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Chapter 1 Fanwaiyi used to have a black cat sheriff

The first famous cat in the East Area Courtyard was not the black coal of Jiao's family, nor the fat "thick and steady", nor Ah Huang's "Huang Gonggong". At that time, the four pariahs in the East Area were not popular, but most of the children in the Courtyard knew that there was a black cat sheriff in their yard.

One day, a child who had just finished the painting interest group course went back to the courtyard and saw the eight month old police chief running past with a mouse in his mouth. The child returned home with high spirits, and did not bother to eat. He gave full play to his artistic skills and took out a crayon to draw a picture of "Black Cat Police Chief Capturing Small Thieves". Later, the picture was taken to the competition. Later, Regardless of whether it is in the East or West Campus, even people in other primary schools in the city know that there is a black cat sheriff in the East Campus of Chuhua University.

When writing a composition in Chinese class, we should write about cats. More than half of the children in the affiliated primary schools who do not have cats at home write about the police chief.

At that time, the teachers of the attached primary school just smiled, only when the children loved the "black cat sheriff" because of cartoons, and did not pay too much attention to the cat. Until one day many years later, the heroic "black cat sheriff" that had been praised by many children jumped into the school pet of Chuhua University, with photos all over the country, The original Chinese teachers also got together in the office and talked for an afternoon.

In the hearts of children and adults, the "Black Cat Sheriff" is still very brave.

Now, many children have become middle school students since childhood Douding, and some former primary school students have already gone to college. However, when it comes to the cats in the yard, many people still remember that there is a "black cat sheriff", and this product often brushes the sense of existence in the yard. Ten years later, it is still the same.

However, in the eyes of others, it is another impression.

Those who are familiar with the police chief know that this cat has two characteristics: one is aggressive, and it is not fatal to fight. Where is it brought down, get up and cultivate yourself before running there to fight; The other is that he has a special talent for language, and this cat and dog are very natural.

It was once rumored that the police chief and his owner had kept him as a dog since childhood. For this, the police chief and his owner must complain.

The sheriff's language talent is innate. This guy has been curious about some "strange sounds" since he was young, such as the sound of the washing machine running, such as the open TV, such as musical instruments, such as the cries of other species other than cats. By the time the police chief and its owner noticed, the police chief had followed the little peking bus downstairs to play the game of picking up things, and had an increasingly sophisticated dog voice. Even the black cat who is recognized as the smartest Professor Jiao's family in the whole courtyard can't learn this kind of talent.

Some people in medicine have said that raising cats and dogs can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. The strong proofs of this are Big Fat and Xiaohua. Look at the old lady who raises Big Fat, and look at Old Man Li who takes a St. Bernard dog Xiaohua out for a leisurely walk every day, all of which prove that this is true.


Sheriff, its owner doesn't feel that way!

When the police chief was young, he was almost forced to stay at home. At that time, he was not able to climb up the wall and turn over the window. Therefore, the things in his home were the first to be harmed.

The police chief and his owner can see all kinds of bad deeds every day when they go home. After thinking about the experience, the family will unplug the TV when they leave. The laundry mechanism is good, and there is nothing on the refrigerator, or just some paper products, and the wardrobe is locked

The sheriff's mental state always swings between active and abnormal active. In addition to sleeping and eating time, he has to do something to satisfy his excessive curiosity. He touches everything that people use twice, and he is also curious about things that people don't use. He used to be very curious about irons. After being ironed once, he has a long memory, but only retracts his claws, Every time the police chief and his mother ironed the clothes, he would still squat and watch curiously.

When the police chief grew up, he wanted to go out of the wild, and could not shut it down. It happened that the old people at home were not people who loved to shut cats, and their generation did not care about cats so much, and they were very casual.

After walking in the yard, the police chief likes to provoke small dogs such as Chihuahua or Pekingbus in the yard, then jump to the height and bark at those dogs who have been provoked to anger by it. When tired, he squats down and licks his paws. He is interested in watching those dogs barking angrily below but can't help it, and then squints to sleep.

Every time the old man of the sheriff's house sees it flirting around, he happily pats his legs: Ah, I just like the small sample of it!

Someone once suggested taking the police chief to have an operation. Like Ah Huang, Ah Huang has been more obedient since he had an operation, and he is also relieved of worry. Unfortunately, the opinions of the police chief's family could not be unified, and finally it ended.

As for the sheriff himself, he is not worried about anything. Someone feeds him on time at home. He can find some natural protein as snacks outside, and can find other cats to exercise their muscles and bones.

Although the police chief always likes to provoke other cats and dogs in the compound, including Xiaohua and Niuzhuang, there are two that don't provoke, one is Dapang, the other is Black Carbon. The former can't fight it. It's death to provoke Dapang Chunsui. He really gets angry with Dapang. The police chief can't get any good. As for the latter, it is just one thing for him to fight. What's more, Black Tan saved him. Besides, Black Tan has a bad temper, and the sheriff will be beaten if he has one claw.

