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Chapter 1 Attack of Insects

The Southwest Border of Imperial Taiping Star Region, Safaris Star Region, Granov Star


Usamon stepped over the sewage flowing across the ground in the lower urban area of Chaodu, looked up at the huge chimney with a height of 100 meters above his head and exhaled thick smoke, then bowed his head and kicked away a mutant cockroach mouse that was stretching its tentacles to confirm whether it was food.

He kicked hard, and the cockroach mouse let out a scream, and the orange body fluid splashed on his feet wrapped in two pieces of rags.

Bad luck.

Usamon thought so in his heart, but he kept walking to the location of the huge chimney, and did not dare to neglect it for a moment. It was an ore refinery, a metal monster with neither characteristics nor beauty, which provided millions of tons of metal for the emperor every year in the vast empire.

The sky was dark and yellow, and the wind blew up dust and waste gas. Usamun tightened his linen mask, hoping that the protection was better than nothing. If he could cut his body open and look at it, he would be moved to cry bitterly that his withered lungs could still work.

Living may be more tiring. It's better to die than live.

Usamon recalled that one day about twenty years ago, he had just been born in this world. Occasionally, there was a little blue sky mixed in his childhood memories. He did not remember whether the pure sky curtain was true or false, as if it, like the air that could breathe freely, was a self deceiving nothingness compiled from memory.

Finally, after a painful and long journey, Usamon has completed the journey from the settlement to the workplace, and the ore refinery he works in is near at hand. He will soon, like most people on the planet, devote himself to the endless work that is repeated day after day.


However, today's sky is somewhat different from the past. With the shrill sound of the alarm, the old horn shouted at the top of his lungs, making him realize that something had happened outside of work. He tried hard to listen carefully in the noisy environment, and then he could barely understand the message from the loudspeaker:

"Insect swarms... invading star regions... low Earth orbit... defense..."

The roar of the industrial system eclipsed several weak small speakers. Usamon launched his barely usable hearing in his five senses to try to receive them, and finally collected these syllables in the sound waves drowned in noise.

Not much, but enough for him to guess what happened.

For a moment, he even thought that it was better to die in the plague of insects, but the roar of the starship engine recalled his thoughts.

Yes, whether he is alive or dead, he should not consider it. The tragedy of the ten billion people in the city of Chaodu lies in this. They have no freedom, no power, and even life and death are not under their own control.

Usamon shook his head in self mockery. On the far sky, several giant insect nests were slowly entering the atmosphere, but he just watched, and then walked into the ore refinery without hesitation.


Granov Star, Chaodu Upper Level, Core Area Command Center

"Hurry! Hurry! The fleet lifts off! We must stop these insects outside the planet!"

The voice of the great noble Palas was trembling, and his fear emanated from the supreme ruler of the planet unabashedly. Although ordinary humans are inevitably afraid of the terrorized Talon Zerg, as a knowledgeable governor of the planet, such a tactless behavior is still somewhat offensive.

The star communication array is already full of red spots. The Imperial Navy is taking off from the Star Harbor successively. The cruisers in low earth orbit have exchanged fire with the insects. For a moment, in addition to the continuous mechanical roar of Granov all day long, there were some other sounds.

"Help... Come on! Help!"

Pallas almost fell to the ground in fear. He screamed crazily and commanded the people around him to move, but the servant beside him just shook back to him.

"Big... adults... the insects have interfered with the communication orbit and cannot send messages. We can't contact other star regions!"

The words were like a bolt from the blue, knocking Pallas down to the ground. The fear of death overwhelmed the ruler. He no longer fell limply in his gorgeous chair, but jumped up, yelled and ordered the guards to protect himself into the secret room.

"I am the lord of this planet! Guard! Give me priority!"

The implication is that everyone else can give up.

As the howling lord left the command room, the atmosphere of the command center at the top of the tower became relaxed.

The Chief of Staff paced back and forth in front of the red dotted screen, while the general in charge of all human forces on Granov sat aside.

Both of them are strong men over two meters tall, but they are not Astat soldiers, just ordinary people who have undergone incomplete transformation. But this has given them enough strength and ability.

"What do you think?"

All the others in the war room were silent. In the depressing low pressure, General Lario asked Chief of Staff Fertini, who was no longer attached to the meaningless radar screen, but simply walked out of the war room and went directly to the outdoor terrace for on-site observation.

The huge spore airdrop chamber descends from the clouds, and some battle beasts that can operate independently in space have fallen to the ground, and those spore airdrop chambers also release a large number of small insect groups contained in them. They howled and rushed to the nearest human defense line, hitting every node of Granov.

However, the Chief of Staff expressed different views on this.

