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Chapter 1 Preface I

"You may need to re understand the world."

Chen Chen returned to the ward, chewing the words that the doctor said during the last treatment, but his heart did not fluctuate.

"Yes? I don't want to know the world at all."

Looking out of the window with a blank face, Chen Chen swallowed the sleeping pills he had secretly saved these days without nostalgia.

Hang the taken off patient clothes on a hanger, and then tidy up the surrounding environment.

Step off your shoes, enter the bed properly, and then place your shoes in order with your head bent sideways.

"Is that decent enough?"

Lie down, carefully move your arms and use your hands to smooth the wrinkles on the quilt. Chen Chen puts his hands on his heart and sighs with satisfaction.

"May I never wake up again."


People in the hospital think Chen Chen has only been awake for three days, but Chen Chen seems to have been awake for a week, but he has been watching movies in his head for the past four days.

The movie is about the life of a man named Chen Chen.

In short, Chen Chen, an outsider, has seen all the brain segments of Chen Chen in the world from the perspective of the third person.

Yes, outsider, Chen Chen, who is awake now, has two memories in his head, but he does not have the confused mentality like Zhuang Zhou and Meng Die. He thinks he has passed through and is 100% sure.

This confidence comes from the body feeling after waking up. Chen Chen clearly feels that he is resisting the world after waking up.

The most powerful proof is that Chen Chen clearly knows and remembers people who are familiar with him in this world, but when communicating with him, he seems to face strangers who read only information.

It may be the problem of not fully accepting the original memory, it may be the sequelae of traversing, or it may be the feeling of traversing But Chen Chen is too lazy to manage.

His instinctive rejection of the world and the big mess he will face make Chen Chen unwilling to stay in this world. Now he just wants to reincarnate as soon as possible.

The reason why Chen Chen persisted for three days after he woke up was this body, which did not know what was going on but seemed to be really following him.

The face, hands and feet, even a mole under the heart are identical, and It is the Chen Chen of the younger days.

He wanted to work hard for this, but The reality overwhelmed him.

"You little boy closed his eyes, kicked his legs and left without paying any attention. Do you want me to help you pay your debts? You think so! I will catch up with you now!"

"But..." Chen Chen suddenly struggled to get up and got his mobile phone. "It seems that I can play a joke with the world..."


"My name is Chen Chen. I was born in China in 1993. I am a smelly boy from a small welfare house in Beijing in 223. My personality is changeable, optimistic and kind-hearted. After independence, I worked in a recording studio near the Film City, and occasionally worked part-time."

"Somehow, I suddenly crossed here and became attached to this young man of my own race who is me but doesn't seem to be me."

"Chen Chen, a native of China born in 1993, moved to South Korea with his parents when he was young, and has been separated from his hometown ever since."

"In 2010, he became a trainee of Waiji Entertainment Company, and the next year, he began to work as a choreographer. In the first half of 2013, he entered the Waiji male trainee debut group, and in the second half of 2013, he performed well and won the debut program, and successfully obtained the qualification to become a winner of the men's team."

"On the eve of his debut in April of 2014, his family suddenly changed, and the pressure of life was completely on his shoulders. At the same time, he forced him to take care of other things and lost his chance to become a celebrity."

"Since then, Chen Chen has had to work in the Waiji Entertainment Company to repay the debts owed to the company and the leftover debts from the family during his apprenticeship."

"After working for several days, he was physically and mentally exhausted. He was admitted to the hospital in a coma on New Year's Day, 2015. Chen Chen, who came from two or three years ago, now occupied the nest."

"There is no other meaning in writing these, but to... tell... the world..."


Chen Chen fell asleep when he wanted to tell the world that it really existed.



Gray and desolate, Chen Chen finds himself trapped in such a space, not far from the ward where he lies.

Reach out, arm can move; Step, the body can walk normally; Pinch yourself, not half conscious

Chen Chen is not afraid of this. He just feels like a ghost pressing on the bed. He is just worried about something else.

This state of self will probably be relieved when waking up or completely unable to wake up.

It is easy to draw such a conclusion from simple logic.

But how long will it take to leave here? Or How long will it take for consciousness to dissipate completely?

If one second of the outside world is equal to 10000 years here

Chen Chen began to think about things in a random way, and suddenly he was afraid.

"I should work harder at school..."

"After graduation, you can't go to the entertainment industry with your temper. It's really a tiger's den, a place that eats people and doesn't spit out bones..."

"This will not degenerate to what it was later..."


Chen Chen unknowingly began to repent.

In such an environment, people can't help but start to reflect. In a sense, the operation of confinement is quite reasonable.

"Is it my intention to open the phenomenon of crossing to the world that has angered the world's will?"

"Or is the world dissatisfied with the act of giving up my life when I just came back to life?"

"It's not as if the original owner didn't work hard enough when he lived here. I think he has worked hard already. Can he stand firm in the crooked chicken that is not always friendly to Chinese people?!"


Chen Chen has reflected from his own affairs to those of the original owner, but the situation remains unchanged.

He can move and walk, and even float if he wants, but no matter what Chen Chen does, this space has no response.

"Let me go back. I promise to live a good life..."

After a while, Chen Chen has begun to say such words.

But it is still useless. If everything in the world is as you want, it will not be such an interesting and independent world.



However, Chen Chen finally woke up.

Although consciousness does not know how long it has been wandering, it has only passed a little time in reality.

This is the hospital after all. It was found and rescued very quickly.

"I just took the wrong medicine. Because I didn't need any medicine to help me sleep, I put the pills alone. I accidentally took the wrong medicine and took it today."

Chen Chen's expression is very dragging, but he has no confidence in his words.

The doctor raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's the matter with the things on your mobile phone?"

"Did you see my mobile phone?!" Chen Chen trembled and almost hit the table in panic.

"In front of life, privacy is not so important."

The doctor answered one sentence and ignored him, concentrating on adding the last sentence to the written medical record book.

"The memory is inexplicably confused, and it is suspected of mild schizophrenia. It is recommended to observe."


Copyright: Start Chinese Website

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