The police chief likes them to act together. They have fun and are not afraid of being bullied by other cats and dogs.

Later, a yellow and white cat came to the yard. Someone called it Peanut Candy. The sheriff had a fight with him, but he didn't win. Later, he was taken by Black Carbon to patrol the street with Peanut Candy. The sheriff liked it. So at the beginning, when he heard Peanut Candy calling in the yard, he was more active than Black Carbon.

But later, Black Charcoal often ran away, and the sheriff himself followed Peanut Candy out several times and then stopped following him. Peanut candy grows stronger and stronger, and fights become more serious, so that once the peanut candy goes out, other cats can't avoid it. The police chief can't find a drill, so he is very upset. Therefore, when Peanut Candy came to the yard to call a friend, the police chief ignored him, and then after Peanut Candy left, he went out to find a cat fight or to tease the little Jingba and Chihuahua in the yard.

Ten years later, the police chief has not always teased the dog as he used to, but he is still restless. He spends half of his time in the yard and half of his time in the small flower bed. There are his cat friends in the yard, and his two dog friends in the small flower bed. For the sheriff, every day is full of fun. Without fun, he can create his own fun.

One day in June, the atmosphere in the yard was very strange, and the owners were also nervous. They were afraid that their cats would be abducted. Ah Huang was locked at home, and no other cats were seen in the yard. The police chief caught a gap and slipped out today.

It has not seen black charcoal for three days. It walked past the building, shouted twice, looked up, and did not see black cat's head sticking out of the balcony on the fifth floor. Only the squatting fat on the balcony on the first floor lifted his eyelids and glanced at this side, and then continued to squat there with his eyes closed.

Seeing that Dapang didn't want to move and couldn't get other partners, the sheriff had to go out and have fun.

After wandering around the yard and woods for two times, rolling in the grass for several times and sharpening his paws, the sheriff saw a familiar object - not far from it, there was a brown thing on a low branch, and at this time, one by one small dot crawled out of it.

The brown things on the branches are mantis eggs. At this time, small, almost flesh colored mantis come out of the branches. Relatively speaking, the mantis eggs hatch late. In some places on the campus, they hatch in May.

The police chief has seen those little dots. He saw them in the flower bed some time ago. Old Lan won't let them harm them. So the police chief squatted down in front of the low branch and looked curiously at the hatching of the little mantis with his head tilted. He didn't move his paws, but just looked at it and the tip of his tail dangled from side to side.

I don't know how long it took to watch the mantis hatching. The police chief stretched out his forearm, yawned, and raised his paw to lick it. Suddenly, he found a small mantis on his paw climbing up its forearm.

So the sheriff's idea of licking his paws was put aside for the time being. Instead, he jumped up suddenly, with several difficult air flips, jumping left and right, jumping forward and rolling back.

Two students who came to visit the teacher in the eastern compound passed by. The man in vest pointed to the police chief and said to his companion, "Look, the school pet is getting nervous again."

Another man took a look, "Maybe he found something interesting."

The newly hatched mantis is too small for them to notice here.

"I don't know. I saw it trampling on the lawn in front of our college last week. In order to study why, I squatted beside it and held my mobile phone for nearly half an hour. I didn't see why it played so well!"

"... is it kidding you?"

"Who knows! I don't understand the world of snake sperms disease. In retrospect, I think I did something stupid, and the dean saw me do it!" The student in the vest wore a bitter face, as if he had done something beyond his regret.

"... did the president talk about life with you?"


"That's OK."

"He just shook his head with his hands behind his back and said, 'One fool is another'. Ma's heart was full of shit at that time."


The two students didn't go near to look. They felt that this was probably the same as the last few days. They didn't know what the school pet was doing. They still didn't want to explore.

The sheriff did not know that he had brought trouble to others. He was now immersed in his own world and had a good time.

What stopped the sheriff was a barking dog. After hearing the barking of the dog, the police chief immediately shifted his attention and looked at the iron door that had been closed in the compound. There stood a tiger tiger dog on the other side of the door. After barking at the police chief, the tiger tiger dog looked over to Building B, looked around, didn't see the black cat, and turned his attention again.

The sheriff ran over and got out of the iron gate. He ran to the small flower bed with the tiger spot native dog Shunzi. After running for two steps, he splashed the flowers and plants nearby and rubbed the grass twice. When he was rubbing his back on the grass with his belly up, the police chief swept through the old residential buildings in the courtyard bathed in the sun, which were covered with creepers, and stopped for a few seconds at the balcony on the fifth floor of building B.

There are many cats in the yard. If they disappear, they will disappear forever. If they want to fight, they can't find their shadow. What about black charcoal?

Without black charcoal, the three cats would never act together again.

He rolled up and shook the grass dust on his body. The sheriff walked towards the small flower bed. There was food at this point. He had enough to sleep in the dog kennel and then went home. He slipped out tomorrow and continued to run downstairs to Black Coal to call!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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