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Chapter 1 Space Time Tunnel

Does space-time tunnel really exist?

Before crossing, Zhong Shi would certainly sneer at it. As a top student of California Institute of Technology, Ph D, He naturally looked down upon the things imagined by laymen.

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is a world-renowned university. It is located in California on the west coast of the United States. Founded in 1891, Caltech has fewer than 2000 students from all over the world. It ranks first in physics, chemistry, aviation, earth science, electronic engineering, mathematics, computer science and other aspects of the world.

Unlike MIT, another world-famous polytechnic, Caltech is a more excellence oriented institution with a stronger scientific atmosphere. The number of talented scientists, Nobel Prize winners, published papers and cited papers per capita here is higher than that of the famous school on the east coast.

Qian Xuesen, the famous "father of missiles" in China, once said when he mentioned the difference between the two schools:

"At MIT, I don't think much. I won my master's degree in one year, and my grades are still outstanding... Then I transferred to California Institute of Technology, and I suddenly felt very different... Here, you must think of things that others didn't think of, and say things that others didn't say... You can't take a small step, and you will soon be surpassed by others..."

Zhong Shi completed his undergraduate education in Yanjing University, and then successfully applied to the California Institute of Technology for astrophysics doctoral research. In just four years, he received a master's degree and a doctor's degree.

In the United States, Master Degree is only regarded as a transitional degree. People still value undergraduate education and doctoral education. Generally, they can get Ph D requires at least five years, and if you cannot complete your graduation thesis within seven years after you obtain ABD (AllButDissertation, an associate doctor who has completed all procedures except graduation thesis), you will be disqualified from obtaining a doctorate degree for life.

In history, there are often some gifted students whose doctoral theses have been published in the best professional journals without their defense. Some of them are even too long and must be serialized in several issues separately. The famous Chinese economist Zhang Wuchang's doctoral thesis "Tenant Theory" was published in JLE (Journal of Law and Economics) for four consecutive issues before the defense, which became the first work of modern contract economics and caused a sensation in the western economic circles at that time.

Although Zhong Shi is not so exaggerated, he also won the Ph D, It has set off a modest wave in Caltech.

I can't help it. There are too many talents here. With Zhong Shi's IQ of 160, he is just a middle and lower level talent.

Coming out of sunny California, Zhong Shi declined NASA's invitation and turned to Wall Street.

Since the 1980s, quantitative investment has gradually entered the sight of Wall Street. With the success of several hedge funds with quantitative models as their main strategy, Wall Street has begun to favor graduates with academic backgrounds such as mathematics, physics and statistics.

Mathematicians, statisticians, rocket engineers, and even doctors of physics began to fill the industry dealing with financial statements and macroeconomic data every day.

Zhong Shi joined the fixed income department of Morgan Stanley, a famous investment bank on Wall Street, and became a trader. Soon, he made his name in the bond trading market and became an ace trader. Soon, he was promoted to Senior Vice President (SVP).

In 1997, Morgan Stanley entered Hong Kong and Central. With a mainland background and fluent Mandarin, Zhong Shi was sent to the Asia Pacific region to become an Executive General Manager (ED).

Thanks to the rapid development of mainland China, the rapid expansion of the joint venture investment bank Huaxia International Finance Co., Ltd., and the efforts of a group of talented people in the Asia Pacific region, Morgan Stanley firmly suppressed its arch rival, Goldman Sachs, another famous investment bank on Wall Street, in Asia.

However, in 2002, Goldman Sachs began to turn around and dominate the capital market in Asia. (Readers can think why!)

In 2007, Zhong Shi was promoted to Managing Director (MD) of Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific, but that year, because an internal email was accidentally exposed, he had to resign sadly and left Morgan Stanley after decades of service.

The internal email was that of the chief economist of the Asia Pacific region at that time, who denounced the political policies of a small country in Southeast Asia. For well-known reasons, the economist and Zhong Shi had to leave.

After leaving the Mall, Zhong Shi did not worry about his way out. After two months' rest, he set up his own hedge fund. Based on his consistent excellent performance, many funds poured in, including Huaxia Investment Co., Ltd., which manages Huaxia's huge foreign exchange.

Zhong Shi has also lived up to expectations. Since the establishment of the fund, its net value has grown steadily. Even in the financial crisis of 2008, he has bucked the market and become a star fund in the Asia Pacific region. He himself was also rated by the Wall Street Journal as one of the most dazzling fund managers in the Asia Pacific region.

Although most of his funds are invested in the capital markets in Europe and the United States. However, in order to attract high net worth people in the mainland, he also set up a Huaxia Growth Fund with A-share as the investment target. Unfortunately, the capital market of Huaxia and other major western markets have different operating systems. As a star fund manager, he has been defeated in A-share, and even become a laughing stock among some fund managers.

He studied abroad for a few years, and worked on Wall Street for seven or eight years. After that, although he worked in Hong Kong, he never stayed in the mainland. His understanding of the mainland remained more than a decade ago, which was naturally no match for those fund managers who had been struggling and growing up in the A-share market for a long time.

After the dissolution of the A-share fund, it was already 2011. He was depressed and wanted to go out to relax. In his luxury yacht, Zhong Shi set out from Hong Kong, passed through South Asia, India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, etc., and finally arrived in London.

