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Chapter 1 Wandering Souls and Bats

The hot meteor streaked across the sky, tearing through the cloudy night sky in the ruins of the outer suburbs of Gotham, followed by a loud noise, an earth shaking explosion, with some mechanical debris at the origin of the explosion, which seemed to be similar to a space capsule, on which there was a vaguely recognizable Roman numeral - VIII, but the contents had already disappeared.

However, it is not surprising that this kind of explosion can be regarded as God's manifestation.

At the same time, a rather ordinary robbery was going on in Gotham, a city full of evil.

The only place worth paying attention to is the target of the robbery, named Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne.

The little master, who was terrified of the bat image in the opera, pulled his parents out of the theater in advance, but in the alley at the back door of the theater, the ragged jobless bully stopped the rich family.

"Bang! Bang“

Two shots were fired and two screams were made. The man's blood flowed from his chest, and the woman's pearl necklace fell to the ground. The two shots seemed to be as deafening as the explosion.

The man in charge of the family, Thomas Wayne, the richest man in Gotham, held his seven year old son Bruce Wayne's hand tightly when he was dying.

"Don't be afraid, Bruce... Don't be afraid..."

Thereafter, the Park Street will have a new name - Crime Lane.

Twenty years later, October 31, Halloween.

It rained heavily, but even so, the streets and alleys of Gotham were also crowded with people participating in the festival carnival. As the craziest festival in Gotham every year, under the reflection of the cold light of the billboard in the central square of Gotham, people in strange clothes were like ghosts walking at night.

The evil, by virtue of this chaos, hides its trace, just like the sewage flowing into rivers, but also like a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity to move.

"But I'm here too, gazing at the chaos."

"In the past two years, I have become a nocturnal animal."

In the crime lane, two young gangsters stared at a girl, who was dressed in exposed clothes and covered with scars. She was squatting on the ground powerless to smoke. Tears from the corners of her eyes mixed with dried blood on her face numbly came down from her cheek, making her delicate and porcelain like face look more miserable. The handbag beside the girl was stuffed with bundles of money, It seems to have dried up blood on it.

"Fuck! Give me the money! Hurry up!"

Two young gangsters rushed forward. One held the girl with a dagger, and the other grabbed her handbag. But they did not notice that the girl's eyes had been a little fierce. If the two unlucky people knew what the girl had just done, they must stop their foolish idea of robbing her.

In the old parliament building in Gotham, a group of hippies are painting dirty letters on the stone columns with graffiti. They smash the hundred year old glass and ignite the grass that countless Gotham giants have set foot on, just to win the so-called attention.

"Fuck Gotham! Fuck Parliament!"

The shameless young people are talking wildly at the mouth of the mobile phone live broadcast, trampling on those lofty past, watching the crazy soaring praise, laughing brilliantly and openly.

On the intercity railway, a group of boys with funny faces were sharing their own videos. Some showed off that they had stripped off the clothes of the homeless old people, some praised that they were punching and kicking at a poor passer-by, and even more, proudly displayed those poor girls who were frightened, lost, and full of tears under their camera lens.

"The world is really declining."

A Wayne Group employee who just got off work could not stand the foul words of these rascals and got up and left his seat. It was this action that would cause him no trouble.

Gotham has been surrounded by evil, but everyone has not noticed that someone is watching them in the darkness around them.

"I can't be everywhere."

"But again, they don't know where I will be."

"When Gotham needs me, someone will send a signal."

Above the thick clouds in Gotham, the searchlights cast their lights on the sky, while the shadows of bats shrouded them.

"The light that lights up the sky is not just calling me... It is also a warning."

Helicopters from the Gotham Police Department (GCPD) are patrolling, and the searchlights are shining on those criminals.

"Who's there? Get the fuck out!"

The frightened young gangsters shouted at the darkness nearby in order to frighten off their fears, but it didn't work. The darkness was still there, motionless, giving people a sense of oppression like a giant rock. In the face of unknown fears, they had no choice but to flee in panic.

"Fear... is a sharp blade."

When seeing the signs projected on the clouds, all these people can feel is fear.

"They always think that... I am lurking in the shadow... like a hunter waiting for prey."

In the darkness, two figures are moving, followed by fighting, screaming, wailing One of them also has a bloody taste.

"But they were wrong, very wrong."

"Because I am the shadows"

The girl who was robbed was far more cruel than the robber expected. Although her hand had been bled by the bracelet of the handbag, and her neck had been cut open by the robber's dagger, she still clung to her handbag, even tore off a piece of meat from the robber's hand, and refused to let go, as if the money with blood was more important than her own life.

"Shit, use a knife! Use a knife! Johnny, you idiot! Use a knife to stab her hand! This woman is crazy!"

The employee of Wayne Group got off the train, and the little gangsters with funny faces followed. They licked their tongues, rubbed their eyes, and even someone lit a big cigarette, which seemed to be a distinguished guest who was ready to enjoy a feast. The employee strode to run, but eventually was blocked by a group of small gangsters. These rascals laughed, made noise, and used knives to show on the employees' faces, The picture of him and his wife and daughter in the employee's wallet with urine, humiliated the employee's family with the dirtiest prediction, even recorded the video and opened the live broadcast.

"You still want to run? Run! Keep running!"

But in the shadow, there is something close to them.

In the shadow of the crime lane, a tall figure with long hair approached two robbers in an unbelievable silence. Only two terrible sounds of flesh and blood tearing and bone cracking were heard. One person's thigh was directly kicked off, while the other was unlucky. His entire right arm was directly torn off, and blood gushed like a spring

In the intercity train station, the cloaked weirdo stepped out of the shadow and stared at the small gangsters who were bullying more than they were bullying. One of them thought he was not the main leader, grabbed a machete and rushed forward. He was greeted by a series of strong fists, knee tops, and folding arms. Even after falling to the ground, he was also covered with several heavy fists that could break the face.

"Who the hell are you?"

In the crime lane, the tortured and dying two people constantly questioned the monster in front of them with a desperate roar.

"A wandering soul."

The shadow was silent.

"Who the hell are you?"

At the intercity station, the little gangsters who had been beaten to the ground with great fear spewed wild words to the masked monster in front of them, as if this could dispel their fears.

"I'm the Vengeance"

Batman has a cold voice.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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