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Chapter 1 Preface Do you want a new life?

On Saturday, the sky was clear and cloudless. The provincial museum was crowded with people. Crowded people lined up outside the museum. People grabbed the high priced tickets and held the long queue, waiting to enter the exhibition hall isolated for the day.

The tour of Buddha's finger bones relics is something that ordinary people can't meet once in their life. You should get close to it and touch something lucky. Although you don't believe these ghosts and gods, it's good to open your eyes.

In the huge exhibition hall, although the number of visitors has been limited, it is still crowded, because most of the other exhibits are empty in front, while the center of the hall is full of people.

Through the guardrail and tempered glass, everyone's eyes converged on the white jade like relics inside the hood.

In the soft light, the Buddhist relics that can almost emit light lie quietly on the mat.

In front of the visitors, a handsome young monk and a young man with sunglasses talked in a low voice, as if they were exchanging views.

"I said, although Sakyamuni's phalangeal relics are rare, why did you bring me here as a blind man?"

The young man with sunglasses looked up at the front and did not gather on the Buddhist relics. The vision behind the sunglasses was empty and there was no focus at all.

The handsome monk hung a small ID card on his chest, which was obviously a staff member. On it, only his nickname was written: "Wu Zhen". He smiled and replied, "I can't see it, but I can feel it."

"Through the bulletproof glass, do you feel like one for me to see? I only feel that you are wearing perfume." The young man with sunglasses shook his head: "What are you doing with perfume, a monk? Do you want to be a lecherous monk who seduces female pilgrims?"

"It's you." Monk Wuzhen shook his head: "The economy in the temple is depressed. Otherwise, I wouldn't show such precious relics. Perfume is just an image project."

"Hey, the monk also has money. After being educated, I feel like I'm leaving first." The young man with sunglasses turned to leave, but was pulled by Wuzhen.

"You said you are a monk. Why are you always pestering me instead of fooling those rich guys?"

The young man in sunglasses was not angry. He lowered his head from the gap in the sunglasses and faced Wuzhen with two silent pupils. There was nothing in the gray pupils, and they were empty.

"You have Buddha nature, and I just want to help you." Wuzhen said in a low voice, "Do you want to be a monk? The welfare is very high."

"It's not appropriate to ask how many times." The sunglasses young man shook his head: "I'm not married yet. Go find someone else."

"Bai Shuo, five meters away is the Buddhist relics, which is also in front of the Buddha. Please answer me honestly." Wu Zhen got serious and said, "Are you really not worried about it? You are born with spirituality because of the predestined fate of Buddha Ferry. I just regret that your heart looks like ashes, and you live like a walking corpse. Is it really good?"

"Empty people are everywhere. Why do you look for me?" Bai Shuo shook his head and said: "I eat well, sleep well, and am young and rich. As a blind person, I am satisfied. You really find the wrong person."

After saying that, Monk Wuzhen did not care about it. He held his sunglasses, slowly lined up the crowd, and walked out with his wand.

Suddenly a piece of cold pressed against his forehead, making him stop.

"Don't hurry, there are still programs." The strange voice sounded.

The grim man took out a pistol and put it on his forehead, laughing: "Robbery!"

When he yelled, there was a panic in the pavilion. Several tourists standing at the edge suddenly pulled out their guns and occupied the entrance.

Obviously, this is a premeditated, organized and disciplined robbery. As for the target, there is no doubt that it is definitely the phalangeal relic in the middle of the hall.

The man who pointed the gun at Bai Shuo fired two shots at the ceiling: "Be quiet! Get down!"

When it finally quieted down, the man holding Bai Shuo nodded and motioned to his men to smash the bulletproof glass. Unfortunately, after a futile effort, only a crack appeared on the glass.

A sharp eyed robber saw the sign on Monk Wuzhen's chest and lifted him up: "Staff? Exactly..."

He pushed him onto the bulletproof shield and pointed the gun at his head: "I count 321. If the glass cover is not opened, it is your head."

"Then kill me."

Wuzhen stood up from the glass cover, calmly tidied up her clothes, folded her hands, looked kindly and smiled, and said, "Please help me return to the Buddha as soon as possible."

Maybe I really understand that the monk is not afraid of death, and the robbers have no way out for a while, only to hear the alarm bell outside getting louder and louder.

"Hey, Monk, aren't you afraid of death?" The man holding Bai Shuo was obviously the leader, grinning grimly.

"Naturally, I'm afraid, but something is more important than my life and death." Wuzhen put her hands together and looked calm.

"Monk, you are an eminent monk, I believe your words." The robber nodded admiringly, then turned the muzzle of the gun, pointing at Bai Shuo's head; "If you don't open it, I will kill the blind man first. None of the people in this exhibition hall can live. I don't know what I'm saying. Do you believe me?"

His eyes were cold and ferocious, and he laughed crazily: "3...... 2......"

"I drive." Wuzhen lowered his head with a gloomy face and sighed: "I drive."

"Hurry up!" The robber pointed his gun at Bai Shuo's head, "The cripple seems to be afraid."

