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Chapter 1 Fantasy

The sky was grey and leaden.

The rain falls in succession.

On the roof, Cheng Feng holds a small umbrella, glances at the traffic below, and sighs in his heart.

At the same time, a few lines of light blue text slowly appeared in front of him, which made him sigh.

"Current world: [Brother Shi]"

"Task objective 1: survive to seven days"

"Task Objective 2: Kill 100 dead brothers"

"Note: After the task is completed, you can return to reality"


It's too unlucky.

I used to sleep at home, but who would have thought that once I opened and closed my eyes, I would pass through.

It still crosses the world of Brother Shi.

Cheng Feng has seen this cartoon and even the comics, so he is clearly aware of the dangers of the world.

The immortal King of Corpse, a large group of corpses, and the corpse brother after fusion and mutation.

Each can kill tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of human beings.

It's much stronger than those ordinary zombies abroad.

Although people can spread it through biting and saliva, they have no wisdom at all!

Where's Brother Shi?

One is smarter than the other.

Long You, the corpse of someone else, has lived for thousands of years. He never forgot to learn when he broke the seal.

After arriving at the library, it read all the history of Yan and Huang for thousands of years, and at the same time transformed several teachers into brother Shi, teaching their own foreign languages to understand the modern world.

So, in just a few days, it has understood all physics, chemistry, or entertainment.

And what if you understand?

It is war with the world.

After all, it was framed and sealed for thousands of years, and the anger in its heart could not be suppressed.

At the same time, I also want to use this anger to complete the deepest obsession in my heart.

That is to eliminate all human beings and change the food chain.

This is terrible for Cheng Feng.

Because he is also a human being, he will die in a few minutes and seconds.


"It's really unlucky. How can I do it in seven days?"

Sitting on the edge of the roof, Cheng Feng looks uncertain.

The task is too difficult.

He could not think of any way to get through the task safely.

Although hiding in the basement can effectively avoid a little brother Shi, there is a second task.

It's too hard to kill 100 dead brothers.

According to the relevant contents in the memory, this world can also be called a fairyland beyond the name of Brother Shi.

Maybe it was created by gods or aliens to relieve boredom.

Lucky enough

Cheng Feng is selected without reason.

Now, he can only leave here after completing the two tasks of the fairyland release.

In this way, a hundred must be killed.

This is in conflict with the first task. Therefore, there must be a choice between the two.

Is it the front? How about a large number of corpses? Or do you want to kill slowly?

Cheng Feng thinks for a moment and chooses the latter decisively.

It is Mang Fu who acts hard. As a civilized man, he can't do this.

It's better to be an assassin slowly.

"It's time to prepare..."

After regaining consciousness, facing the strong wind, Cheng Feng quickly stands up and touches several hundred yuan notes obtained from the kind people in his pocket.

In modern society, even if the order is about to collapse, money is a necessity.

To deal with Brother Shi, we can't do without these.

After all, he is a mortal. Although brother Shi will not spread the virus through biting, there are still bacteria.

Once bitten, the loss of a piece of meat is light, and the greatest possibility is to suffer from infection and eventually die of shock.

So he needs medicine.

Also, Sanlu brand mineral water and tap water can't be drunk.

The source of Brother Shi's outburst is the coffin of the dead king Longyou.

Two grave robbers drove the car and let it fall into a reservoir. The water was mixed with his blood and was finally polluted.

However, a water plant will extract these polluted water sources and filter them into thousands of households.

Moreover, in order to save money, a mining water brand filled the tap water infected with Brother Shi's virus and sold it to all parts of the country, making the virus that should have broken out in a city spread to the whole country.

It even affects the whole world.


Remembering what he needed slowly, Cheng Feng jumped off the edge with an umbrella, came to the ground, exhaled, and quickly entered the elevator to the street on the first floor.

Walk into a department store, look at the shops on both sides, and immediately buy a steel baseball bat.

This baseball bat is extraordinary. The first time he got the palm, Cheng Feng appeared to introduce it.

[Hard baseball bat]

[Type: weapon]

[Quality: Normal]

[Special effect: none]

[Attack power: 6]

[Durability: 15]

[Note: hard and firm, hard and firm...]

It seems that this is the exclusive prop of the world.

Maybe it's your golden finger?

Cheng Feng waves with his hand, feeling as if he were wielding his fingers.

After walking out of the store, Cheng Feng thought a little in his heart. Through the information given by the system in his memory, he soon learned the above explanation about attack and durability.

As the words indicate, the attack power refers to the maximum damage that this weapon can do to the enemy with his full strength.

You can borrow more than the upper limit, but this will consume a lot of durability.

Similar to those in games, when the durability is exhausted, they will be scrapped in place.

Probably disconnected directly from the.

In addition, even if the upper limit is not exceeded, a little durability will disappear after 15 full hits.

Therefore, this weapon is properly a consumable.

However, as long as you don't exert yourself, it should still last for a long time.

But for Brother Shi, if you kill 100, you may have to change them frequently.

Feeling a little disappointed, Cheng Feng takes it in his hand and continues shopping.

Soon, in a helmet store, he found another identical prop.

[Hard Helmet]

[Type: armor]

[Quality: Normal]

[Special effect: none]

[Defense: 6]

[Durability: 30]

[Note: firm and round, round and moist...]

Like a baseball bat, this helmet has a similar introduction.

Defensive power refers to the maximum strength that can be withstood.

When the maximum strength is exceeded, durability will be consumed in large quantities, that is, the helmet will be dented.

Although the durability of 30 is very high, I'm afraid it won't last long.

However, since there is the prefix of hardness, there should be other props of the same kind in this mall.

Cheng Feng only found two pieces.

He buys it and puts it in the backpack he bought before. Cheng Feng leaves directly.

"This world is a bit interesting. Is it similar to the game world? All special items are introduced on it."

After passing two stores, Cheng Feng glances at them and finds nothing.

It is clear that there are the same sports equipment, but there is no introduction.

In this way, Cheng Feng thinks a little and understands the reason directly.

Not all things can bear the huge force.

The baseball bat in his hand, in a sense, is a weapon capable of killing people.

For the sake of safety and profit, the store may have reduced its hardness and toughness and hollowed it out. At best, it is just a wooden stick covered with iron, or a low-quality one.

Let's not talk about knocking people. It's just knocking a piece of wood. It's uncertain who will break it.

Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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