"This is not normal. Although the swarms did launch attacks, the number is far from unacceptable. Most swarms are more like passing our planet, and our navy is in a fierce battle. If the swarms were to attack with all their strength, they would have been defeated by now."

The Chief of Staff looked at the human troops rushing towards the swarm, and the two sides were entwined neatly. There is absolutely no possibility of negotiation between two creatures with completely different civilizations, races and even ways of thinking. Meeting is an endless confrontation.

"Your excellency, Chief of Staff, your excellency, General. The public security department has reported the gene stealer riot from the lower urban area, which has been suppressed at present, but it is expected that the current situation will not last too long."

"You see, what a good thing. Even gene thieves didn't expect their insect master to suddenly arrive. If they had been really prepared, those empty pockets in downtown would not survive for an hour."

General Lario fell silent, and a different kind of smoke rose from the industrial area in the distance, which was obviously the work of the gene thieves who carried out destruction in the city. But there is only one place, which also proves Fertini's conjecture in disguised form.

"The Talon Zerg have no reason not to eat meat. If I told them, I would put forward a more radical view."

Chief of Staff Feldini paused, took a deep breath, and went on.

"I think the word 'skimming' is not accurate. They should be 'fleeing'."


Just after that, a deafening roar came from the sky above. A light blue light spear pierced the whole sky obliquely from nowhere, just like a glass rod stirring the solution, breaking the fragile balance of Granov.

Whether humans or aliens or gene thieves in between, they all look up at the strange scenes in the sky.

As the light spear gradually weakens and disappears, a half burned Tyronian nest mother ship falls into the atmosphere of Granov with a moan, burns up in the fierce atmospheric friction, and smashes on the land thousands of kilometers away from the nest capital.

When seeing a mothership fall, the Talon swarms that had already landed on Granov became more and more crazy. They gathered together with the remaining swarms in the mothership, forming a multi-level swarm front in all aspects, and launched an attack on the human front at the edge of the nest city.

For a moment, even the resourceful Chief of Staff, Fertini, was confused by the unusual situation until the messenger rushed to him with a long line of communication phone and asked him to pick up the receiver from the Imperial Navy in low earth orbit.

"General, Chief of Staff... Bug Swarm, retreating! We met reinforcements! But the other party's ship style does not belong to the active Imperial Navy, nor did it reply to our communication! By the way, there is also the huge light spear that runs through the sky! It directly pierced the entire galaxy, killing more than half of the Bug Swarm fleet with a single blow!"

Excitement, excitement and fear mixed together, and the Imperial Navy captain on the other end of the phone roared at the top of his voice, delivering what he had seen to the top commander on the ground.

When the Imperial Navy in low Earth orbit saw the huge light spears running through the entire Safaris sector, it immediately understood that they could never be rivals of the mysterious visitors chasing the insects. But even so, they turned the bow at the first time and kept alert to this mysterious force. Although they defeated the insect swarm, it does not mean that they will be friends. The empire has no relatives in this universe. Every soldier of the navy is ready to fight against the new 'potential enemy' at any time, even if they are not rivals.

In addition to the part falling into the atmosphere of Granov, the rest of the Tyronian swarms have accelerated away from Granov's gravitational range. With full power, these living starships can travel thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye. In this way, they galloped by in the eyes of the Imperial Navy officers and men, and even did not stop for a moment on the living planet near by.

On the other side, the main force of the strange fleet chasing the insects did not stop at all, and continued to chase away without slowing down. After Granov, there are only two desolate planets left in the entire Safaris sector, while the insects are still moving at full speed, and they are likely to keep chasing after them.

"Big... Lord! There are three ships in the fleet coming to our planet. The other party still hasn't replied to the communication. Do you want to attack? Repeat, do you want to attack?"

The captain of the navy threw the most important question to General Lario and Chief of Staff Fertini in the command room. The high-powered outgoing phone made the whole command room fall into dead silence. Although it is located at the border of Taiping, the general and the chief of staff have also heard about the reputation of the Talon Zerg for a long time. If there is any force that can make them lose their armor or even abandon their friends to escape, then the resistance of human beings on this unimportant planet is meaningless.

However, Chief of Staff Fertini did not want to give up. Whether it was useful or not was related to reality, while resistance or not was related to dignity. As a faithful follower of the emperor, he did not want to die without honor, even though the foolish acts of resistance were meaningless.

He glanced at General Lario and was about to open his mouth to allow the navy to attack freely, but a more grand and majestic voice sounded from the sky of the whole planet.

"The Gold Expedition Fleet 'Funfeng' has completed the mission of exploring the extragalactic space, with a cycle of 25000 years. It has won a great victory and returned. Can the name in the world newspaper below belong to human beings?"

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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