"OK..." Wuzhen's fingers trembled and opened the password plate on the bulletproof glass, then took out the key in his hand and slowly twisted it. After a crisp sound, the glass cover was opened.

At the moment when the protection was opened, the robber seemed to feel Bai Shuo's body shaking and breathing heavily, but he just thought he was afraid and didn't care. He was already attracted by the Buddhist relics.

Without the illumination of light, the Buddhist relics did not fade, but emitted a fluorescence like a rough jade, which made people admire and want to worship.

The robber laughed and motioned with his palm, "Take it."

Wuzhen took a deep breath, took up the mat of the Buddhist relics, and slowly moved closer and closer until he was within reach.

50 million dollars?

The robber stretched out his palm to the Buddhist relics, but was blocked by a palm.

The thin and white palm grabbed the Buddhist relics before him. Bai Shuo, relying on his inner guidance, grabbed the Buddha's finger bone, smiled at the robber nearby, and the subtle sound of something piercing his body sounded.

"You know what? I hate it when people point a gun at me."

Bai Shuo lowered his head slightly and showed his eyes through the gaps in his sunglasses. A hole seemed full of ridicule.

The slender wrist turned over, and then the dagger that pierced the heart of the robber twisted a circle, almost penetrated from the wound, and slid into the cuff along the palm of the hand.

Then, he loosened his hand holding the dagger, suddenly fell down on Wuzhen, who was close at hand, and the gunshots rang again and again. At the moment when all the robbers were attracted to the sight of this area, the guards hiding in the crowd and the police outside the house started moving under the edge.

Although it is just a coincidence, it is perfectly matched.

In the chaos created by the fierce gunfire, the crowd fled in all directions. Wuzhen got up pale and looked at Bai Shuo: "Are you really afraid of death?"

"Don't you make me feel?" Bai Shuo smiled, "I feel it, and... I hate people bullying blind people."

He slowly tried to get up from the ground to take refuge, but in the midst of the violent sound, his body suddenly shook. Severe pain came from between his waist and ribs, and his body seemed to be torn.

The robber with a dagger in his heart was unwilling to accept this absurd failure. While his life was rapidly passing by, he tried to pull the trigger. At the same time, he was targeted by the police outside the window. At the moment when the bullet in the pistol flew to Bai Shuo, a blood hole suddenly appeared on the head of the robber. In the horrible blood hole, people could see the white slurry, The cheap bullet completely took his life after it attached the horrible speed.

The bullet he finally shot also pierced Bai Shuo's chest, completely pierced his heart, and finally embedded in his lungs.

Undoubtedly, blood gushed out from Bai Shuo's wound, making him fall to the ground doubtfully in pain.

"Bai Shuo! Bai Shuo!" Wuzhen's face was frightened and turned his body over

"Cough..." Bai Shuo's eyes fell on the ground, and his diffuse pupils stared at the ceiling in disbelief, saying: "This feeling... is it a shot?"

"It's just a small wound, I'll wrap it up for you right away, and the ambulance will arrive right away!" Wuzhen's fingers trembled, and pulled two pieces of cloth from his monk's robe: "You are silly! A bone fossil, if they want it, they can take it away!"

"Haha... Monk, you don't understand..." Bai Shuo held his palm tightly, and a warm thing in the palm seemed to beat with the blood flow. He smiled, "I feel it... I really feel it..."

He suddenly began to cough, his face was blue, and he said with difficulty: "It's very warm..."

The blood could not be stopped. Wuzhen was so flustered that she dyed her monk's robe with a large amount of scarlet. Finally, she had no choice but to grab his palm and said sadly, "I knew I would not pull you!"

"Cough..." Bai Shuo suddenly grasped his hand. There seemed to be some light flashing in his dull eyes. Wu Zhen felt that his palm was locked by a thin iron hoop.

"The Sutra of Passion... Will it..."

Wuzhen was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and nodded: "Yes."

Wuzhen has always hoped to get this friend into Buddhism and find some meaning in life for him. In the end, she found that she could do nothing but recite scriptures to make him walk more calmly.

"Nanwu Amitabha Night. Duo Tajia Night. Duo Di Night He......"

In the deep recitation, Bai Shuo felt that his life was losing, and strange auditory hallucinations slowly appeared in his ears. In the auditory hallucinations, he heard familiar sounds, and the only intuition reminded him of something vibrating in his pants pocket.

He took out the thing from his pants pocket with difficulty. He really wanted to know who would call in the end.

"Want a new life?"

Facing the voice suddenly appeared in his head, he suddenly wanted to laugh, and answered in his heart: "New life? If you dare to give it, I dare to take it..."

The fingers stopped at the moment when they touched the answer button, and became stiff. The dull pupils were completely diffused, and the breath of life disappeared on this body.

Wuzhen's voice paused for a moment, then went on, but the choking became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a sad cry.

At the moment when the answer was finished, Bai Shuo heard a clear voice, and then he was dragged into a black hole, swaying forward in a turbulent flow. The warmth in his right hand was never brief from beginning to end. The warmth of the Buddhist relics made him fall into a coma.

Until he wakes up again.


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