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Chapter 1 Wake up

Slowly open your eyes, Xuanyuan Dust is a little confused!

In a moment, Xuanyuanchen came back to his senses. I also remembered that I met an adventure in Kunlun Mountain and passed out after merging. When I was in a coma, I vaguely heard a voice:

Because the laws of the earth do not allow, the island of time and space uses only a little energy to open the door of space.

Send the host to settle down in the new world, and solve the identity and give some financial support. The rest can only rely on their own development of the island of time and space, all of which need Xuanyuanchen to explore.

The alleviated Xuanyuan dust straightened out the last information of the spirit of the island of time and space in my mind.

He plans to enter the island of time and space to have a look. Anyway, he is also a person in Blue Star and has no worries.

After washing, Xuanyuanchen gave the order to enter the island of time and space in his mind.

In a twinkling of an eye, Xuanyuan Dust entered the island.

At first sight, the island is divided into three floors. The top floor is the place where the island owner lives and relaxes. There are three buildings and a small river flowing down, just like an ordinary wilderness.

The middle area is like a prison. There are many caves. Each cave is locked by a solid iron door.

The bottom layer is a vast forest. There are lakes and currents.

When I returned to the top floor, I came to the villa, and saw that it was empty and there was nothing to see. Xuanyuan Dust went to the second house, which was like a storage room.

So Xuanyuan Dust went to the last building. It was like a manufacturing factory and the last nine storey tower building, but this building was inaccessible.

After visiting the whole time and space island and returning to the real house, Xuanyuanchen carefully digested the introduction left by the island spirit.

Villas are used to rest and live in the island of time and space. For example, the storeroom is a treasure house, which automatically collects the energy provided by all creatures on the second and third layers, such as strength, speed, physique, and the most valuable energy of plants and trees.

Like the building of a processing factory, it is a place for synthesizing treasures, such as the ability to synthesize something.

The nine storey tower is called the nine storey crossing tower. It collects the demons and ghosts and human vitality in the prison on the second floor, and opens up the corresponding world.

In all the world time passed through will not exceed one hour of the real world!

In other words, in the island of space and through the world, even if a hundred years have passed, the reality has only passed an hour!

Now there is nothing but finding criminals and buying chickens, ducks, fish, geese and other creatures to raise and accumulate corresponding energy.

Xuanyuan Chen, who knows what he should do, immediately finds and picks up his identity document to check his information, so that he can make certain plans!

The message reads: name: Xuanyuan Chen, identity: Huaxia transferred student in senior two of Didan High School, age: 18 years old, father: Xuanyuan Yi (late), mother: Xuanyuan Xinzi (late).

After the parents' car accident, they inherited the family property: 1 billion yen, the national life of the transfer mother.

After reading the information, Xuanyuan Chen knew his own information. It turned out that the island spirit used the last energy to send him to Conan World!

In this world, it is convenient to find criminals without having to inquire everywhere.

Having learned the relevant information, Xuanyuanchen plans to go out for a walk to find out where he is.

Just went out and saw the Maori Detective Office written on the window of the second floor opposite!

Seeing here, Xuanyuan Chen thought that his home was opposite the main character's home, so he could go there later and inquire about the news.

On second thought, it seems that some new neighbors visit their neighbors in Japan.

So I took my bank card and went to the nearest convenience store to buy gifts such as fruit, tobacco and wine. When I got home, I put on a suit and went to the opposite office to interview.

Knock on the door, and saw a middle-aged man dressed in a dark blue suit, untidy, opened the door. Inquiries:

You are? Is there an entrusted office? Come in!

Hello, Mr. Maoli, I'm Xuanyuanchen who just came back from Huaxia. I live in the four storey building opposite you. I came to visit you today. Xuanyuanchen smiled.

When Maori Xiaowulang heard Xuanyuan Chen's words, he stood up and looked across from the window. He remembered that the opposite side had been bought some time ago and had just finished decoration. It seems that this young man is the opposite master.

Looking back at the gift handed by Xuanyuanchen's hands, he said happily: You are the one who bought the house some time ago! I was even more happy to see tobacco and wine in the gift.

Yes, Mr. Maori, I hope to get your help in the future, said Xuanyuanchen respectfully.

