smiled: "Since you are all right, I will go back. Otherwise, my young master will blame me again."

Wang Yue whispered, "Young Master?"

Speaking of the young master, the girl in green raised her chest and her face was full of pride: "Listen, my young master is famous in NanMurong. In the Jianghu, only the North Qiao Feng of the Beggars' Sect can be as famous as my young master."

Wang Yue was shocked, Bei Qiaofeng? South Murong?

The girl in green rowed away, and Wang Yue shouted, "Girl, what's your name?"

The girl in green said, "My name is Abi!"

Wang Yue was shocked and said, "I really came to the Northern Song Dynasty!"

After standing by the lake for a long time, Wang Yue came to his senses and walked home step by step according to the memory in his mind.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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