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Chapter 1 I Don't Want to Draw a Book!

A piece of news in the animation industry is on the hot search.

Teacher Tian Xinwu, an internationally renowned animation producer and the best director of animation drama for five consecutive years, died suddenly in the studio!

"I am! I said he should not work so hard! The health care doctor has already given a serious warning!"

"The King of Curl King is dead? What about the new work?!"

Netizens expressed disbelief in their comments. Online memorial ceremony with more than one million flowers.

However, a well-known animation critic, after tapping the words of great remembrance on the keyboard, turned to his wife and said, "Have happy noodles at home in the evening!"

A famous animation writer shouted at the runner up trophy behind him: "That workaholic finally killed himself! I can finally be the first!"

A female assistant who once worked under Teacher Tian Xinwu shouted, "That workaholic who played tricks on me is dead at last!"


Parallel World, Tokyo, Japan.

In a dilapidated apartment adjacent to the tramway.

"I really went through it. I am an animation director, and I also went through it to become a decadent Japanese man..." A young man with a disheveled beard and untidy clothes said to himself in a broken mirror.

This is Tian Xinwu who has passed through and is trying to adapt to his new body.

The memory in my mind exists, and [myself] is called Shingo Zhitian.

But half a year ago, his parents died in a car accident.

The driver is also a poor person. He is sentenced for drunk driving, and the compensation will not work.

He lost financial support and was forced to suspend school.

Fortunately, I was born in an art university and worked as a temporary assistant in an animation club to assist in painting background.

However, he was dismissed for contradicting with the cartoon teacher

After settling a little wage last night, he returned to the cheap apartment.

Most of the night, sudden death.

Then Tian Xinwu's soul was pierced.

"Well, accept this new reality." Zhitian Shinwu stood up, exercised his body, and tidied up his clothes.

The smell of mildew fills the room

Look at the small, dark room.

There are all kinds of domestic garbage around.

The ground is littered with leftover packing boxes of seaweed rice balls. The bedding on the bed is yellow and messy, and I don't know how long it hasn't been cleaned.

The most conspicuous appliance is a shabby laptop on a slightly crooked desk, so old that it has its own CD-ROM drive.

Of course, the CD drive is useful because there are some CDs beside the notebook. The girl on the screen is just like the picture playing on the laptop screen

Correspondingly, there are piles of paper balls scattered in the corner.

"No wonder when I woke up, the zipper of my pants was open..." Zhitian Shinwu rolled his eyes.

He reached out and touched the keyboard.

On the surface of the keyboard with greasy traces, the keys are marked with Japanese characters such as た, さ, は, か, etc.

Nobuyasu Zhitian reached out to close the video and exit the CD, and put it into the box.

Speaking of CDs, Nobuyasu Veda feels that he has not touched this thing for more than ten years.

Japan is far from eliminating CDs like Huaxia, on the contrary, the CD rental market is still very popular here.


Outside the window came the roar of large vehicles, and the old floor shook.

Zhitian Xinyu went to the window and opened the curtain with several holes broken.

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, it was cloudy. It seemed that it would rain at any time, and the humid wind was blowing in the face.

The tenement is next to the tram track. The most important thing about cheap rent is noise.

Looking from afar, I can clearly see the table and layout of some small stores, such as Jujiu Restaurant, seafood well, Qian Tang and Maidreamin, which are all stores with Japanese characteristics.

"How many years is it now?" Take out the mobile phone with cracks on the screen, and Zhitian Shinwu frowns.

The original is also too poor. Although the mobile phone is a smart phone, it is obviously cheap, and there is no money to replace the cracked screen.

At least it can be confirmed that the time is the same, which is 2024.

After checking the account, it is consistent with the memory, only 76000 yen. This is earned by working as a painter.

According to the consumption level of the poor in Tokyo, one month's living expenses are enough.

"Bad luck." Zhitian Shinwu shrugged his shoulders.

I used to buy a high-end house by myself. But after crossing, it can be regarded as a return to pre liberation

Tick - the phone line communication sounds.

[Zhitian Jun, the 30000 yen you borrowed from me last time...]

This is a line message from a young female colleague of the original animation agency.

