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Chapter 1 Young man should be cautious

Chen Ergou was lying on the cold bed board, his face was as white as paper, his eyes were empty and dull, and he looked at the reeds on the roof for a long time without a sound.

At the beginning, Chen Ergou is a passer-by.

Of course, the name Ergou is not the real name of the passer-by, but the name of the body he occupies at this time. However, although the name is a bit rustic and sounds bad, it is safe and reliable enough.

This "Chen Ergou" definitely did not feel good about himself as the predecessors did. He felt that fate was in my mind, because he was frightened by the near insanity experience he encountered after crossing.

The reason why the original Chen Ergou was crossed was that it was midsummer, and the weather was scorching hot. The young people could not bear the heat, so they went to swim in the Widow Pool in the east of the village with a group of boys.

But Chen Ergou and Chen Congfang, the three boys of the village head's family, drowned in the water.

When the other boys found something wrong, they hurriedly called the adults in the village to salvage them. They were almost dead.

Just when everyone thought that the two teenagers had died so violently, they both came back to life one after another.

Of course, the so-called "living" is naturally tricky. For example, Chen Ergou was taken over by a modern soul, and Chen Congfang, the son of the village head, was also taken away.

As Chen Ergou's family was poor and chronically malnourished, his body and bones were relatively thin.

Although he regained some vitality after being reborn, he was unable to regain his vitality for a while. He could not speak or walk, so he had to lie on the ground and look around with blank and curious eyes.

However, Chen Congfang of the village head's family has a good living condition. He is as strong as a calf and has a solid foundation. He can stand up and talk when he opens his eyes.

But this guy is arrogant. He said:

"Crouching trough! I didn't die! Ha ha ha! I didn't expect that I could live again!..." Then there was a series of crazy words that were hard to understand by many villagers.

When Chen Congfang or Yu Xiaofeng had talked to himself enough, he shouted to the village head who grabbed his wrist because he was crazy, "Old man! Get your paws off me! Let me ask you, which generation is it now, and whose emperor is in power?"

The guy didn't notice the old brown face of the village head, or should we say that the passer saw it, but he didn't pay attention to it.

The village head in a rage (here is the meaning of his father) severely slapped his own "hysterical" silly boy and shouted angrily, "What nonsense! I'm your father!"

The problem is that the guy who started out with Chen Ergou was a loser. He was slapped suddenly, and unconsciously hit back when he was confused. He severely slapped the village head Chen Youfu.

At the same time, he shouted: "How dare the old banger hit me! My own mother and I haven't touched a finger! How old are you! How dare you say it is my father? Today I will let you know who is whose father!"

You said it was death?!

Unfaithfulness and disobedience are really heinous crimes in any dynasty!

All the onlookers present agreed that the three boys of the village head's family were worshipped by evil people, and Chen Congfang was a famous filial son.

So a group of people went up and held Chen Congfang down, even though he tried to shout and scold.

Before long, Old Lady Cai, the famous goddess in the village, was called to the scene.

Old Lady Cai is a master in charge of exorcism and funerals from all over the country. She does things with great pomp.

She ordered four or five boys who were still boys to press "Chen Congfang" on the ground. First, she dug mud to paste his eyes. Then, she used a broken bowl to scoop up the golden juice and poured it into the mouth of the guy. Then, there were ashes, child urine, black dog blood contributed by the village head's black dog guarding the yard, and rare sunflower blood provided by fifty old women, All exorcists greet Chen Congfang the same way.

That miserable cry!

The other people in the village were very excited about the excitement, but Chen Ergou, who had just sat up, sniffled.

At last, after a lot of trouble, the helpers were tired and half dead. Old Lady Cai finally exhausted her means. She motioned to the helpers to let Chen Congfang go and claimed that she had successfully exorcised evil spirits.

Indeed, even if he regained his freedom, "Chen Congfang" had become extremely honest at this time. He no longer yelled or struggled desperately. He only lay half dead on the ground, smelling foul and looking at the sky with empty eyes, like a rag doll that had been damaged.

Both the helpers and the spectators were very satisfied with the exorcism, except Chen Ergou.

The villagers talked excitedly about the farce with each other, including Chen Ergou's former friends. They argued about what kind of exorcism method could best cure evil spirits just now.

