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Chapter 1 I won't be bored when I become a typewriter

What can I do as a typewriter? Can make phone calls, project screens, read power, and even fly at Mach 5! Although it is strange to master these skills as a typewriter, when the typewriter was a human being, when he was a mediocre social animal, he had never experienced such happiness. Perhaps only when he died of overwork and fell on the computer keyboard, coffee spilled on the host, killing all the company's three months of black work!

Maybe this is a smile in another sense.

The name of the typewriter is "Yun". Although it has a good memory, it can even remember the moment when he was dying. However, the typewriter believes that for the deceased, the past relationship has been cut off. From his parents, there is only a family name, so it is not necessary to remember. What's more, the typewriter is very satisfied with the current life. Compared with the typewriter, he prefers to be called "Mr. Cloud", perhaps Miss Cloud? The typewriter doesn't care much about this.

"As long as it is not armed helicopters!"

Mr. Typewriter lives in a library without books. There is nothing here except bookshelves, and even no visitors. In order to prevent his body from falling gray, Mr. Typewriter often shuttles through the empty bookshelves at a speed of Mach 5. Day after day, year after year, Mr. Typewriter does not feel bored, but what she likes most is, Through the carved glass window in the library, you can see the flowing clouds under the never falling pale moon. Every day, when the moonlight is at its brightest, Mr. Typewriter uses chalk to draw the shape of clouds on the wall, year after year, day after day.

Mr. Typewriter called the gap between the light and the dark of the moon a day, and today is a special day. Mr. Typewriter looked at the flowing clouds in the sky and repeated his favorite drawing work. When the last stroke fell, he suddenly felt: "I have painted, I have painted! The cloud map repeated for the first time! It must indicate that something will happen!"

"Maybe today, I will welcome my first visitor."

Mr. Typewriter drew the curtain to try to create a mysterious atmosphere for himself, but the light bulb on the roof began to flash a dazzling red light. Mr. Typewriter, who has been accustomed to the soft moonlight for years, squinted slightly. Moments later, he heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. A blond man fell from the sky, and blood flowed from the man.

The man was about 20 years old. His dazzling golden hair was covered with blood stains. His jeans clothes were damaged and blood slowly flowed from the break. The man stood up straight, his left hand covered the abdominal wound, and his right hand tightly held a revolver. His sharp eyes looked around alertly.

"It seems that this visitor is in a bad condition!"

The long lonely life did not make Mr. Typewriter feel lonely, but this does not mean that he will not be happy with the new visitors. In fact, Mr. Typewriter forgot that he has no arms. Now, he is rushing to the strange visitor at Mach 5 speed, warmly welcome!

At the moment of physical contact, a huge information flow passed through the man's mind - typewriter line. The imagined huge impact did not happen. The impact of Mr. typewriter was like a badminton, and the man easily caught the unexpected disaster.

"What a surprise! I'm still a boring human!"

"I didn't expect that I would become a crazy typewriter!"

After the man uttered this sentence, his physical strength was released in an instant, and his tense spirit was relaxed. Look around, choose the most comfortable one from the chairs around, carefully brush away the dust, and spread it on the chair.

"Cloud, you can call me that. As you heard, I am also" cloud ".

Although the impact just made them realize that they were one, their knowledge and memory did not fully communicate. Claude began to tell Mr. Typewriter.

"However, please help me take out the spray from my jeans before I get to know more about it. Yes, I know that" I "have the motivation to spray it on the wound. Now I don't want to move a finger."

Mr. Typewriter is always good, and the spray in his pocket is marked with H-P.

"This is the special effect spray of Hurt Panzi, how about it?" Claude looked at the slowly healing wound, "Can you guess the world I am in?"

"Hurt Panzi?" A burst of current flashed through the typewriter line. "It's Jojo of the old monster of Araki!"

When typewriters were still human beings, this work was very popular among young people. The author Araki Feilu Yan got the name "perfect creature" because of his youthful appearance. People love his talent and appearance, and he is also known as "the old monster of barren wood". In the third part, the hero who sells fish is also known as the synonym of invincibility!

"Tut, the sixth part is over! Five seconds is too short!"

Claude blurted out, "Although I would like to meet the invincible man, being in the new world only means that Cheng Taro has probably lost the battle at sea."

"Forget it, let's talk about our own affairs. I was about ten years old when I gradually recalled some things in my previous life. At that time, I was all alone. My father was a sailor and his throat was broken by a bullet. Fortunately, the pension was rich enough. The woman drank three years of wine and fell into the river, and half of the pension was enough."

"The local nuns raised me, but after awakening my memory, I didn't need to spend my youth in primary school. So I began to wander in the western era of the United States. The knowledge in my mind that transcended the times was the greatest wealth. After confirming the current scientific and technological progress through science magazines, I invented the world's first bicycle."

"The patents of bicycles and rubber tires have made me a small fortune, but this is not enough. Human beings are eager for light, and I will create electric lights!

Edison needed tens of thousands of trial and error to determine the filament material, but I was like a cheating candidate at the beginning of school. The answer was written there clearly at the beginning - tungsten filament. "

"Rebirth the great inventor of the Western era? Is the next step to improve the generator and promote AC power? Do you want to win the Claude Award by yourself? Is Edison still alive? Do you want to be the second, not the first Tesla?"

"Don't worry about that at all. Coca Cola has half of its shares," Claude pointed to himself. "Here it is."

"It's really me! I have to fight like this. I can only fight like this! Give Edison a little future shock! Tell me, who are you going to persecute next?"

"Brother Wright... No, it's off the topic. Don't interrupt! The invention of tungsten filament light bulb has brought my fame and wealth to a new level. I went to Washington to open the first light bulb factory in the United States. However, it was only one day, an ordinary day, a day to pay taxes at the tax bureau. I stepped into the door, walked into the office, and saw the golden circle of long hair. I could hardly believe my eyes, When I looked at the famous brand on my desk, I really confirmed that the handsome man in front of me was the biggest black hand of the seventh horse racing Yelang, and the 23rd commander of the United States in the future - Farni Valente!

PS - the nihilistic library, the residence of Mr. Typewriter, is also a transfer station for the interconnection between different "clouds". Even if there is no book, Mr. Typewriter still stubbornly calls it a library.

Mr. Typewriter: It seems that there are many useless and mysterious skills in the machine without emotion? It calls itself the first "cloud".

Claude: The hero from JOJO's seventh SBR world, the white flag man of the United States, the king of invention, competed with Edison on the same stage.

Farni Valente: The villain of SBR in JOJO's seventh book in the True Story. This book adopts the parallel world setting.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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