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Chapter 1 Travel School and Academic School

Anping City, No.3 Middle School,

In a small forest, a tall boy opened his eyes.

"How soundly asleep!" Zhang Hao stretched at random and was about to stand up when his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he saw something terrible.

"Fire breathing dragon?"

"How could it be?" Zhang Hao stared at the fire breathing dragon in the sky, and couldn't believe it.

You should know that fire breathing dragons are only available in the fantasy world. How can fire breathing dragons appear in the real world.

When Zhang Hao was shocked, a chill appeared in his brain, and then all kinds of strange and familiar memories appeared in his brain.

"Am I crossing?"

"Or has the world passed through?" After absorbing these memories, Zhang Hao has a certain understanding of his current situation.

For some reason, when he woke up, the world changed and there were more creatures like Baokemeng.

In addition, other things have not changed. He is still a student of No. 3 Middle School, and his teachers and classmates have not changed.

"The world of science and technology has become the world of Baoke Dream, which is really a good change." Zhang Hao looked at the sky with fiery eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, he had a dream that he would become a trainer and champion of Baokemeng.

But it is a pity that Baokemeng is a thing of the fantasy world. He can only keep this unrealistic dream in his heart.

Now, God has given him a chance, so he can't miss it.

"I must become a Baokemeng trainer and a champion, no matter how hard the road ahead is!" Zhang Hao stood up and thought firmly in his heart as he watched the fire breathing dragon fly away from the sky.

When his childhood dream appeared in front of him, Zhang Hao's heart was only fiery, and he had the belief of indomitable.

Ding! Ding!

When the bell rang, Zhang Hao returned to the classroom as usual.

Along the way, Zhang Hao saw many Baokemeng, some of which were teachers' and some students', which made Zhang Hao look forward to becoming a trainer.

Step! Step!

Zhang Hao had just sat down in his seat when heavy footsteps sounded, and then a muscular man about 1.9 meters walked into the classroom.

However, the most noticeable thing is not the big man, but the Chenaido beside the big man.

Yes, Saneido, the wife beast of countless playmates.

"Hello, boys and girls!" The big man raised his hand and said loudly, "My name is Li Hongzhong, and I am one of the instructors of Baokemeng this year."

"I'm here today to deliver the notice."

"If you want to be a trainer, listen carefully."

"Trainers are divided into two schools: academic school and travel school."

"If you want to become an academic trainer, you need to pay 10000 yuan to the school. The school will prepare an ordinary Baokemeng with good talent for you and train you for a year."

"One year later, you can take the college entrance examination, and students with good scores can enter the Elf University."

"As for the trainers of the travel school, you need to pay 1 million yuan to the school. The school will prepare you with a very talented Yusanjia and a fairy atlas representing your identity."

"With the fairy atlas, you can treat Baokemeng at the fairy center for free, and you can challenge and learn in various museums across the country."

"One month later, the official registration will begin."

"This month, you have to think it over."

"Do you want to be a trainer?"

"Choose travel school or academic school."

"Well, class, see you in a month."

After saying that, Li Hongzhong strode away.

At the moment when Li Hongzhong left, Zhang Hao heard a mechanized voice.

[Ding! Trigger destiny node! The system is activated!]

[The system is being started~]

[Open successfully!]

[The system functions are as follows:

1: Crossing (you can take the host to the monster hunter world)

2: Treasure can be dreamy (The host can use the fairy ball to subdue monster hunters, and the subdued monster can be dreamy.)

3: When you win the challenge to the Taoism Hall, your Baokemeng can gain experience and upgrade.]

[Baokemeng level information is as follows:

Level 1~9=new level

Level 10-19=entry level

Grade 20-29=ordinary grade

Level 30~39=elite level

Level 40~49=museum level

Level 50~59=quasi king

Level 60~69=Tianwang

Level 70~79=champion

Level 80~89=Level 3 God

Level 90~99=Level II god

Level 100=Level 1 God]

Zhang Hao looked at the system panel in front of him, lost in thought.

"The monster hunter world?" Zhang Hao's mind flashed the figures of various powerful monsters, such as the extinct dragon, the black dragon, the resentful tiger dragon, the ice dragon

If these powerful monsters are conquered, Zhang Hao will dare to fight for the world champion.

"Challenging the Taoist Temple can gain experience. It seems that I must choose the travel school, but I'm just an orphan, and there are 1 million." Zhang Hao frowned slightly, and then looked at the crossing function option.

"Maybe I can resell goods in both worlds to earn the price difference."

"I hope I will not appear in the wild when I travel through the monster hunter world, otherwise I will be in trouble." Zhang Hao thought silently in his heart,

The wild world of monster hunters is very dangerous, with various powerful monsters running rampant, even ancient dragons.

Gulong, known as a natural disaster, is a real natural disaster. For example, the Ice Dragon can turn a local ecology into a glacier, and its strength is no less than that of the divine beast in Baokemeng World.

Now Zhang Hao is just an ordinary person, who can hardly live long in the wild.

It would be better if it was a city in the strange hunting world.

In the game settings, people in the monster hunter world are basically good people, and few bad people, even strangers will help each other.

Therefore, the place Zhang Hao crosses determines whether Zhang Hao can be a trader in both worlds.

"I hope it's not wild, otherwise, I'll have to choose the academic school to be obscene." Zhang Hao thought silently in his heart,


Under the yellow sunset, Zhang Hao walked into a small room, which was his home.

Although it is not big, it is his place.

Zhang Hao drew the curtains, changed into a battle suit that can defend against ordinary Baokemeng attacks, and after taking equipment such as therapeutic spray, he turned on the system.

"Crossing!" When Zhang Hao opened the crossing, a white light came up.

When the white light rises, Zhang Hao disappears.

Monster Hunter World,

In a cherry blossom forest, Zhang Hao appears.

"You can go back at any time. Yes, the safety factor has greatly increased." After feeling the crossing function, Zhang Hao felt relieved instantly. As long as you can go back at any time, you can escape safely even if you encounter danger.

"There is a path, which seems to be a human town."

"Lucky, I don't know which village it is." Zhang Hao looked around and walked out carefully.

Along the way, cherry blossoms were falling down and looked very beautiful.

After walking out of the woods, Zhang Hao saw an ancient village, a bit like an ancient village in Fusang.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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