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Chapter 1 Xia Family

As the night came, the summer evening wind blew over the paulownia flowers with a hot smell, and the intoxicating aroma spread in the air. In an inconspicuous small yard in the huge backyard of Xia's family in Yushui City, there was a sound of "Pa", "Pa" and "Pa" from time to time.

The voice is sometimes rapid and sometimes slow. In the yard, a 14-year-old boy was standing in front of a stake and hitting it hard. The sweat on his forehead shows that he has maintained this striking action for a long time. The solid wooden pile will form a slight vibration in the continuous beating, but it will not be broken by such beating.

The young man has a stubborn look between his eyebrows. His eyes are clear and transparent, but they are also full of perseverance. On his beautiful face, his white skin was a little sick. Maybe it was because of a long time of strenuous exercise that the boy was short of breath. The blue robe on the body is full of folds, which has been soaked with sweat and pasted on the back.

As time went by, it seemed that the boy could not feel it at all. Gradually, the moon had climbed onto the treetops. Every time his limbs hit the stake, the boy would slightly frown, and his palms would turn red because of the strong blow on the hard stake.

'Pa', 'Pa'

The teenager, like an indefatigable machine, beat his body on the solid stump again and again.

Suddenly, the boy's ears moved. He heard footsteps outside the courtyard. The boy could not help but stop his movements and listened carefully. Sure enough, the inaudible footsteps were approaching here.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the broken gate. When the young man saw the man, his face suddenly showed a trace of imperceptible joy. Usually, there will be no clan people coming to the abandoned yard where the young people are, except for the people who appear in front of the young people.

The man who appeared at the gate of the courtyard was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was wearing a black sweater. When he saw the boy, the middle-aged man's face also showed a faint smile.

"Xia Yan, so late, still practicing?" The middle-aged man's voice was gentle.

This young man who has been hitting tree stumps is named Xia Yan. The middle-aged man was one of the nine elders of Xia family, named Xia Changhe, Xia Yan's third grandfather and his father's third uncle. After the death of Xia Yan's father, Xia Yan grew up under the protection of her mother alone. But when she was eight years old, her mother also left Xia Yan to die. Since then, in the world, only the three grandfathers have been the best to Xia Yan.

If it were not for the third grandfather, Xia Yan might have been expelled from the Xia family's house and gone to the streets! Even if she can still stay at Xia's home now, Xia Yan can only live in this abandoned yard, but Xia Yan is not depressed because of this. Because of this, Xia Yan's three grandfathers always care for her.

Seeing the third grandpa, Xia Yan seemed to be in a better mood all the time. She ran to the third grandpa in two or three steps and said firmly, "Third grandpa, I must get through all the channels and become a real martial artist like my father!"

Hearing what Xia Yan said, Xia Changhe couldn't help sighing, but the smile on his face was even worse. Xia Yan is born with poor physique. In martial arts, it can almost be concluded that she will not achieve much. However, Xia Yan never gives in and always insists on hard cultivation.

Only ten years later, Xia Yan has made little progress in other aspects except for being slightly stronger. For example, Xia Yan still hasn't got through one hundred and eight martial arts channels. This phenomenon is almost impossible to appear in large families, but it happened to Xia Yan.

Xia Changhe pondered for a while, and then looked directly at Xia Yan, with a smile on his face, and said, "Xia Yan, the elder has just promised to help me speak at the elders' meeting tomorrow. If the elder has help, it is possible to put your mother's throne in the Xia Family Ancestral Hall."

Hearing this sentence, Xia Yan jumped up excitedly, held Xia Changhe in his arms and said with surprise, "Third grandpa, did grandpa really promise you? Ha ha, can you really enter the ancestral hall as the mother?"

Xia Yan's eyes brightened and her heart was excited, which could not be expressed in words. At this time, Xia Yan wanted to tell the news to all members of the Xia family.

It has been six years since Xia Yan's mother died, but the throne has never been accepted into Xia Family Ancestral Hall. This almost became a thorn in Xia Yan's heart!

Xia Yan was less than one year old when she was born. Her father's body was transported back from the evil forest. Since then, her mother has often been pointed at and cursed viciously. All people, all people think that it is because of the mother's arrival that father will die in the sin forest. The mother, however, never fought back against those who cursed her, but just endured. However, only in front of Xia Yan alone, her mother's cold face will show a smile.