It's easy to say. Please sit down. Maori invites Xuanyuanchen to sit down.

The two people sat on the sofa and talked. Maori also inquired about the basic information of Xuanyuan Chen. In the blink of an eye, it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon.

Xuanyuan Chen said: Mr. Maori, if you don't mind, could you please have a meal? After all, I just came to Japan, and today I listened to so many useful suggestions, which helped me a lot! Could you give me a chance to invite you.

Maori Xiaowulang was so happy when he heard that someone had invited him. He quickly agreed and sent a message to his daughter. They went to the front door of the office together and came to the barbecue shop not far away.

After entering the store, Xuanyuanchen ordered a lot of barbecues and beer. They ate and drank together, and talked about various things together.

Xuanyuan Chen said what he had seen and heard in his previous life. Maori Xiaowulang was just bragging about his glorious deeds.

It was learned that there was still one month before the plot began, because Maolilan only participated in the karate competition in the penultimate week of this month.

The next week after the game, I will go to the park with the main character.

The two people had been drinking until almost nine o'clock when they were interrupted by a girl wearing Didan High School, who had a horn on her head.

Come to the two people and say: Dad, when will you drink? It's already very late.

Hearing the voice, Xuanyuan Chen turned his head in a daze, looked at the visitor, and said angrily: Brother Maori, your wife is here, today we two brothers will drink here, and we will continue to drink later! What do you think?

When Maolilan heard Xuanyuanchen say that she was Maori Xiaowulang and his wife, he hurriedly said: I am his daughter, you are mistaken, sir.

Xuanyuanchen looked at Maolilan and said to himself recently that such a beautiful daughter doesn't want to be Maori's eldest brother at all. Is she like his mother? How beautiful his wife must be!

By this time, Xuanyuan Chen was already drunk and could not remember that Xiaolan's mother was Ji Yingli.

Before Maolilan could speak, Maori Xiaowulang said, "That's my wife, but she is a beautiful woman. She is unparalleled in the world!"!

Why can't I see my sister-in-law?

When asked by Xuanyuan Chen, Maoli Xiaowulang said that they were separated.

Xuanyuan Chen took out the bank card from his pocket and gave it to Maolilan. He told her the password and asked her to pay the bill. He held Maori Xiaowulang and said:

Brother, this is your mistake. How can you let your wife go out to live? Your daughter is so beautiful. How beautiful your wife is! How can you trust her to be alone outside.

Maolilan didn't interrupt when he saw Xuanyuan Chen persuading Maori Xiaowulang to recover his mother. After paying the money, he followed the two people behind with Xuanyuan Chen's bank card to prevent them from accidents.

Along the way, Xuanyuanchen talked about Maori Xiaowulang and the words of education. Maolilan wanted to cover his face.

Finally, Xuanyuan Chen forced Maori Xiaowulang to a women's goods store.

After entering, he pulled Maolilan to the waiter and said happily, "Follow her and bring me the best supplies. I will give gifts to my sister-in-law. If anyone dares to delay, I will smash your shop.".

After hearing this, the staff in the shop knew that a big business was coming, and quickly promised that they would make Xuanyuanchen face up when he met.

After hearing the promise, Xuanyuanchen stopped caring about them and went directly to the rest place to continue to educate Maori Xiaowulang.

After two hours of education, Maori Xiaowulang promised Xuanyuan Chen that he would call Ji Yingli to apologize and ask her to come back!

At this time, Xuanyuan Dust came unsteadily when he saw Maolilan arguing with the store staff.

Enquiry: Why haven't the gifts been selected yet? How do you handle things!

The employee said that they had already selected the items, but the lady didn't want to pay because she thought they were too expensive!

When Xuanyuan Chen heard about it, he paid by swiping his bank card, and asked them to send someone to follow him home!

After the deliveryman left, Xuanyuanchen forced Maori Xiaowulang to call and asked Maolilan not to talk. Xuanyuanchen's appearance was a bit scary, and Maolilan did not dare to talk at that time.

Watching Maori Kogoro call.

When the phone is connected, Yingli, when do you plan to come back? Xiaolan and I miss you!

Copyright: Chuangshi Chinese Website

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