Just talking, these bastards always glance at Chen Ergou, who has been silent.

I don't know when all the people could not help but quiet down. They looked at Chen Ergou crazily, as if they were looking at a rare treasure.

Chen Ergou's heart was very cold, especially when Old Lady Cai came to him and looked at him with almost cold eyes, which was a butcher's look at pigs and sheep.

Chen Ergou is very familiar with this kind of look. It is the same look that he used to look at cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs in his previous life.

He knew that if he could not cope with the process that his companion Chen Congfang had just gone through, he might also be unable to escape.

Chen Ergou is really afraid. He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of being humiliated like this. How can he behave in the future!

Old Lady Cai seems to be satisfied with the fear in Chen Ergou's eyes. She opens her mouth and shows uneven yellow teeth. The key is that the old lady Cai has just told Chen Congfang that she has a lot of dirt on her body, which is very smelly.

Chen Ergou felt sick when he heard this. He tried his best to endure, but he could not resist the physiological reaction and could not help retching.

At this time, Chen Ergou even has the idea of dying. Walter, the God Lady Cai must kill the man!?

But the old woman smiled grimly and said, "Er Gou, you are lucky, Xie Chong hasn't had time to get on with you yet. If you want to be stronger, you will be ten times more miserable than the three children of the village head! Oh, here! Drink a bowl of heart soothing and lung invigorating soup and go back to sleep!"

Then Old Lady Cai asked someone to scoop up a bowl of water. The man who carried the water used the broken bowl that was filled with gold juice for Chen Congfang just now. He didn't know whether to rinse it, so he held it dirty.

Chen Ergou glared at the damned boy, but the other side smiled and just shouted, "Seven Nails! Here comes the water!"

The Goddess Cai took the broken bowl, grabbed a handful of incense ash and sprinkled it on it. She stirred it with her dark, thin finger. Then she seemed to suck the finger carelessly, but Chen Ergou was disgusted.

Goddess Cai handed the broken bowl to Chen Ergou and said quietly, "Open your mouth! Drink it up!"

Chen Ergou really doesn't want to drink this dirty thing. But looking at the cold and fierce eyes of the Goddess and the crazy villagers around him, he knows that he has no right to say no, so he can only close his eyes, take the broken bowl and bite his teeth.

This mouthful of "heart soothing and lung benefiting soup" can not be poured down. Chen Ergou only feels that his internal organs are like a knife, and the river and sea are beginning to stir up.

He involuntarily began to vomit, and the large masses of dirt continued to spray out like rabbits pouted in the nest. They fell on the ground but turned into countless twisted flesh and blood monsters, small cockroaches like tentacles, and large mice like beady eyes. They screamed and tried to flee around.

But it's a pity that Goddess Cai has already prepared the means. She draws a circle around with white ash with smoke. Those twisted things can't cross the circle half a step, and can only struggle in the circle in despair.

Chen Ergou never thought that he could vomit so much. He even thought that what he vomited was his own flesh and blood. He felt that his whole body and bones had lost dozens of pounds, and he was as light as a vine.

Weakness is secondary. The key is that his eyes somehow seem to be covered with fog. He sees a lot of strange things around and hovers around.

Although he could not see them clearly, Chen Ergou somehow knew that these strange things were peeping at Chen Congfang, who had been lying on the ground with a faint heart.

Don't ask Chen Ergou how he knew it. He just knew it, as if someone had put that message into his mind.

But he said that Chen Ergou did not know how long he had vomited, and his throat was burning. Finally, when he finally vomited, he only felt that the whole person had become extremely light and transparent, just like a person who had been in a muddle all his life and suddenly understood.

While looking at the twisted monsters running around the ground with the farmer's eyes looking at the coming harvest, Mrs. Cai said to Chen Ergou, who had stopped vomiting, "Ergou, you have opened the heaven.

Remember! It's not necessarily a good thing to open the Tianmen Gate. You should learn to hide yourself, and don't talk about your name casually. "

Then the old woman pointed to Chen Congfang, who was not far away, and continued: "The young man should be careful about his words and deeds. Don't learn from that fool. He talked too much and put himself on the dead end."

Three Donkeys is Chen Congfang's nickname, but this guy is arrogant. He will beat anyone who dares to call his nickname among his peers.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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