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Chapter 1 Disaster Lord System

A dark, damp dungeon.

Richard slowly opened his eyes in a coma.


When he just woke up, he didn't fully wake up, he felt the severe pain coming from all parts of his body, and involuntarily took a cold breath.

After taking several deep breaths and getting used to the pain, he looked at his body and the surrounding environment.

What is this place?

Why am I here?

What's the matter with this bruised body?


One question after another came to mind.

Just when Richard was puzzled and doubted whether he was hallucinating, or was having a very realistic dream, a mechanical voice without any emotion sounded in his mind.

"The host is successfully bound, and the system of the Scourge Lord is turned on."


Disaster lord system?

The sudden mechanical sound made Richard frown unconsciously.

At the same time, he found that he had a lot of memories in his mind that did not belong to him.

Although he did not know what had happened, Richard immediately scanned the memories in his mind that did not belong to him.

Time flies.

He finally found out his current situation after having a full look at the memories that did not belong to him.

He crossed!

To be precise, it was the soul that pierced a 17-year-old noble son named Richard Saffrot.

Although he has never experienced this kind of thing before, as a modern man who usually reads web articles, he is not unfamiliar with things like going through rebirth.

The only thing he didn't think of was that he would one day experience the journey through the Internet and become a veritable traveler.

After confirming that he was not hallucinating or dreaming, he silently recited in his heart and opened the attribute panel.

The next second, a holographic projection screen like panel appeared in his sight.

Host: Richard Safilot

Blood: 5% of Nightmare Nine headed Dragon, 95% of Human

True body: not awakened

Strength: 5.6

Agility: 3.8

Constitution: 6.1

Spirit: 3.4

Potential points: 5

Task: None


After browsing the contents displayed on the system panel, Richard finally felt relieved.

Although he still can't understand why he would cross into this world for no reason when he stayed up late to read online articles.

However, the appearance of the system gives him a certain sense of security when he just passes through.

Nightmare Nine headed Dragon!

The top ferocious beast born in the nightmare world.

Nine heads, two wings, two tails, and strong and sharp limbs.

Of the nine heads of the Nightmare Nine headed Dragon, only the main head in the middle has consciousness.

The other eight are deputy heads controlled by the main head.

Although Richard now had only 5% of the Nightmare Nine headed Dragon lineage, he still had a body attribute far beyond that of ordinary knights.

According to the systematic interpretation, the value of body attributes is evaluated according to the comprehensive physical quality of ordinary knights in the wizard world.

The average value of four body attributes of a healthy, adult, normal knight who has practiced breathing is 1 point.

His physical attributes are far beyond normal knights.

If Richard had just known that he was a passer-by, he still had a little dissatisfaction.

Now, after reading the content displayed in the property panel, he happily accepted the fact that he had passed through.

The golden fingers of the passers are available, and their physical attributes are not weak!

Although it is not an invincible start, it is a good start compared with other competitors.

Of course, except that he is now locked in the dungeon, and his hands and feet are still wearing shackles.

Looking at his scarred body, Richard decisively used his potential.

"Potential point - 1, constitution+0.8"

"Constitution: 6.9"

After using a little potential point in his constitution, all kinds of scars on Richard began to disappear at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In just two or three seconds, the whip marks, knife marks, burns and other scars on his body disappeared completely, as if they had never appeared.

This reply effect is OK!

When he saw that the scars on his body had completely disappeared and his physical strength had completely recovered, Richard's face showed a satisfied smile.

If it is in the game, the recovery effect is comparable to the powerful recovery potion in the game.

After the scars on his body disappeared, he stood up and moved his limbs.

After confirming that there was no problem with his body, he took a deep breath and forced his hands.


The metal shackles that bound both hands cracked at the sound!

After breaking the shackles of his hands, he did not waste time, but broke the shackles of his feet at the first time.

Then, he picked up the broken chain on the ground, like a boxer winding a bracelet, and wound the broken chain on his hands.

Although he has just crossed the world for a few minutes, he has already had an initial goal.

Free again!

Hit out with your own fists!

After winding the chain, he quickly came to the metal gate of the cell.

Without any hesitation, he decisively waved his right fist and hit the metal gate in front of him.

Although living in modern society, he has no real combat experience, but it doesn't matter. His original body has received combat training.

As a noble son, he began to receive various training in swordsmanship, bowing, riding and so on from an early age.

Although because of his body, the original body could not practice breathing and become a real knight.

But basic fighting skills, the original body still can.

Now, these fighting skills of the original body had become Richard's ability.


The right fist wrapped with iron chain hit the metal gate of the cell like a giant hammer.

His physical quality was far superior to that of the past, which made him play a heavy fist that he had never played before.

The metal gate of the cell shook as if it had been hit by a mad buffalo.

Dang! Dang! Dang

Richard didn't care whether the loud noise would attract others, and he kept throwing his fists and hitting the metal door in front of him one after another.


After a dozen or twenty fists, the metal gate fixed on the stone wall collapsed.

When Richard opened the metal gate of the cell with unreasonable force, the guard of the cell finally came over.

This is?

When Richard came out of the cell with his hands wrapped in chains, the guards who came showed incredible expressions.

How did this guy do it?

As the guards of the prison, they took care of Richard, who was a noble son.

Those scars on Richard were their masterpieces.

They would treat Richard like this.

On the one hand, it is because of the lord's order.

On the other hand, it was because "Richard" was really annoying.

It is clearly the second son of a baron whose father and brother are dead and who cannot practice breathing.

After he became a prisoner, he still couldn't see the situation clearly, and he spoke hard and mocked these cell guards who were civilians.

In this case, even without the lord's order, these prison guards will not make him too comfortable.

PS: Collection of new books and recommendation tickets~~~

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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