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Chapter 1 Take things as they come

In the 1970s, a city in the north

Li Qingfeng got up early in the morning, put on his homespun clothes with a few puddings, and began to work around the kitchen, making a fire, mixing noodles, boiling water, cooking vegetables, and the food for the six members of the family was all in the charge of Li Qingfeng.

Looking at a dough on the cutting board, Li Qingfeng washed his hands and began to knead the dough. He said that the dough was actually a mixture of corn flour, sweet potatoes and some coarse grains. There was very little white flour in it.

The thing made with this dough is the famous Wowotou, which was the main food of the working people in those days.

What's the taste of this thing? It can be described as unpalatable. It is not only unpalatable, but also noisy.

Although this is the only thing, there is not much white flour in it, which is also a good thing that many people cannot eat. Look at how many families in the countryside, and now the staple food is still the legendary Heiwotou.

Skillfully knead the small dough into a round lump with your hands, drill a deep hole in the middle of the lump with your thumb, and then squeeze it as soon as possible. Put the finished dough aside and continue to make the next one.

After making all the dough into a doughnut, Li Qingfeng quickly walked to the earth stove and lit the fire in the earth stove casually and expertly. During the waiting time for the fire to burn, Li Qingfeng, who was wandering in the sky, had a very complicated mood.

More than a year ago, Li Qingfeng was a promising young man in the 21st century. His family was a local relocated household. He had just graduated from an ordinary book, and after a year of hard study, he went ashore smoothly. When he was about to become an excellent civil servant, God made him a male nanny in the 1970s.

Fortunately, the memory of the original body was integrated, otherwise, we could not find a place to eat and settle down.

After more than a year of contact, combined with the fusion of memory, Li Qingfeng gradually integrated into his original family, but sometimes he remembered the happy days he had spent in the twenty-first century.

The original family is the third in the family. There is a brother, a sister, and a sister below. With two parents, the total population is 6. The parents of the family are double workers. Although the salary is not high, they are also a happy family.

The eldest, Li Qingsong, 23 years old, has a stable personality, which can be said to be a mug. He doesn't talk much at home at ordinary times. He went to the army when he was 17 years old after graduating from junior high school. After five years in the army, his family has nothing to do with it. Instead of being assigned to the factory security department that everyone admires now, he went to the police station that everyone dislikes. At present, he is a small public security policeman.

Now, unlike later generations, the security office of the state-owned large factory for relocation is popular. Anyone who has something to do with it will go to the security office or the armed forces department of the factory. In addition to the monthly salary, the factory will also pay extra benefits to employees. The annual benefits are all calculated, which is about the same as the salary of two months, so everyone scrambles to go.

The public security organs, procuratorates and law departments have low wages, and there are no additional benefits except for wages. Basically, few people want to go there. Except for those who graduated from police schools, most of them were forced to settle down after being discharged from the army.

Li Yumei, the second elder sister, is 20 years old this year. She also has a good academic performance. After graduating from junior high school, she was admitted to the technical secondary school in the county with her excellent performance. After graduating from the technical secondary school, she was directly assigned to the local textile factory to work as an intern technician.

The younger sister Li Hongmei is white and clean, with big eyes and a oval face. She usually wears two braids, a standard little beauty. He is one year younger than his original age. He has just turned 17 this year. He just graduated from high school a few days ago. If he can't find a job, he can only wander around at home, gnaw at the old like Li Qingfeng, or go to the countryside to become an educated youth.

According to Li Qingfeng's understanding in the past two months, the younger sister Li Hongmei probably cannot find a job, because the job position has been saturated in this year, and the only few job quotas every year have been set up. Li Qingfeng is carrying money to go there, and no one will give her a job.

After introducing our brothers and sisters, we need to talk about the original body. Like Li Qingfeng, the original body is lazy and greedy. They don't know who to help when the oil bottle is poured at home. When they graduated from high school, their parents arranged to go to the countryside, but they felt that life in the countryside was hard and they were unwilling to go.

He didn't want to go, so his parents couldn't help him. In order not to go to the countryside, he promised to do all the housework at home, so going to the countryside was delayed until his younger sister Li Hongmei graduated from high school. Going to the countryside was put on the agenda again.

It is now stipulated that each family must have one child to go to the countryside. The two older members of the family must have jobs, so they must not go. Then they can only choose one of the two younger members to go to the countryside to support the country's rural construction.

The original parents have nothing to introduce. Hong Xingying, the standard Huaxia parents and mother, is a street clerk. She is temporarily unorganized and has a rather shrewd personality. She usually teaches lessons to the original parents with a monthly salary of 23 yuan.

Li Fuqiang, his father, works in the local machine repair factory, and his craftsmanship is just so so. However, he is an old employee. He is familiar with people in the factory for so many years, and his skills are not up to standard. Every month, there are 38.6%

After finishing breakfast skillfully, Li Qingfeng quickly brought all the food to the table in the main room, and then called his family to eat one by one.

Soon, after washing, everyone in the Li family gathered at the dinner table. His father sat firmly on the main seat, and the rest took their seats in turn. Li Qingfeng hid quietly in the innermost corner to minimize his sense of existence.

"Hey, don't mention it. Our third child has been cooking for almost a year. He has really practiced this skill and has seven points of our mother's skill." Second sister Li Yumei took a mouthful of Li Qingfeng's fried food and couldn't help praising it.

"What's the use? Don't say I have seven skills. Even if I learn 10% of my cooking skills, I can't be a cook and can't find a job."

Hung Xingying drank the bowl of porridge with stick noodles and casually opened her mouth. When she spoke, she gave Li Qingfeng a meaningful look in the corner.

The way of education of parents is different from that of later generations. After the implementation of family planning in the future, there are only one child in the family. Naturally, children will be spoiled. However, family planning has not yet started in this year, and every family will have a good birth.

There are so many children in the family. The Li family is not that kind of family that values boys more than girls. What's more, Li Qingfeng is not the only male in the family. There is a brother on it. If he is disobedient, it is a real whipping.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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