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Chapter 1 Beginning Exile

The night is as dark as ink, and the rain is drizzling.

"Princess Princess, your highness Prince Yi has come to save you. Let's go quickly!"

The servant girl's eager voice mingled with the sound of fierce fighting, which made Qin Mengshang headache. He raised his hand to wipe his face, but felt a scarlet.

Didn't she sleep in the lab?

Why did you break your head?

The maid thought she had broken her head, and hurriedly said, "Madam, the evidence of the prince's conspiracy is clear. Although your majesty left him alive, exile in Lingnan would be the same as death penalty! Don't worry, the lord has arranged everything, and no one will find out!"

Exile, Prince

Qin Mengshang felt that the words were inexplicably familiar. On second thought, isn't this the story in the ancient book she read the other day?

So, she is dressed as the most pale moonlight in the book - Dajin's princess?!

Qin Mengshang's eyes darkened and he almost fainted again.

The princess in the book is Bai Yueguang of King Yi, but he comes from a humble family and can only watch his sweetheart marry the prince. From then on, King Yi became completely black. After years of dormancy, he finally pulled the crown prince down and saved his sweetheart.

If the story is only here, it will be complete, but the real story of dog blood is still behind!

After the prince was abolished, King Yi's voice in the court became louder and louder, but the emperor refused to establish a prince again, instead, he intended to weaken his power.

After years of forbearance, King Yi hated the emperor to the bone, so he colluded with the Southern Barbarians to raise an army and revolt, forcing the old emperor to abdicate. Unexpectedly, the Southern Barbarian leader suddenly turned against him and put a knife on his neck.

It was not the Southern Barbarian leader, but the exiled prince who killed him.

King Yi died happily, but he pitied the crown princess. He was not only branded as the evil witch of the country, but also imprisoned by the crown prince in the deep palace. Every day, he suffered from both mental and physical torture, becoming delirious and crazy. But the prince was reluctant to let her die, and kept her with the best medicine. He searched for famous doctors only to let her live a few more years.

When he saw this place, Qin Mengshang said that he felt both love and hate for the prince.

Now that she is a princess, she just wants to cry.

She is an agricultural doctor, and finally finished her graduation thesis. Who wants to wake up and wear dog blood torture articles to rob her!

When thinking about the final outcome of the princess, Qin Meng and Shang felt cold from head to toe.

Seeing that she had been silent for a long time, the servant girl urged: "Madam, while the prince and the officers and soldiers are being dragged by the lord's men, let's leave quickly. We can't leave any later!"

Qin Mengshang regained his consciousness and shook his shoulders as he looked at the two groups of people fighting in the rainy night.

King Yi dare to rob prisoners, but she dare not run away!

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

"Good..." Qin Mengshang gritted his teeth and answered.

In any case, she can't go with King Yi. But the prince is in danger now. The servant girl can fight again. She is no match at all. If she wants to escape, she can only go ahead of Lin Zi and find a way to escape.

The prince was deposed. The old emperor was reluctant to kill him and sentenced him to exile in Lingnan. In order to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to assassinate him, he sent some elite soldiers to escort him. King Yi followed him all the way until he was near Lingnan.

King Yi wants to save Qin Mengshang and kill the prince.

To be more precise, rescuing Qin Mengshang was just easy.

The swords and swords in the rain screen dazzled people, and the sound of fighting was deafening.

The servant girl took Qin Meng and the merchant to the depths of the forest.

The cold raindrops hit his face, which stimulated Qin Mengshang's forehead to ache faintly. The blood slid down his cheeks, and the white porcelain like skin was even more miserable and broken.

Seeing that she was getting farther and farther away from Team Wu, she became more and more worried. If she really saw King Yi, she would feel cold again in her life

Just then, a confused sound of footsteps came from behind.

The servant girl was surprised, but Qin Mengshang was delighted. Finally, someone found her missing!

But soon, she rejected the idea.

Several dark shadows flashed out in the thick night, and the cold light cut through the rain curtain. The cold blade came in front of her in an instant. The maid opened her eyes wide, and had no time to pull out the sword. Her neck was hot, and she fell straight down.

Looking at the dead maid at his feet, Qin Mengshang swallowed in silence. Both the people of King Yi and the soldiers recognized her, but the people in black just wanted to kill her.

This is the third batch of killers!

The instinct of survival trumped fear, and Qin Meng and Shang ran in the opposite direction.

However, she was too weak. She tripped over the weeds on the ground before she ran a few steps. The killers slowed down and approached her.

The man in black, the leader, smiled grimly and fearfully: "Where does the princess want to escape?"

Qin Mengshang looked at the shining knives in their hands and wanted to cry.

What evil did she do? Let's just put her on the exile road, and now she will be hunted down! Other people have golden fingers when crossing, and she will lose her life!

Suddenly, a cute mechanical sound sounds in my mind: [Ding! The plot is loaded~]

[Congratulations on your successful activation of the card drawing system. System 985 is dedicated to serving you.]

Qin Mengshang: "??"

System: [Due to poor signal in rainy days and delayed loading, I'm sorry to bring you a bad experience, and now 500 points are given as compensation.]

A little later, she should be activated!

Seeing Qin Mengshang's delay in answering, the man in black sneered and said, "You are not expecting someone to save you, are you? Oh, the officials and the people of King Yi have been beaten to pieces. The waste prince has been cut off twice by the Lord, and has already lost his breath. You'd better save your energy and go to the road to accompany him!"

With that, he threw his knife at her.


Man in Black: "?"

Qin Mengshang stopped him in time and asked the system in his head, "Is there anything lifesaving?"

System: [Yes! There are 10086 character cards in the current system card pool, covering ancient and modern times. After randomly selecting a character card, just say the name on the card, and you can successfully bind it to obtain the character's exclusive skill blessing.]

Qin Mengshang's eyes brightened. Isn't this the shaking system?

System: [You can understand that. Since you are in danger zone, the system has automatically turned on the protection mode, and your chance to draw the battle attribute card will be increased by 50%]

[Would you like to use the opportunity or credit card now?]


After receiving the instruction, the system immediately switched to the card drawing interface. A few seconds later, a purple card wrapped in light slowly poured out and fell into the hands of Qin Mengshang.

The man on the card wears black fish scale armor, wears a He crown, and the crown belt is tied under his jaw. He leans on a simple and heavy iron sword in both hands. The sword eyebrows are starlit, and he is not angry and arrogant. The information bar at the bottom is surrounded by seven or eight colorful knots, and the name written in the middle is——

"How dare you fool me? I want to die!"

The man in black cursed and wielded a broadsword to cut at Qin, Meng and Shang.

Seeing that the sword was about to fall, Qin Mengshang grabbed the card and shouted, "Where is General Meng Tian?"

The man in black made a movement.

There was a flash of light, which was as bright as day, and the wind and rain were still. The man in armor slowly turned around. The dark and deep eyes seemed to contain the desolation and majesty accumulated for thousands of years, like a long sleeping lion finally woke up, revealing terrible fangs.

"The end will be at."

Copyright: Start Girls Network

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