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Chapter 1 Set a small goal to become the Four Emperors!

It is 1520 years old.

Windless zone, Room 4, Honglian Hell, the basement of Impel Town.


A man wearing prison clothes, shackles on hands and feet, with long blue hair and a big red nose is doing push ups in the deep of the cell.

Next to them were a group of men who were cheering and applauding for this, also wearing prison uniforms!

"Boss Bucky is so awesome! I will finish 100 push ups right away!"

"Boss Bucky is really handsome when he is serious!"

"Yes! Yes! Every day, there are 10 kilometers of long-distance running, 100 sit ups, 100 squats, 100 push ups. Even in prison, Bucky is so disciplined!"


"98, 99100... Shut up, you guys!"

Bucky finished 100 push ups and got up from the ground, looking very ugly!

Those guys who only know how to pat their beards and walk horses should all be women, but they are all rough and strange, which makes Bucky sick!

Bucky was just an ordinary person on the blue star.

But a month ago, when Bucky was watching a punch in Superman animation on the computer, the host exploded and suddenly crossed into the world of the pirate king, becoming a man with overbearing luck, Bucky the clown!

Bucky didn't understand why he was watching a punch superhero animation, but he was crossing the world of the pirate king!

Bucky only knew that his arrival had made strange changes to the body!

Bucky's body is getting stronger every minute!

Just like Qi Yu, a teacher in a punch Superman, he broke the human limiter!

According to this trend, as long as three years, Bucky will be invincible and stand on the top of the world!

But Bucky, who is familiar with the story of the Pirate King, knows that the story of the world takes place in these two years!

Soon, the top war will break out in the headquarters of the navy!

Two years later, the man named Munch D. Luffy will enter the new world and charge for the throne of the pirate king!

If Bucky keeps going for three years and waits until he becomes the strongest, then he will leave the mountain. Maybe the day lily is cold!

After a hard journey, Bucky doesn't want to waste his life like this!

The pirate king's throne or something can not be used, but Bucky, the empty throne in the city of Pangu, wants to have a try!

But we should eat food one mouthful at a time, and walk step by step!

First, set a small goal to become the four kings of the new world!

It is not the Four Emperors who are gained by luck in the original story, but the Four Emperors who are defeated by their strength!

Bucky's memory never lacked the way to become stronger!

Bucky grew up in the pirate group of the former pirate king, Gore D. Roger, with the current four emperors, Shanks with red hair! It is also the teaching of the strong men on the pirate king ship that Shanks received together!

It was only because Bucky had always been preoccupied with finding various treasures, and had no idea of becoming stronger, that he became what he is today!

But now it's different!

Bucky began to practice from the first day when Blue Star came to this world!

There are various ways to become stronger in this world, but the mainstream only has four ways: body technique, domineering, swordsmanship and devil fruit ability!

And these four roads all have the same foundation, that is, physique!

Physique is the premise of everything! Only a strong body can exert the power of other abilities!

Since breaking the body limiter, Bucky's physique has become stronger every minute!

Only in the past month, Bucky's physique has become more than ten times stronger than before!

So in terms of physique, Bucky only needs to follow the method of teacher Qiyu, and does not need too much exercise!

This also means that Bucky can spend more time on other aspects of cultivation, that is, the four mainstream roads for the world to become stronger!

Among the four paths of domineering, physical skill, swordsmanship, and devil fruit ability, domineering is a must!

None of the world's top players is not a master of using arrogance!

The other three paths are optional cultivation of one or several!

When he was young, Bucky accidentally ate the Superman's split fruit and became a demon fruit power!

So for Bucky, the devil fruit ability is also required!

Among the physical skill and swordsmanship, Bucky chose swordsmanship that was more suitable for his devil fruit ability!

As for body technique, Bucky gave it up selectively!

He doesn't have so much time and energy to take care of so many practices!

Besides, after three years, the most powerful opponent is probably a fist. He doesn't need to waste time on the cultivation of physical arts!

"Boss Bucky, please wipe your sweat!"

After seeing Bucky get up, a dog leg was very observant and brought a piece of rag to Bucky with both hands.

"Get out! Did you see that I was sweating! They all said not to do these empty head and brain movements!"

Bucky bellowed helplessly, which was really annoying!

A month ago, in order to have more food to supplement nutrition, Bucky beat up all the prisoners in the same cell, and then these big men suddenly became like dogs! Let Bucky also be distressed!

If he had known the consequences, he would have eaten less!

"Boss Bucky is really awesome. He doesn't sweat during such intensive exercise!"

Dog Leg One was yelled at by Bucky, but he was not angry at all. Instead, he flattered him!

Bucky had no choice but waved his hand and said, "Don't do this. Get rid of it!"

Dog leg number one seemed to get a decree when he heard the words. He proudly shouted to the other dog legs: "Boss Bucky is going to rest, don't you just spread out for me!"


The other henchmen responded in unison, and skillfully dispersed back to their familiar positions.

Bucky ignored these people, walked to the only stone platform in the cell that might be called a bed, and sat down facing the wall.

The reason why he has to face the wall is that what Bucky wants to do next does not want to be seen by the surveillance phone worm on the ceiling of the cell!

Maybe it was because Bucky was too unknown before. The jailers who arrested him in the navy and Impel Town did not know that he was a demon fruit power, and they only wore ordinary iron shackles instead of the sea tower stone shackles dedicated to demon fruit power!

In other words, Bucky can actually escape from this cell at any time!

But Bucky understood that even if he left his cell now, it would be difficult for him to escape from the huge deep-sea prison called "Iron Wall" in Impel City!

So Bucky has been dormant, improving his strength while waiting for the upcoming opportunity!

Lufei makes a big noise to promote the city!

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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