The reason for this is that Xia Yan's mother is not from the Dragon Land, but from the Dark Night Land. More than ten years ago, Xia Yan's father once entered the Sin Forest, and unexpectedly brought her mother back from the Sin Forest. You should know that the people in the Dragon Land and the people in the Dark Night Land are eternal enemies. Xia Yan's father brought back a woman in the Dark Night Land from the evil forest. You can imagine the attitude of the family members. Xia Yan's father did not care about others' opinions. With the opposition of almost everyone, his father resolutely married his mother, and later gave birth to Xia Yan.

After Xia Yan was born, all the rumors gradually disappeared, but only one year after her birth, her father never came back alive after he went to the Evil Forest.

Since then, Xia Yan and her mother have never had a good life, and everyone no longer gives good looks to them. Some even want to kill Xia Yan's mother and son. Fortunately, Xia Changhe, the third grandfather of the family, has always tried to protect Xia Yan's mother and son, which has kept them in the Xia family. However, when mother and son were in the summer home, they were inferior to ordinary servants.

After Xia Yan's mother died, the throne was not allowed to enter Xia Family Ancestral Hall.

"Xia Yan, when you grow up, you must become a man who is as indomitable as your father..."

"Xia Yan, my mother has two wishes in her life. The first one is that you can live well, and the second one is that you can be with your father after death..."

Before Xia Yan's mother died, Xia Yan was beside her, listening to her mother say these words word by word, tears could not be controlled.

Every time she recalls the words her mother said before she died, Xia Yan can't help clenching her fists and feeling flustered. The father's position is in the ancestral hall, but the mother's position is not allowed to be put in. Xia Yan has always wanted to put her mother's side in the ancestral hall with her father.

"Ha ha, Xia Yan, although the elder promised to help at the council, the matter has not been decided yet. It can be decided after the council tomorrow." Xia Changhe sighed again when he saw Xia Yan's cheering appearance. Over the past six years, he has been trying to persuade the patriarch and the council to put Xia Yan's mother's place in Xia Family Ancestral Hall. Until today, the elder Xia Lai promised to help Xia Changhe speak at the presbyterian meeting under his huge interests.

The elder Xia Lai has a high rank in the Xia Family, one generation higher than Xia Changhe. Even the patriarch should seriously consider Xia Lai's opinion. So it would be much easier if Xialai helped to speak at the presbyterian meeting.

Looking at Xia Yan at this time, Xia Changhe cannot help recalling her father. Xia Yan's father, Xia Dongsheng, is the most outstanding disciple of the young generation of the Xia family. When he was only 18 years old, Xia Dongsheng completely got through 108 main martial arts channels, and his martial arts accomplishments reached the level of marrow washing. If it had not been for the accident more than ten years ago, I am afraid that it is possible to become a spiritual master.


Xia Dongsheng was also the most popular candidate for the next patriarch. If Xia Dongsheng did not die, Xia Yan's position would also change dramatically.

Alas, life is full of many unknowable changes!

"Third grandpa, I will work hard and won't let you down!" Xia Yan calmed down quickly after being excited and spoke firmly to Xia Changhe.

Xia Changhe shook his head and said, "Xia Yan, maybe you can get ahead from Wen, and you can also get ahead from Wen? Look at me, my martial arts is actually just the forging stage."

This is not the first time that Xia Changhe persuaded Xia Yan to give up cultivating martial arts, but Xia Yan never accepted his advice. Among the nine elders of the Xia family, three did not follow the path of martial arts. Xia Changhe was one of the three.

Knowing that the third grandfather is for his own good, Xia Yan will not be angry because Xia Changhe said so.

This time, Xia Yan was silent for a long time. In fact, he also knew that the third grandpa's suggestion might be right for him.

"Third grandpa, my mother wants me to practice martial arts and become a strong man like my father!"

As soon as Xia Yan said something, Xia Changhe stopped saying anything. He knew that Xia Yan might never change his will in his life.

He patted Xia Yan on the shoulder. Xia Changhe looked at Xia Yan kindly and said, "Practice well, I believe you will succeed, Xia Yan!"

Xia Yan nodded her head heavily, and her eyes also showed confidence. The black eyes are as bright as the twinkling stars in the night sky. In Xia Yan's heart, there has always been a voice calling for him to never give up. When she thinks of her mother in the dead of night, Xia Yan is full of strength.

The next morning, after eating two sesame seed cakes, Xia Yan sat in a dilapidated room and practiced writing. Although he was dedicated to cultivating martial arts, Xia Yan never left reading and writing behind.

When Xia Yan wrote the eighty seventh word on the rice paper, there was a sound of footsteps in the yard. Xia Yan couldn't help looking up at the door and saw that it was Xiaocui, a servant girl of the head of the family.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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