Line is a popular communication software similar to WeChat in Japan.

Looking at the mobile phone interface, Nobuyasu Veda was surprised to find that his hands seemed to want to habitually pull the colleague black.

Er... With the help of memory, he soon understood.

I borrowed money from many friends and colleagues.

Then, he failed to repay the money he borrowed by virtue of his ability, and many creditors were blackmailed.

"This fool..." Zhitian Shinwu rolled his eyes at his original body.

He immediately and smoothly began with honorific words in Japanese input method, and replied carefully: [I'm sorry, just a moment, I need some time.]

But after thinking about it, Nobuyasu Zhida immediately called again and said, "Oh, sorry, I need some turnaround time. Hi, I'm sorry..."

If you need to apologize, it is better to call directly to explain the reason.

Especially if you don't pay back the money you owe, the cold words can be far less than the words of apology.

I hope to appease my colleagues for the time being.

According to his personality, Nobuyasu Zhitian didn't promise anything.

Put down the phone, and Nobu Veda frowns.

Japanese society is very particular about groups. A little more dishonesty will soon spread. Once you have a bad reputation among your friends, your social circle will basically disappear.

"It seems that there is no hope to start a business together with friends." Zhitian Xinyu sighed.

He began to think about how to make money.

The top priority, of course, is the director of animation.

But... Nishida Shingo searched the memory in his mind.

This is a parallel world.

Many well-known brands, such as Sony Toshiba, are the same.

There are many differences. For example, the name of the Japanese Prime Minister is quite different from what I have known in my previous life.

However, the previously famous animes such as Dragon Ball and The One Piece do not exist in this world.

I have great prospects in the animation industry!

However, although the animation works of this parallel world are different, the social ethos is almost the same as that of the earth.

In working in Tokyo, qualifications are very important. It is difficult to join the production team based on the original education and resume, not to mention who will let himself serve as the director of animation.

If you want to go back to the old line of animation directors, there is no hope in a few years.

And the ability of animation director needs time, not a career that can easily prove its strength overnight.

Zhitian Shingo does not intend to bury his specialty.

However, the director of animation has to endure at least five years before the assistant director can be competent. Now he has no hope of being an assistant, which is a waste of time and personal ability

Open the computer query, the results also confirmed their own ideas.

There are many ideas in mind to make money in the animation industry, how to enter the industry?

Just thinking about it, Shingo Zhida noticed that the calendar card on the desk had the original handwriting.

This is a free calendar card from the supermarket. It says: [Be a cartoonist!]

When he saw this sentence, he felt vaguely that there was an emotion left in his body.

Are you obsessed with becoming a cartoonist? Zhitian Xinyu memory search.

I really liked comics when I was young, and I was admitted to Tokyo University of the Arts and worked as a comic assistant for this reason.

By the way, if you can't be a producer, it's good to start as a cartoonist. The idea suddenly came to him. For example, the group loves the brave like the moon, Yifa Mingzhi Qiyuan Wise Person, Yuan Tengchong's Immortal Sage, the home-made strong bow and Suilong Elder, and Shira's heroic death kami

These symbolize the pioneers of all ages, and have walked out of many impressive roads.

But good children can't learn to draw books!

Zhitian Xinyu seriously thought about his career plan.

[Ding Dong --] A hint sounds in my mind.

[Pass through benefits!]

"There is indeed cross welfare." Zhitian Xinyu was indifferent.

It doesn't matter whether you are surprised or not. He thinks that the animation reserve brought by the earth is the biggest cross welfare. Whether there is a system or not, he has taken a great advantage.

[I'm in the Tokyo dating system...]

"No," said Zhitian Shinwu with a cold face.

I've decided to draw cartoons. Who is serious about love? However, no wonder there is a knowledge reserve of animation, but also give Golden Finger, which has nothing to do with the animation you intend to do.

But since it doesn't matter, isn't it a waste of feelings?!

【404 Error】



The system beep has been quiet for a long time.

A background picture of a girl appears, with two ponytails, white hair, and hands constantly shaking fingers, serving as a temporary system loading picture.

For a long time, after the system was loaded with a puff, a new prompt tone appeared:

[Correction, participation of the anime king system!]

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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