Most of his fund companies use quantitative models and computers for trading. As long as the model is not faulty, there will be no need for too many people to manage it. In fact, his fund company has only 20 people and manages billions of dollars of capital.

Along the way, he saw the exotic customs of South Asia, the Taj Mahal, the world cultural heritage of India, the prosperity and desert in the Middle East, the ethnic antagonism in Gaza, the casinos in Monaco, the cathedral of the Vatican, the snow falling in the Alps, the bullfighting in Madrid and the arrogance of the British!

However, after a visit to the British Isles, he thought that since he had already walked half the world, he might as well walk the rest of the world.

Across the Atlantic, the yacht ended up in Bermuda.

Bermuda, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, is an overseas territory of Britain. It is more than 1000 nautical miles away from Miami, Florida, USA. Zhong Shi plans to repair here for a period of time, and then prepare to enter the territorial waters of the United States.

Bermuda is composed of 7 main islands and about 150 small islands. There are only 20 islands with a total population of less than 70000. However, it depends on tax policy and is favored by the international financial industry. It is a famous offshore financial market.

However, Bermuda is more famous for its triangle area, namely Bermuda Islands, Miami, Florida and San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. A triangle has been formed between the three. In this area, there are often events that cannot be explained by science, such as the unidentified disappearance of ships and aircraft. Some people even say that there is a time-space tunnel here. Scientists all over the world could not explain this strange phenomenon. As time passed, this sea area became known as the "Devil's Triangle".

Zhong Shi naturally sniffs at these legends. From the perspective of his doctor of physics, if a person can travel through time, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed will exceed the speed of light, then his time will pass slowly. Once he recovers below the speed of light, he will lose less time than others, which means that he is coming to the future.

At present, no object with faster speed than light has been found. If it is found, the whole physics system will be changed!

There is another theory about time reversal in the physical world, that is, "wormhole", that is, there may be a narrow tunnel connecting two different space-time in the universe through which you can make instant space transfer or time travel. However, according to the theory of Stephen Hawking, a modern physicist, "wormholes" can be connected to other universes, which may be future or past universes. But theoretically, the size of the "wormhole" is very small, even smaller than the atomic nucleus. It is estimated that people can only be divided into basic particles before being transmitted.

As soon as Zhong Shi arrived in Bermuda, he received a call from Hong Kong. On the phone, his staff told him that the "black swan" appeared in the capital market and asked him to go back to preside over the overall situation.

"Black Swan" is a financial term, which means unpredictable major rare events that are unexpected and change everything.

On May 17, 2012, the Greek Presidential Palace announced that the restructuring of the cabinet had failed, and that cabinet elections would be held again in June, and it was possible to withdraw from the euro zone. As soon as the news came out, the whole European market was shocked, and the market was pessimistic. The European Central Bank and governments hold a large number of Greek bonds. If Greece declares default, these bonds will turn into waste paper instantly; In addition, if Greece is the first country to do so, such heavily indebted countries as Spain and Italy will become the next target.

It is hard to find buyers of Greek government bonds whose yields have soared in the market. Originally, Zhong Shi believed that the European Central Bank would not ignore it and would certainly help Greece through the crisis, so he bought a large number of Greek government bonds. However, the Greek Prime Minister unexpectedly expressed a referendum on the EU's aid plan, which shocked EU officials, the Greek Parliament and even the entire market.

But then the Prime Minister was forced to resign under pressure. The Greek President authorized the former Vice President of the European Central Bank, Papatimov, to organize a new government, which eased the panic in the market.

After two rounds of EU assistance, the market regained confidence in the Greek government and finally solved the urgent need for Greek bonds. However, in May, Greece failed to organize a coalition government, which cast a shadow on the possibility of Greek bonds being defaulted.

As early as the first aid of the European Union, Zhong Shi bought Greek bonds crazily, betting that Greek bonds would not default in the end, while most funds in the market were selling Greek bonds crazily, with the yield even rising to 1000%, that is, selling at one tenth of the book price.

If Greece completes its self redemption, then the assets of Zhong Shi will suddenly increase several times! But if Greece defaults, it will lose all the money it spent on it.

This is not a trivial matter. In spite of the stop order of the Jindeli airport command tower, Zhong Shi flew a small plane to Miami in the thunderstorm and downpour.

He intended to go to Miami first, and then fly to Hong Kong to dispose of the Greek bonds as soon as possible. However, without the command of the tower, he could not identify the direction for a while, so he had to return in the thunderstorm layer.

Just as he was about to call the tower, a thunderbolt with thick arms flashed right in front of the plane, and the surrounding air suddenly rippled outward at the speed visible to the naked eye like waves. Zhong Shi couldn't dodge. He crashed into the small plane and then disappeared.

On an island in Bermuda, a pair of black father and son were fishing in the storm. The young son looked up at the sky and saw this scene. He babbled at his father who was waving a harpoon. The black father looked at it and then lowered his head and said, "Another unfortunate guy, God bless him!"

The tower on the ground only heard "what is this", and no other signals were received. After rain and sunshine, they sent a search team, but after searching most of the sea area, there was still no trace. In desperation, they had to report the matter to the US government and then let it go.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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